Police Detective

Chapter 289 Butterfly 1

Many cases were not confidential, and it was really comfortable to chat face to face. Bai Song talked about some small cases, and Zhao Xinqiao listened with interest. Although the many little things Bai Song experienced were not so thrilling, let alone snowy, people who "lived high in the temple" really couldn't see them.

This is not Bai Song talking about Zhao Xinqiao, some small things can be regarded as opening Zhao Xinqiao's eyes. She even laughed at herself for "living in a temple for a long time and not knowing the sufferings of the world."

"It's true that they are all small things. It's good that you can't touch them." Bai Song chatted about a few things. By the way, he also talked about the kind old couple who pried open the floorboards. He also talked about some heart-warming little things. Zhao Xin bridge deck The color became a little more relaxed.

"Why don't you tell me about the cases you committed crimes?" Zhao Xinqiao was a little curious: "Is it because it involves secrets?"

"Not really." Bai Song didn't want to talk about these things: "It's not a big deal, there's nothing to talk about."

"Are you afraid that I will worry about you after hearing this?" Zhao Xinqiao tilted his head and blinked his big eyes.

"Well" Bai Song smiled sarcastically: "You know, it's not actually dangerous, right?"

"You bullied me for not being a policeman." Zhao Xinqiao complained: "I don't like to talk, but I don't like to hear it anymore."

"Well, let me tell you about my last trip to Southern Xinjiang Province." Bai Song thought for a while and started talking from the beginning.

This lecture lasted more than half an hour.

"As promised, you have to pay attention to safety." Zhao Xinqiao said.

Seeing that Bai Song was unmoved, Xin Qiao stretched out his left hand, and Bai Song grabbed it and said happily: "It's okay."

Living in the unit for a long time during this period was of great help to the detection of the case. Recently, several new theft cases have been reported. Everyone is very enthusiastic about handling the cases, and the third team has been frequently praised by the branch leaders.

The achievements during this period are obvious to all, and the case that Bai Song has been pursuing for more than ten days has finally come to light.

When he first arrived, among the cases Bai Song claimed, the last one was an unsolved burglary. After this period of work, the suspect's residence was finally determined.

One of the more obvious characteristics of this person is that he has relatively long hair, is young and thin, and is not a habitual criminal. Moreover, he has only been found to have committed one crime, so it took him so long to find him.

Bai Song wanted to see who this person was, so he took a few people to this person's residence and prepared to rob him.

According to intelligence, this person's residence was located on the second floor of an old community. Bai Song took Sun Dong, Cheng Jian, and Shen Xing to the scene together.

He was just a thief, nothing difficult. Lao Cheng was a little older, so Bai Song asked him to stay downstairs while he, Sun Dong, and Shen Xing went upstairs.

Knock on the door.

No one in the room responded.

Keep knocking.

"Who is it?" A man's impatient voice came from inside the room.

"Hello, Express."

"Express delivery? Which express delivery company?" The man's voice was still loud.

"From a certain company, you have to come out and sign for it!" Bai Song said.

Then, there was no sound inside.

After about thirty seconds, the person inside had not yet come to open the door, so Sun Dong stepped forward and knocked on the door again.

Still no one came to open the door, Bai Song felt something was wrong. It would be okay if it was a high floor. On the second floor, it would be easy to jump out of the window and run away. Bai Song motioned to Sun and Dong to wait here and went downstairs.

Cheng Jianwei was guarding the front window, and Bai Song quickly ran to the back of the building.

When Bai Song reached the corner of the building, he saw at a glance that someone was about to jump off the second floor!

This man seemed to have seen the white pine, and without hesitation, he jumped down. There was soil below. The man rolled, and then ran away in the other direction.

Bai Song was thirty or forty meters away from him. He saw that this person looked very familiar. He thought about it a little and then remembered, wasn't this Li Kun's partner, "Huang Mao"!

Oh, no, it should be called Heimao, because his hair is dyed black.

Bai Song got angry when he looked at him, what is this? Did you actually dye your hair?

If he had always had yellow hair on his forehead, Bai Song would have suspected him a long time ago, but when his hairstyle changed, Bai Song didn't think about it at all! In the previous surveillance videos, the suspect had always been seen to have black hair, but to his surprise, it turned out to be yellow hair, which put Bai Song into a blind corner of his mind.

While running, Bai Song immediately called Sun Dong. Bai Song was quite familiar with the area. He told Sun Dong and others the general direction of Huang Mao's running, and quickly chased after him.

Bai Song was chasing someone again. Bai Song was helpless. How many times had he chased someone before? This time it was broad daylight. Where was this man running?

It would have been better if Sun Dong and others had not spoken when they knocked on the door. This Huang Mao had heard his own voice and was too sensitive. He jumped off the building and was about to run away.

Huang Mao is a very conceited person, a little clever. He realized that this was not going to work after running very far, and then he rushed towards the road.

There were a lot of cars at the moment, and Huang Mao didn't know where he got the courage to cross the road while running.

Bai Song was only 20 meters away from Huang Mao. Looking at the constant flow of traffic, he chased after him without hesitation.

The most dangerous person is actually Huang Mao. The drivers are actually not stupid. When they see Huang Mao crossing, they all slow down quickly. The speed of the car is not very fast. When Bai Song is about to run over, there is actually not much danger. On the contrary, Huangmao is surrounded by dangers.

"Stop running away, steal something, what's wrong with you!" Bai Song shouted.

"Stop chasing me!" Huang Mao was extremely nervous.

"Don't run! What a big deal! Come with me and be honest! The worst I can do is to be detained for a few days!" Bai Song was also panting, "Run! You can run anywhere!"

As long as a habitual criminal doesn't run away at this time, why bother. But Huang Mao is too timid and refuses to listen to advice, and Bai Song can't let him run away.

Huang Mao saw Bai Song continue to chase, and now he had crossed the road. He knew that he would definitely be caught if he ran like this, so he immediately turned a corner and crossed the road again diagonally.

Crossing the road diagonally is far more dangerous than crossing.

If a driver sees a person crossing the road at a constant speed from a distance, assuming there are not many cars, there will be no panic. But some people walk diagonally, stop and go, or even move forward and back again. This is so scary that any driver will brake.

Huang Mao suddenly caused several cars that were planning to speed up to brake, and the end point Huang Mao wanted to run at this time happened to be an intersection.

There were a lot of people preparing to cross the road here. They were approaching an intersection and the cars were not going very fast, so Bai Song still caught up with them.

Seeing that the two people had already run over, the green light on this road only had eleven or twelve seconds left. Several cars near the intersection speeded up, trying to pass the intersection before the green light ended.

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