Police Detective

Chapter 355 Get together

"Just go in like this?" Liu Shuyuan looked at the situation inside: "We are all in casual clothes."

"You have to go in in casual clothes." Bai Song looked at the situation inside, "Go in in a while and see what I do. You adapt accordingly."

"no problem."

The door of this place is open and you can come and go at will. This health lecture is completely free and anyone can come in and listen. There is also free wolfberry water and lemonade to drink. Of course, there are also some free cheap fruits, snacks, and even some small barrels of peanut oil next to it. If Bai Song guesses correctly, if he comes to listen to several lectures in a row, he can get a bottle for free.

Who doesn’t like free stuff?

The young men and women next to the TV had very bright smiles. They looked at these old people sitting and listening to the class with much more enthusiasm than their own parents.

As soon as Bai Song came in, the men and women frowned slightly, but they didn't show it. Instead, they poured water for them and got some snacks.

If you are thick-skinned enough, you can go to these places every day and eat and drink.

This is the information gap. If beggars know this, can they come here more often?

No, the beggar may earn more than him

Thinking of this, Bai Song seemed a little depressed again.

The atmosphere in this "Health Information Center" is particularly good. Many people are watching the content on the TV with gusto, and others are listening to what these men and women are saying. At the same time, the uncles and aunties below are still happily Chatting.

If he didn't know what these places were for, Bai Song would have thought it was a university for the elderly.

The two sat here for more than ten minutes, and finally aroused the interest of the uncles and aunties around them, and someone took the initiative to chat with them.

As soon as Bai Song chatted, he immediately attracted the attention of several young men and women in the store. However, Bai Song was not afraid of this. He started talking nonsense. If these people could discover his purpose, he would lose!

He understands the truth well that with his meager strength, being a Holy Mother will not do any good, so telling these people here not to take health supplements or the like is not only meaningless, but will also be rejected by the uncles and aunts.

Don't think of the elderly as pure fools who will just let everything go. The reason why these health care product sellers are able to deal with these people is because of their persistent "hard work".

"Young man, what's the name of the cat you just talked about?" Bai Song was chatting with an old lady holding a dog, and the conversation about pets was overheard by others, and another grandma interrupted and asked.

"Grandma, Canadian hairless cats, also called Sphynx cats, do not have long hair and only have a little fluff in some places. Just now, this grandma said that she likes cats, but cats shed hair much more than her Teddy. , I recommended this kind of cat." Bai Song said with a smile: "It's just that this hairless cat is a bit delicate, not to mention not very cute, and not as fluffy as ordinary cats."

"What does it look like? Let me show you." Several more people gathered around.

Most of the older people are bored, have few children to accompany them, and have some spare money. Especially in municipalities like Tianhua City, many elderly people have quite deep pockets and are very willing to spend money on pets.

However, due to old age, it is difficult to clean up the house, and pets shed too much, which discourages many people. The cat Bai Song mentioned suddenly attracted the attention of many people.

"Oh, it looks really scary." Bai Song searched the photos from the Internet and showed them to several grandparents. Everyone borrowed glasses from each other and passed them around with Bai Song's mobile phone.

Are these two people selling pets? Several young men and women in the store doubted their identities. If they are selling pets, there is no conflict with selling health care products here, and of course they are not popular.

These people exchanged glances, but in the end they still did not drive away Bai Song.

None of these people are stupid. They know that these old men and women are just curious and will not necessarily pay for a cat easily. The old people are accustomed to asking the people around them before considering everything.

Therefore, in the eyes of these people, Bai Song and Liu Shuyuan's business of selling cats will not be smooth.

The problem is that Bai Song and his wife do not intend to sell the cat. Starting from the cat, they then talked about the education of their children (grandchildren), recent policies on scooters for the elderly, the differences between nursing homes at different levels, and how to use medical insurance to save the most money.

Half an hour passed, and the small circle here became more and more lively. The staff here were all in a mess. These two people must be in the same company!

They even suspected that if Bai Song started selling health care products and opened a store opposite here, he would be sure to take all these people away!

Seeing that the conversation was almost over and that he was getting familiar with everyone, Bai Song started to talk about opera and cross talk, and then talked about semiconductor radios.

At this moment, the old man who had just been upstaged by these two boys immediately turned around and turned into an expert, as if he wanted to express how knowledgeable he was in front of the old lady.

As we chatted, we ended up talking about cross talk. Bai Song gave a few simple instructions, and everyone naturally talked about semiconductors, radio stations, and various programs they had heard recently.

Nearly an hour passed, and the conversation finally got to the point. However, there were many people here, and there were many people talking. The two of them quickly heard some useful information.

During this period, there were indeed no special radio broadcasts, but before mid-April, there were still many "interesting" radio stations.

What an interesting method? Bai Song continued to guide the topic, then turned into a curious baby and listened carefully.

The first part is about selling medicine. This part is no different from the content stored in the USB flash drive of the black radio station.

The second part is for sales, including various so-called medicated wines, liquor that can strengthen the kidneys and strengthen the body, and a lot of health products. In addition, there are also some messy electronic products, mainly high-volume mobile phones and square dance players commonly used by the elderly. Devices etc.

The third part is related to medical treatment, mainly advertisements for the treatment of various liver diseases, hypertension, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. In addition, there are also treatments for common diseases such as hemorrhoids. Several hospitals are recommended to everyone.

The problem lies in the third part, which is not available in the USB flash drive of the black radio station.

"How effective is this hospital in treating high blood pressure?" Bai Song asked curiously: "My grandma's blood pressure is a bit high, and I would like to introduce her to a suitable hospital."

"I know." An enthusiastic man stood up, "It's in Tianbei District, opposite Tianbei Prison, the Health Hospital."

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