Police Detective

Chapter 284 Physical Examination 2

"I'm sorry, Officer Bai. Director Zhou of our gastroenterology department is actually very skilled in medicine, but he is a bit straight-forward." Wang Lei was a little embarrassed, but there was nothing he could do about it. The hospital is a technical department, and the big guys have a bad temper. The director All have to be provided.

"What's the point of being embarrassed? I don't know how to thank you if you can help me." Bai Song is not ignorant: "I just want to ask, Director Zhou, about the gastroscopy he mentioned, do you think it is necessary to do it?" Is it? This thing is too troublesome, can’t we do a CT scan or something?”

"Well, let's put it this way, I am not a gastroenterologist, and I suggest you listen to him. But one thing I know is that if it is some bad diseases, such as gastric cancer, early gastric cancer only shows changes in the gastric mucosa under gastroscopy. It is almost difficult to distinguish on CT or color Doppler ultrasound. Only when the tumor develops to the middle and late stages and forms a larger mass or lymph node metastasis can the mass be seen on CT." Wang Lei finished: "You may not know that in our hospital, gastroscopy is Condition."

After Wang Lei talked about it for a while, Bai Song realized that he had made a mistake.

The director of a hospital of this level would never let patients undergo useless examinations. Moreover, if the gastroscopy here is an ordinary gastroscopy, that is, the kind that only anesthetizes the throat, it can be done directly. For painless gastroscopy, you need to make an appointment at least half a month.

That is to say, it is a doctor of Director Zhou's level, otherwise it would be impossible for Wang Lei to arrange for a number.

And Wang Lei also made it clear that Director Zhou's willingness to help had nothing to do with him. The only possibility is that Director Zhou felt that there was a problem, there was really a problem, and he made such an arrangement out of a sense of responsibility.

When Bai Song heard this, he understood. He had some concerns in his mind, and he understood it in detail. He thanked Wang Lei and went to find Zhao Xinqiao and the others with the test sheet.

Along the way, Bai Song didn't know what to say.

Many people are still resistant to gastroscopy. Who would do this if they have nothing to do?

Judging from the physical examination data, Qin Tao is quite healthy. His blood sugar is just a little low, but it is within the normal value. It can be said that he is very healthy for this age group.

Bai Song gritted his teeth and believed in the doctor.

A good chief physician in a tertiary hospital requires at least twenty years of study and training. A single sentence is more useful than half a year of analysis. When I saw Zhao Xinqiao and his mother, I told the truth.

Zhao Xinqiao looked at the test report and was a little confused.

It wasn't that she didn't believe Bai Song, she looked up at her mother.

Qin Tao looked at the two children, and she could see what Bai Song and her daughter were thinking.

Originally, she definitely didn't want to do this gastroscopy.

People are very strange. If you trust a doctor very much, you can do whatever he asks you to do. But if a doctor you have never heard of tells you that you should do an X-ray or something, you will be resistant.

But Qin Tao could see that both children were doing it for their own good. If they didn't agree, their daughter would be worried and Bai Song would be a little sad.

In fact, Bai Song's emotions were very complicated. He couldn't say anything, and he couldn't persuade him. He could only bite his lower lip.

"I had a painless gastroscopy ten years ago and nothing happened." When Qin Tao said this, Bai Song felt a chill in his heart and felt a little uncomfortable.

Who would have thought that Qin Tao's words would change: "So I can't resist this. My stomach is really uncomfortable. Is it easy to make an appointment for a painless gastroscopy here? If it's convenient, it doesn't hurt to have one."

"Convenient and convenient." Bai Song was particularly happy when he was in a bad mood. He immediately turned around and ran to the gastroenterology department.

"What are you enjoying?" Qin Tao sat on the chair, looking at his daughter's expression a little teasing, and couldn't help but smile.

"Ah?" Zhao Xinqiao's smile became more obvious, "Mom, don't you think Bai Song is fun?"

"Yes, the young man is good, I can see that." Qin Tao was very open-minded, "Aren't you curious why I agreed?"

"I'm not curious." Zhao Xinqiao said matter-of-factly: "I quite support this matter, especially the further you get to this point, the more confident you will be with the examination. I don't trust the doctors in this hospital, but Bai Song is quite reliable."

"Okay then." Qin Tao looked at his daughter dotingly.

The next thing went smoothly. Bai Song successfully made an appointment for a gastroscopy at 12:40, which required anesthesia in advance.

Director Zhou still paid some attention to this gastroscopy. I wonder if it was a doctor's intuition. He didn't have to go to work in the afternoon, but he still looked at the gastroscopy together in the gastroscopy room.

He is actually not very good at using this device, but this does not prevent him from understanding the images on the LED screen.

The division of labor in the hospital is much more detailed than that of the Public Security Bureau. Director Zhou rarely enters the room here, but he discovered a problem not long after the mirror was inserted.

"Director, do you want to do a pathological biopsy?"

"Do it." Director Zhou nodded directly.

Gastric samples can be collected directly from the end of the gastroscope. This generally requires the approval of family members. Before anesthesia, he had asked Qin Tao in advance and received approval.

After a little bit of the biopsy tissue was taken out, Director Zhou was no longer in a hurry to leave, but Zhao Xinqiao and Bai Song, who knew about this, were a little nervous.

A biopsy was actually taken. What's the problem?

Bai Song has asked several people. This kind of question is most likely to be a mucosal lesion or lymphoid tissue hyperplasia somewhere in the stomach, but there are other possibilities.

If you have something to do, you still have to go to the hospital or see a doctor. Don't just ask questions online.

Bai Song's nervousness also affected Zhao Xinqiao, who was also a little at a loss. After all, the people inside

After an unknown amount of time, Qin Tao was pushed out. The anesthetic drugs had gradually disappeared and he was almost awake. Director Zhou's words made Bai Song a little frightened.

"The family members come here."

"Are you the patient's son?" Director Zhou asked when he saw Bai Song coming alone.

Zhao Xinqiao accompanied his mother and sent Bai Song over.

"Just think of me as her son." Bai Song asked, "Doctor, what's going on?"

"That won't work. Call her daughter over." Director Zhou shook his head.

"Doesn't this mean you have announced the answer?" Bai Song gritted his teeth and clenched his hands.

Director Zhou gently shook his head again.

When Zhao Xinqiao and Bai Song came to this room together, Zhao Xinqiao was a little unsteady, and Bai Song couldn't help but hold her arm.

"Moderate to severe atypical hyperplasia, suspected gastric cancer." The moment Zhao Xinqiao saw the test report, his eyes went dark, and he was about to faint, but Bai Song held him up and kept him from falling.

"Doctor, what does this suspicion mean?" Bai Song asked bravely.

"Literally. We still need to wait for the pathology report." Director Zhou said: "The good news is that even if the diagnosis is confirmed, it is still in the early stage."

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