Police Detective

Chapter 278 Is this how the case is solved?

It doesn't mean that the gold can only be in this house, of course it may be placed elsewhere. Therefore, the search scope was expanded many times overnight, and some places where Wang Feng might have hidden gold were searched.

Not only Wang Feng's home, but also all his travel routes, possible hiding places, some traces of the suburbs, riverside, and other places, all began to be searched extensively.

“Where exactly is the gold placed?”

At six o'clock in the morning, in the interrogation room of Team 3, Team Li and others interrogated Wang Feng.

"I didn't steal gold, I only stole some diamond rings." Wang Feng denied this.

"It's useless. The surveillance video is very clear. There was a gold bracelet in the cabinet, but it was gone after you stole it. What's the use of your excuses?" Captain Li directly pinched Wang Feng's Achilles' heel.

"I didn't steal gold, I only stole some diamond rings, and you have already found them." Wang Feng still said the same thing.

"Do you know that if you take the initiative to return the stolen goods, your sentence for the theft case will be much worse than if you don't return the stolen goods?" Instructor Wang said earnestly: "For three to four hundred thousand yuan, you will be sentenced to many more years for this, which is worth it. Do you think so? In these years, you can’t make any money in any industry you work in? Why bother?"

snort. Wang Feng ignored this.

Logically speaking, this Wang Feng should not be like this.

Sometimes it is difficult to tell whether a person is lying, but if Wang Feng is lying, all fools know it.

However, this person is so smart, why not recruit him?

Are you so confident that the police can't find you? Taking the initiative to confess and being found by the police are two different things. Unless he really throws it into the river and doesn't want it anymore, he can probably find it no matter how he hides it.

After interrogating a few more words, Captain Li handed over the interrogation room to a few veteran detectives and walked out of the interrogation room, followed by Bai Song. In the corridor, Captain Li thought for a few seconds and asked Wang Jiao with some confusion: "Where does this person get his confidence?"

"You still don't believe me when I say this person is a bit of a middle-aged man." Bai Song muttered quietly.

"Bai Song, what did you say?" Captain Li asked when he saw Bai Song's mouth moving.

"Ah? It's okay." Bai Song quickly closed his mouth.

Bai Song heard Wang Liang say the term chuunibyou, which comes from a certain two-dimensional country. Originally refers to the unique self-righteous thoughts, actions and values ​​of students in the second grade of junior high school.

Now, the main point is that many adults have no mature values, are overly conscious, arrogant, feel not understood, and feel unfortunate.

Wang Feng is a typical late-stage chuunibyou. He thinks very highly of himself and is very conceited. He is a typical person who will not shed tears until he sees the coffin.

Hao Zhenyu and others have returned from the hospital. Thanks to the early protection measures, the four of them had no major problems and are now quickly participating in the follow-up work.

But the reality was hard to accept. Until eight o'clock in the morning, the gold was still not found. Such a strong lineup, this is the ending

Wang Feng's home, as the place where the stolen goods were found, has been temporarily sealed. There is nothing left to investigate, not even a trace of gold.

In fact, everyone even thought in reverse and conducted a detailed investigation of the gold shop and the apartment upstairs, but still found nothing.

The gold store's losses are quite large. The hole in the roof can only be fixed through negotiation between the gold store and the landlord upstairs. If you want Wang Feng to pay, you can only wait until the criminal case is tried and attached to the civil lawsuit.

Of course, even if there is a civil lawsuit attached, it is still unclear whether the money can be recovered.

Before that, the two families should negotiate on their own, and they still need to make a specific evaluation. I have to say that Wang Feng is playing really wild, and he wouldn't even dare to write like this in a novel.

The report given by Master Hao and others was somewhat difficult for Team Li to accept.

To put it bluntly, how many years Wang Feng can be sentenced has nothing to do with Captain Li.

But it’s really hard to find gold. After all, the responsibility of the public security organs is to protect citizens’ personal safety and property safety from others.

Director Ma was also a little silent. At this point, it actually had nothing to do with Captain Li.

The person was arrested quickly enough. If the suspect is caught, and there is enough evidence to show that this person is the person who committed the crime, then the case can be considered solved.

From the time the crime was committed to the time it was solved, it took less than eight hours, which should have been a very commendable thing.

In the morning, the branch's police information report to various media outlets stated the general history of the case and pointed out that the suspect had been captured within eight hours.

Is this the case solved?

Bai Song was busy all night and was not sleepy. He kept thinking about the case in his mind.

It stands to reason that Bai Song deserves a lot of credit, but this is not the time to have a meeting to share credit, and few people are in a good mood. Wang Feng is indeed a little kid, but he really messes up everyone.

Drowsily, Bai Song fell asleep.

When I got up, it was already afternoon. It's really uncomfortable to work on a case all night long, and it's even more uncomfortable when a whole night of hard work finally yields half the results.

After getting up, Bai Song discovered that the four-person team was actually here.

Sun Jie and Wang Huadong were given three full days off. The reason is that the body is still exposed to trace amounts of hydrofluoric acid, causing a slight endocrine disorder and needs to rest and adjust.

"It's already past four in the afternoon, you just woke up?" Wang Liang complained: "I looked at the surveillance camera this morning and saw it was nine-thirty, and I didn't get up as late as you."

"Alas" Bai Song had no intention of joking with Wang Liang: "I haven't slept all morning. I have been thinking about this case, and I don't know where I thought of it, so I fell asleep."

"This case is not difficult." Wang Huadong was a little curious, "It's just a case from beginning to end. There is only so much evidence. Is there so much to think about? From what I know about you , you can pick out two books in one morning."

"Yeah, it's just because it's very simple, that's why I can't figure out where Wang Feng could put the gold." Bai Song said: "I have gone through all the involved aspects of this case from beginning to end several times. , and no loopholes were found.”

Having said this, Bai Song sighed: "There is a kind of sadness in being crushed by the IQ of laymen."

"Okay, it's not your fault." Sun Jie patted Bai Song on the shoulder: "The case is the most important clue you provided. After the meeting this morning, our team leader praised you. Just be satisfied. You can't find anything. Yeah, actually we are the most depressed.”

"Yes, the captain of our fourth team is now under greater pressure than your team Li. Although Director Ma did not say anything about the deadline, it is obvious that this matter cannot end like this." Wang Huadong sighed: "This way The case is solved, but how can this be done?”

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