Police Detective

Chapter 344 Remove

How can tetanus be so severe? The emergency doctor was very busy. After giving Bai Song the prescription, he had to receive the next person. Bai Song was too embarrassed to waste the doctor's time, so he went to pay the fee first, and then entered the treatment room to debridement the wound first.

"Why are you so careless?" The nurse looked at Bai Song's hand and said, "Your injury is very deep, it will hurt a little."

"Excuse me, just clean it up as cleanly as possible." Bai Song didn't dare to be vague about this, having learned from the past. After finishing speaking, he then asked the nurse: "I heard that a patient died of tetanus in our hospital a few days ago. Is it true?"

"The real thing is that the man didn't get treatment in time after he got sick." The nurse took these things lightly: "He is not a good person either. This disease is particularly harmful to inhalation. Originally, tetanus is a disease that if you get sick Without treatment, the case fatality rate is almost 100%. This is a type of Clostridium, which is very powerful. His body's immunity was pretty good if he could survive until yesterday."

"The mortality rate is so high?" Bai Song was shocked.

"It's like not treating symptoms when they occur." The nurse said calmly: "But you are right. You came in time and just gave me a shot of TAT."

"Okay, thank you nurse." Bai Song endured the pain and said, "Please clean it up for me, and don't be polite."

"You should have told me earlier." The nurse breathed a sigh of relief.

"Hiss~" Bai Song gritted his teeth: "It's okay, I don't feel any pain."

Serum, it must be real (Note 1)

After cleaning up and returning to the unit, Bai Song thought about the matter.

He definitely couldn't handle the matter of this equipment alone. No matter what the equipment was, since it was placed near the Economic Investigation Corps, even if it had nothing to do with the incident in the Corps, it still needed to be cleaned up.

Electronic equipment naturally also pays attention to the "basic law". The greater the capability, the greater the power naturally needs to be. A device that can support regional signal reception and transmission tasks usually has a power of tens of kilowatts. The jammer encountered in Southern Xinjiang Province last time had a power of several kilowatts.

According to the appearance of this device, the maximum battery capacity is 12 volts and 35 amp hours. If it can run for more than a week at a time, the power is not much greater than that of a mobile phone.

Equipment with this power is absolutely unable to achieve effective signal interference and signal eavesdropping.

The Economic Investigation Corps is a secret agency, and anti-eavesdropping work is basic work. What is this thing for? Is it possible that some criminals want to use this thing to eavesdrop on the Economic Investigation Corps?

This is somewhat taken for granted.

Of course, another possibility is that this is a camera that can shoot in real time.

But according to the current season, there are four out of five days of haze, so...

Really unable to understand, Bai Song decided to tell Detachment Cao about the situation the next day.

On Monday, after the meeting, Bai Song went to Cao's office with a copy of "Organic Chemistry".

"Detachment Cao, this is a book for Cao Yu." Bai Song said, "You can tell him that I can't give him this book. If he likes it, he can find a place to make a copy."

"Okay, I'll tell him." Detachment Cao was in a good mood: "How's the case going lately?"

After saying that, Detachment Cao sat on the chair and motioned for Bai Song to sit down too.

"There weren't many transcripts taken last Thursday and Friday, and we can't tell anything yet." Bai Song thought for a while: "I judge that we still need to be busy for two weeks. I can report the phased results to you then."

"Okay, don't worry." Detachment Cao nodded: "I didn't tell other leaders about your matter. You have a good intention and I support it. I have read several transcripts you have taken and I still have a solid foundation." , try to finish the work as soon as possible, and don’t talk too much about this matter to the other members of the task force."

Bai Song nodded gratefully. He was still a little worried about the possibility of offending people by retrieving the transcript.

There was no need to say anything else. Bai Song said directly: "Detachment Cao, I have something else to report to you. It's about my use of the drone."

"Well, you say."

Bai Song didn't dare to talk too much. He directly talked about what he had done in the past few days and what he had discovered yesterday: "I think it is necessary to take it off and study what it is."

"Do you suspect this is a wiretapping or video recording device?" When it comes to the security of the corps, Detachment Cao takes it very seriously and sits very straight.

"That's not true, but you have to know what it is, right?" Bai Song said, "Yesterday, I injured my hand and went to the hospital. I heard that someone broke his hand while climbing a chimney and died of tetanus. I think it was me. The people I just mentioned installed it, so I’m worried there might be some other problem.”

Bai Song carefully talked about the possible connection between what he encountered at the hospital yesterday and this matter.

"Yes, I understand." Detachment Cao said a few words to Bai Song, indicating that Bai Song could go about his business first and call Bai Song if anything happened.

Just as Bai Song left the house, detachment Cao then gave instructions: "Don't go to the interrogation for today. Let's figure this matter out first."


By this time Bai Song waited, it would be afternoon. After lunch, detachment Cao called Bai Song again and they went to the door together.

"At noon, the drone carrying the robotic arm borrowed from the technical reconnaissance team went over to take a look. It does exist what you said, but it is fixed very well, and there is a card slot. The installation time of that card slot It shouldn't be too short, and it can't be taken off with a robotic arm." Detachment Cao said: "Considering that it would be dangerous to climb up directly, I asked the fire department to borrow a 75-meter-high rescue vehicle."

What we are playing is not a game.

Bai Song and Cao's detachment went out together and got in the car. Shortly after leaving the compound, they saw a large fire truck at the entrance of the factory yard.

Bai Song may not understand some things, but Team Cao takes them very seriously. The Economic Investigation Corps has zero tolerance for leaks. Even if the equipment does not cause any harm, it cannot be allowed to exist. Even if it is taken off to "alarm the snake", it will never be tolerated.

The door of the abandoned factory has been completely opened, and there are several people standing at the door. They don't look like policemen or firefighters.

"Is this?" Bai Song was a little confused.

"This land is owned by a company." Detachment Cao looked at the chimney, "When our main team comes in, we still need to talk to the company."

Um. Bai Song is a little embarrassed. Detachment Cao must know that he climbed over the wall and came in.

With professional equipment, this task was very simple. As the fire truck rose, this small equipment was quickly removed.

Note 1: The tetanus vaccine uses toxoid-based immunity and usually requires three injections.

If there is a possibility of Clostridium tetanus infection, tetanus antivenom (TAT) needs to be injected. If the injection time and the time of rupture exceed 12 hours, the dose will be doubled.

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