Police Detective

Chapter 248 Unexpected interrogation

It is indeed not difficult to find these women. Some small cases, such as ticket censorship and petty theft cases, because there is really not that much energy to solve the case, some cases have become unsolved, but they have been involved in murder cases.

Fei Ming, Fei Peng, and Pickle Li did not run away. The police found the three of them from three different places.

In Bai Song's mind, these three people and Dong Xiaoyun had been ruled out as suspects of the crime. Pickle Li also had no time to commit the crime because he arrived at the market early the next morning at around five o'clock to sell pickles. It was even more impossible for Dong Xiaoyun. After all, if he hadn't gone to the police to report his disappearance again and again, no one would have even known about the disappearance of someone like Chen, who was idle in society for half a year.

After Fei Ming and Fei Peng came out of the detention center, they had conflicts and no longer lived together. This time they were called over by the police. No one knew what happened.

Bai Song's work couldn't be carried out today, mainly because he really didn't know Chen's personal circle and needed to find it through the technical department. Bai Song could only wait for news. Therefore, although Bai Song did not participate in the three people's inquiries, they had been Waiting in the criminal police team for the results.

The result was completely different from what was expected.

The situation Fei Peng said was exactly the same as what he said before. Chen got the address of a tomb and needed some manpower, so he asked Fei Peng and several others to conspire. However, the "potential benefits" were unevenly distributed. , causing a lot of awkwardness. And there was a quarrel at Chen's home.

But what Fei Peng was talking about did not involve Fei Ming. There were two other people, a man and a woman. The man was a friend of Chen. The woman didn't look like she was in a serious profession. Fei Peng didn't know either of them. Fei Peng said that it was not that there was no agreement, but that before the agreed time came, Scarface ate alone and left by himself.

Fei Peng also confessed at this time that it was precisely because he wanted to get involved in this matter that he paid a "movement fee" of 1,000 yuan. As a result, he had no money to spend this month, and only then did he steal the pig on the third day. matter.

Some people earn three to four thousand a month, but they will still break the law and do some petty theft for a thousand yuan, but this sounds commonplace to everyone.

However, if Fei Peng did not lie, then even though Fei Peng and Fei Ming both knew about this, the conspiracy was not the result of one day. Did Chen call the two people together alone?

So, the quarrel heard by Chen's neighbor next door was not the night before the pig theft case, but the two days before?

So, what about Fe Ming?

Fei Ming may have felt something. After several interrogations, he confessed this time. He admitted that the night before the pig theft case, he went to Chen's home with three people, all women.

Are they all women? ? ?

There was surveillance equipment in the room where the inquiry was being asked. Bai Song and others could see the process in the conference room. Bai Song quickly took out his memory card, inserted it into the computer and watched it with the people in the room.

Five people entered Chen’s home. This can be seen through the video. As for the gender

Bai Song had always assumed that these people were men before, and was still wondering why these people didn't look around before entering the house. Now that Fei Ming said this, it was really the case. From the posture and pace of these three people, Said, most likely female!

However, these three women are not the kind of slender beauties, otherwise you can tell that they are women at a glance. Bai Song estimated that these three people were marginal personnel with low status and average appearance. To put it simply, they were not worth the money.

Fei Ming admitted that that night, Chen made an appointment with three women to go to his place to play, and called Fei Ming alone. Of course, Fei Ming was extremely happy.

This was really unexpected by everyone, so Fei Ming had to record the specific appearance, physical characteristics, etc. of these three women.

When asked about the "cemetery", Fei Ming also knew something about it. Not only did Fei Ming know about it, he also participated in it.

Fei Ming is smarter than Fei Peng. He knows a little bit about the dangers this time. After all, as long as he touches these things, he will either be in great danger, or he may be arrested by the police and sentenced to many years. He doesn't want to get involved, but He didn't want to give up this opportunity to make a fortune, so after getting specific and reliable clues, he decided to invest in the company.

Although Fei Ming also spent money randomly, he was smarter than Fei Peng and knew how to save some money. Therefore, he sponsored Chen with 5,000 yuan, and Chen promised him that if he came back successfully, he would share a portion of his gains. become.

Therefore, this evening's meeting and the arrangements after the meeting are part of the cooperation.

Fei Ming is actually quite conceited and can judge people fairly accurately. Chen is a bad person, but Fei Ming is not a vegetarian. He is not worried about what will happen to the money. Of course, even if it is gone, even if Chen just does it for this More than a month's salary was gone, but he didn't panic. As long as Chen really comes back, in order to seal Fei Ming's mouth, he will have to give him enough benefits. The exact amount of money will be up to Fei Ming.

Dong Xiaoyun’s salary is always two months’ salary! Fei Ming has the best relationship with Dong Xiaoyun. If Chen runs away, he has plenty of ways to get the money back!

Each has his or her own agenda. Chen, Fei Ming, and Fei Peng cooperate in completely different ways, and the Fei brothers do not tell each other about this matter.

If Chen really went to steal cultural relics, then Fei Ming’s act of funding would constitute an accomplice, and he could also be sentenced. However, the problem is that Chen did not commit such an illegal act, so

Fei Ming is not guilty.

It goes without saying what the principal culprit in a case is. To put it simply, let’s give an example. If someone buys a murderer and kills someone, both the culprit and the murderer are the principal culprits.

Accessories are a bit more troublesome, so I won’t go into details. In short, if Chen went to rob a tomb, Fei Ming would be an accomplice, which is a type of accessory.

So Fei Ming is nothing.

It’s not that he was cheated, because Chen didn’t lie to him. Chen himself was the one who was cheated.

At the same time, another group's interrogation of Pickle Li also came to an end, and the ending surprised Bai Song even more.

Pickle Li, an honest and honest person, actually didn’t say anything.

"I don't know" the whole time.

And according to the interrogating master, Pickle Li really didn't look like he was pretending, and seemed to really not know all this. As Mr. Wang, a criminal police officer with 30 years of work experience, he said during the interrogation that Pickle Li was not pretending, and Bai Song agreed.

Pickle Lee’s confession about Scarface wasn’t too bad. Pickle Li claims that selling pickles is not profitable, and Scarface is okay with him.

After the interrogation of these three people, the Ma detachment got the transcripts and frowned a little after reading them. According to the existing evidence, none of these three people can be detained, and they have nothing to do with this case.

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