Police Detective

Chapter 255 Done

At the Dabei Vegetable Market, you can make a fortune from preserved fruits. Before, Wang Yong was not sure how much money he could make!

Destroying a person's financial path is like seeking wealth and killing one's life! There must be a motive for the murder!

But what really made Bai Song think of this was the triangular iron. Such a small triangle is not used to open oysters at all, but to open macadamia nuts! Macadamia nuts, if you haven’t eaten them before, check them out somewhere.

Bai Song figured it all out, and the case came together.

After Wang Yong was driven away, he was very unhappy, but there was nothing he could do. People in the same industry are enemies. Wang Yong definitely has no friendship with people like the preserved fruit Liu around him, but he has nothing to do with Pickle Li. Dried fruits and pickles are very different, so the relationship between the two parties was good before.

The more I thought about it, the more angry I became. Taking a step back was already an abyss. Lao Wang, who had gone to the Sanlin Road market and had no business, was very frustrated.

When asked occasionally, I have to say that I am doing well, which is the most frustrating thing. No one wants to make others feel that they are not doing well, let alone say how unhappy they are when asked, so Wang Yong always pretends to be fat, saying that there was no dry fruit seller in the Sanlin Road market before, but now he goes I had a good time.

In fact, if Sanlin Road Market is suitable for selling dried fruits, why didn’t anyone go there before?

Dried fruits are foods with relatively high added value. Poor people usually just buy melon seeds.

It's okay for Wang Yong to feel aggrieved, but his son is dying.

Wang Yong was able to make money before, earning 10,000 to 20,000 yuan a month. His son also spent money lavishly and was not very good at studying. However, he was educated as an adult and received a bachelor's degree. In the eyes of many people in the market, he was regarded as a literate person.

However, in fact, Wang Mingbo has spent a lot of money in recent years, and his father's income has plummeted, and he is the one crying. After repeated inquiries, the problem lies with Chen.

Wang Mingbo did not reveal his identity as Wang Yong's son, treated him to a drink, and made some insinuations. After a few times, he found that Chen was indeed a big bastard. No matter how nice he was to him, he had the nerve to continue, but he wanted to get out of his mouth. It's really hard to pick something out.

Wang Mingbo actually thought of many ways, but Chen was unable to make progress.

If you don't do one thing or two things, you can kill him!

So, Wang Mingbo found Wang Yong and Pickle Li, and together they designed a trap to kill Chen.

The idea came from Pickle Li. Pickle Li also hates Chen very much!

Pickle Li is from Dashan City. Although he is not from Xiaoyuan County, he heard about the cliffs in this place and came up with the idea to lie that there was a treasure here.

This shows Wang Mingbo's "knowledge". He really found a book about strange stories and made up such a story full of loopholes. If Chen was smarter, he wouldn't believe it, and if he were dumber, he wouldn't believe it either.

How should I put it? Chen is considered a smart person, but his intelligence is limited by his knowledge. Social deceptions are basically ineffective against him, but with a little knowledge he will believe them. There is always an upper limit to people's knowledge, but the upper limit is different in different aspects.

If you are a construction site purchaser and someone lies to you and tells you how low the price of cement of a certain brand is now, you will know as soon as you hear it whether it is true or not. However, someone has come up with a lot of "evidence" to tell you that the Apollo moon landing was actually fake! You might believe it. People who think that the Apollo moon landings were lies may not even know how many times Apollo landed on the moon.

On that cliff in Xiaoyuan County, if Chen knew a little about history and Feng Shui, he would definitely not be deceived.


Chen was indeed from a reckless background and dared to gamble. Before setting off, he actually left a clue to the police and ended up using a faded pen. Bai Song had been puzzled by this question, but now he understands it after thinking about it.

It's not that Chen didn't know there was danger in going there, nor did he really trust Wang Mingbo, but he still wanted to gamble this time. If he wins the bet, he will naturally have no worries for the rest of his life. If he loses the bet, assuming he really cannot come back, the police can see what is in his notebook.

This sounds really unbelievable, but it is indeed in line with Chen's bold, gambling and suspicious character.

"The specific guess and process should be like this." Bai Song told his guess and the whole process of the case: "According to my understanding of Chen, Wang Mingbo must have hoped that Chen would go under the cliff this time. Someone went down first, but Chen was too suspicious to go down first, otherwise it would be over if the rope was cut.

But what Chen doesn't know is that if others really want to harm him, they can kill him no matter what. After Wang Mingbo went down, he had enough time to prepare for the sap.

As for the evidence, in addition to what I just mentioned, I also photographed the suspect’s footprints on the wall at that time. In addition, the evidence currently available is:”

There was no need to say anything about the rest. Bai Song went up by himself and interrogated Wang Mingbo with him as the main interrogator. The other two groups also quickly started working.

Bai Song had too much side evidence. Wang Mingbo prided himself on being smart, but he had never seen such a battle before. Facing the calm Bai Song, he couldn't help but break into a cold sweat.

how come? How could it be exposed? Wang Mingbo has been asking himself, why?

Who called the police? Who found the body? Wang Mingbo didn't know it. From the moment he was brought here, he was shaking all over.

"You're not good with your body type," Bai Song said mockingly, "Look at your hands, they're just for climbing on a rope, they're all worn out."

After saying this, Wang Mingbo became trembling.

"You have two ways in front of you now. One, don't say a word. As for me, just write a few sentences and go to bed. No one can protect you in this matter anyway. Just wait and shoot." After Bai Song finished speaking, he He started packing his things and seemed ready to leave.

"Ah, brother police, the first, second way."

"The second option is not to let you go. Confess well. This Chen is bullying your family. If you confess, you will be lenient and strive for leniency. Maybe you won't have to die."

Bai Song told the truth. Although it was Wang Mingbo who killed him, this case was not as cruel as Wang Ruoyi's. If he confessed, it was really hard to say what the specific sentence would be. After all, this case was not carried out by one person. Wang Yong and Pickle Li are also co-defendants. As long as they can confess and expose the co-defendants, plus the ins and outs of this matter, it is not impossible to get a suspended death sentence.

Although Wang Mingbo was still confident that the police could not find his crime tools, ropes or even some of his records, at this moment, he had collapsed.

To find him, the rest is just a matter of time.

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