Police Detective

Chapter 315 Bad luck again and again

After detachment Cao left, Bai Song struggled for about ten minutes.

Bai Song is not a tangled person, and the reason this time is that being looked down upon is nothing, but will it implicate the Qin detachment?

Bai Song could tell that the Qin detachment must have good intentions.

Bai Song is very young. Not to mention his seniority in Jiuhe Branch, he can't say how good he is in terms of ability. After all, he still handles very few things, especially interpersonal matters.

No matter what Bai Song thinks, he is the first step into officialdom. Sometimes the handling of interpersonal relationships may be more important than the work itself - no one can work alone.

In the circle of the Economic Investigation Corps of the Municipal Bureau, Bai Song gradually understood the situation here, and then he realized the good intentions of the Qin detachment.

This is a new environment, with new leaders and colleagues, and it is relatively independent from the Jiuhe Branch. Even if the relationship is not handled well, it can be regarded as gaining experience; and if the relationship is handled well, the experience will be even greater.

The second is the case itself. The Qin detachment certainly hopes that Bai Song can shine and show his face here, but even if he can't, it will be a good exercise.

Thinking of this, Bai Song was a little worried. Will the Qin detachment be criticized if he acts like this?

Bai Song watched it for a whole day and roughly understood what this case was. This was actually very difficult. Most people came here for several days to tell the specific situation. But Bai Song was so young and said that he generally understood it, so he was Detachment Cao thought this was bragging.

Sometimes people's first impression is like this, and it's really difficult to get it back.

After struggling for a while, Bai Song understood that this was not the time to think about these things. He should work hard to understand the case first.

It has to be said that in terms of interpersonal relationships, Bai Song's handling ability is really average. Bai Song did not leave the daily back office phone number that detachment Cao mentioned. He has no habit of taking the initiative to get to know people.

I originally planned to finish eating here today and look at the case files, but I couldn't find anyone to apply for a meal card, so I had to get off work at that time.

She ate too little at noon, and at six o'clock sharp, Bai Song was hungry and couldn't bear to look in. He sorted everything out and locked it in his cabinet. The cabinet had a key hanging on it. Bai Song locked it and put the key directly into his pocket.

I originally wanted to take it home, but even if the classification level of these things is lowered, they are still confidential materials and cannot be taken away. I am not in a good mood today. I will take my time to read them tomorrow. This case will take at least more than half a year, or even two years, no less than this day.

As soon as Bai Song left, detachment Cao came to the office again, looked at the time and the clean desktop and cabinets, and left with an unhappy expression.

People who are extremely hungry can't think so much. Mental activities also require a lot of effort. As soon as they left the yard, Bai Song found the nearest restaurant and ordered a small portion of soy stick bones, cold dishes and rice.

The same thing may be found in the canteen. This is not the first time Bai Song has heard that the canteen of the city bureau unit is good and the price is very low, but the one he bought with his own money still smells fragrant.

He originally loved to eat meat. When he was extremely hungry, he picked up the stick bones and gnawed them in a less graceful manner. He had just eaten two pieces when he heard the sneers from the next table.

"Where did you come from, a country bumpkin? Have you never eaten meat?"

Although the sound is not loud, it is as clear as ears.

He had driven here in a shabby car, was wearing very ordinary casual clothes, and had oily lips. Bai Song was quite self-deprecating and didn't pay much attention to these people.

There are either policemen, lawyers, workers or odd jobs around here. Bai Song looks like an ordinary worker no matter how he looks.

Because the first two types of people basically won’t come to this kind of place.

"Boss, let's have another piece of stick bone." This kind of stick bone doesn't have a lot of meat, with bones accounting for more than 80%, but it's well stewed. There's no problem eating another one. It's so delicious~

I don’t know what the purpose was, but a man at the next table was holding a small half basin of rod bones and placed it directly on Bai Song’s table. The man holding the basin was a bald man in his thirties, and he put the basin directly away from the table. About ten centimeters away, it was thrown onto Bai Song's table. The soup in the basin splashed out, and a few drops spilled onto Bai Song's clothes.

"Hey, you don't need to buy any more. We can't finish it here, so we'll give it to you." Bald Head sneered, "It's like you've never eaten meat."

Bai Song didn't look up, looked at the two drops of sauce on his clothes, took out a wet tissue from his backpack, wiped it gently, completely ignoring the bald head.

"What do you mean?" The bald man drank some wine and felt inexplicably angry at being ignored. Just when he was about to have an attack, he saw Bai Song's calm eyes, and for a moment, he felt prickly.

When this happened, Bai Song was not in the mood to eat anymore. Fortunately, he wasn't very hungry anymore, so he told the boss that he didn't want the second portion, put 30 yuan on the front desk, turned around and left.

Bai Song walked out of the house, looked around with his bald head, and saw that the person was gone. He couldn't help but feel ashamed of his behavior that had just been frightened by his eyes. He was about to chase him out, but he thought that it would be even more embarrassing. He snorted and muttered: "I'll give you face in the hotel." !”

Bai Song has seen many people like this. He is no longer the easily irritable new police officer. Even if he takes action like this, even if he knocks down all three or five people, what will he gain?

The April sky was getting darker at this time, and Bai Song began to consider whether to go back to work or go home. He drove the car a little absent-mindedly. He was not familiar with the area, and the car accidentally drove to a dead end.

There is an abandoned factory here. The door is still locked, but more than half of the wall has collapsed long ago. A few barbed wire fences are in name only. Weeds are overgrown nearby and the road is full of potholes.

After looking at the position of the chimney, Bai Song roughly determined his direction. This chimney can be seen in the dormitory and office of the Baisong Economic Investigation Corps.

Many people who consider themselves experienced drivers tend to make a mistake. When they think they know the road, they don't like to use the navigation system. The same was true for Bai Song. Based on the direction, he felt that he should be able to drive out without any problem. He drove a few hundred meters in the direction he came from, and then turned a corner according to his sense of direction.

After walking for almost 200 meters, Bai Song felt something was wrong and the road conditions were getting worse. The road here is very narrow, and the white pine can only fall back. This road has been in disrepair for a long time. The white pine has just fallen dozens of meters. There was a click and a place collapsed. The cement beam on a small bridge here collapsed. The left front The side tire suddenly sank in.

This was an old front-wheel drive car, and the road was very narrow. Bai Song gently opened the door, and when he got out of the car, he discovered that the front wheels had completely sunk in.

Why is the power wheel stuck? Bai Song thought to himself, could it be that he is too heavy?

It's impossible. I'm only over 170 pounds.

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