Police Detective

Chapter 252 Wandering around

"It's pretty good, but I'm just a little tired. When I first came here, my biological clock was still normal. I usually stayed up late at night and could get up at around 7 o'clock the next day. But now I can't. I often sleep until noon. I'm so sleepy. .”

"Well, the police station is like this. It has a lot of basic work and is tiring, but it can indeed train people." Detachment Ma said: "At the end of the month, the third team plans to recruit a few people from the police station. If you come, you can sign up."

This olive branch is real.

Team Three is a heroic team. Master Yu Dechen is a member of the third team, which is the property embezzlement case team.

Sitting in the position of the horse detachment, what exactly do you have to take care of? Bai Song has been studying criminal law recently. Anyway, most of the crimes in this book have to be dealt with, involving all aspects of society.

The first team mainly does non-operational work, which can also be said to be the structure of the detachment itself. The second team is responsible for serious cases, which are generally what we often call the eight major categories of cases in which 14-16 year olds need to bear criminal responsibility.

The eight cases of intentional homicide, intentional injury resulting in serious injury or death, robbery, robbery, selling drugs, arson, explosion, and placing dangerous substances are under the control of the sixth team, and the others are under the control of the second team.

The third team is mainly responsible for property infringement cases, which can be summed up in three words: robbery, robbery and fraud.

The fourth team is responsible for on-site investigation, the fifth team is responsible for food, drug and environmental cases, the sixth team is responsible for the prohibition, the seventh team, the eighth team, the ninth team and the tenth team.

In recent years, telecommunications fraud has become more and more frequent. The comrades in the third team are generally older, and their ability to understand emerging things is still a bit weak. For example, to tell many adults, some of the equipment in the game is valuable, and even It can be very valuable, they just don’t understand it.

If someone calls the police and their account has been stolen, for example, Fantasy Westward Journey, a good set of non-level equipment was stolen, let's say at least, it is worth 500,000 yuan. If the police officer who receives the call is an experienced police officer, he may feel that the caller is exaggerating and may not take the case that seriously.

Therefore, it is natural for the third team to recruit people this time.

Bai Song understood something when he left the horse detachment. For example, why did you call Wang Huadong this time? I definitely didn't know in advance that Wang Huadong had the ability to sketch. It is estimated that the horse detachment was also recruiting troops for the third team in advance.

When he thought about working with his buddies like Hua Dong and Wang Liang every day, Bai Song felt a little excited.

After being at the police station for a year, it’s time to make some moves.

Many people want to say, why not go to the second team? Serious Crime Team, the name sounds so domineering.

In fact, the third team is much busier than the second team, and the police station is much busier than the criminal police team. This is the real situation. The second team has fewer cases, and for really big cases, there must be a special team, so the second team can't be busy with many cases a year. But the three teams are different. Most of the theft, robbery and fraud cases are handled by the police station. If the criminal police team takes the initiative to take the cases, it can be said that there will be as many cases as there are cases. It is the third team that can really achieve results.

Bai Song was not the kind of person who would tell others everything he encountered. Wang Huadong and Wang Liang didn't need to worry about him. After leaving the office, he still focused on this case.

It would be easier if Captain Zhou and Wang Liang could find the car. Because the suspect almost certainly drove this car and hid it. But the car is nothing else and cannot be hidden.

Nothing happened, Bai Song drove the car and went to Dabei Food Market again.

The curtains of Pickle Li's shop were closed, and no one was open for the time being. This was understandable. It was already past one in the afternoon, and no one was buying pickles. It didn't matter if they were not here for the time being. Bai Song hadn't eaten yet, so he ran to the knife-cut noodle shop opposite. , chatted with the boss, had a bowl of noodles, and then walked into the market.

As soon as Bai Song entered the market, he happened to meet Lao Liu, a preserved fruit seller, coming out. When Liu saw Bai Song, he quickly said hello. Seeing that he was in good spirits, Bai Song was a little curious and asked a few questions. When Lao Liu saw Bai Song offering him cigarettes, he tried to offer Yuxi, but Bai Song refused because he didn't smoke.

Preserved Fruit Liu's business has been good recently. Since Chen left that stall, his melon seeds and dried fruit business has become even better. He can sell more than ten kilograms of pistachios a day and hundreds of kilograms of melon seeds. His income is much higher than before. Double.

There were no changes in the market. Bai Song and Lao Liu had some exchanges, and Preserved Fruit Liu left first as he still had something to do.

Bai Song originally wanted to buy some pistachios to eat back home, but he was afraid that Liu's wife would see that he refused to accept the payment, so he didn't buy them to avoid suspicion.

After going around for a while, he found nothing, so Bai Song planned to go to Li Fen's place.

Li Fen is also a cleaner at the market, but not this market, but a nearby market called Donglin Road Wet Market. Li Fen, the cleaner, is not like Dong Xiaoyun, but a real cleaning staff, earning more than a thousand a month. As for why she didn't get a low-rent house, she doesn't need to answer this question because it's actually quite difficult to apply for it.

Compared with the Dabei Food Market, the Donglin Road Vegetable Market looks much poorer. The location is not very good either. There are few residential areas around and there are some bungalows. In addition, there is a university.

The market near the university is the least popular, and college students rarely go to the wet market. Elementary and middle schools are okay, parents pick up and drop off their children and occasionally go to the market, but college is really not that good.

Therefore, although this market is on the roadside, the number of people is average.

Maybe the layout of the markets is similar. After entering this market, there are meat sellers on the left hand side and pickles sellers on the right hand side. This makes Bai Song interesting.

It was around two o'clock in the afternoon. There were originally few people in the market, but now there are even fewer people. You can vaguely see a few small tricycles delivering food to merchants. Someone also delivered something to the pickles at the door, and it looked like there was quite a lot. There were more than a dozen boxes of soy sauce and several boxes of pickles on the flatbed truck.

So much soy sauce?

Bai Song usually cooks, but a bottle of soy sauce can last for a year. How can he buy so much soy sauce at one time? Bai Song was a little curious, but after a few glances, he entered the market.

Without Li Fen, the floor of the market was just an ordinary cement floor, dark, but barely clean, but it gave people a rather ordinary feeling.

Although the sparrow is small, it has all the internal organs and sells everything. It is inconvenient to buy dried fruits in the Dabei market, but there is no taboo here. Bai Song went to the stall selling dried fruits and wanted to buy some pistachios. When he picked them, he found that he was happy. The quality of the fruit was not very good, so I picked half a catty of melon seeds.

The man who sells dried fruits is tall and has long arms. He skillfully used a long-handled iron spoon to scoop out some melon seeds from the stall, weighing them exactly half a catty.

"4 yuan." The boss glanced at it and said, packed the melon seeds and handed them to Bai Song with a big spoon.

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