Police Detective

Chapter 382 Warmth

Bai Song never expected that there would be such unexpected gains.

At that time, almost everyone's energy was concentrated on the scene of the crime, and no one paid attention to the surrounding crowd of onlookers. But now that I think about it, with such a large crowd of onlookers, there may still be some problems.

In fact, Bai Song just took a glance and saw the figure of the farmer captured today in several key pictures compiled by Zhao Xinqiao!

This person was indeed at the scene at that time, and he was probably the person who followed Bai Song later.

After calming down, Bai Song analyzed it carefully and pointed at the computer screen: "We caught the person you marked today."

"Who is he?" Zhao Xinqiao was a little confused: "You didn't tell me any important people were arrested today."

"I don't know if he is an important person, but with this video, there is definitely something wrong with him." Bai Song continued to look at a few pictures: "How did you find out that there is something wrong with this person."

"The gait and demeanor are both abnormal." Xinqiao pointed to several other photos. "Look at the corresponding videos. This person is nervous."

"Nervous?" Bai Song looked at the video and nodded: "Indeed, but if he is nervous, it means that he is indeed not a key figure. In other words, he is a small guy, and he probably doesn't know much if he is used as a breakthrough point."

"Well, look at this person again." Zhao Xinqiao pointed to the second person, "This person has seen the person you just mentioned several times, and he is also wearing headphones."

Bai Song opened the second set of photos and watched the video carefully.

After all, mobile phone videos have definition limitations. If you just watch them once, it is impossible to see everyone's status. All the photos are cut out from the videos and marked with key points.

The horizontal viewing angle of human eyes can see 188 degrees, but the viewing angle of concentration is only 25 degrees. If you focus on one point, you can only observe one person in the entire video at the same time.

In other words, although this video only lasts for more than 20 minutes, if you want to analyze it in detail, you can watch it for a long time. Zhao Xinqiao took the trouble to watch it many times to calculate these statistics.

After watching carefully for a few minutes, Bai Song discovered that there was indeed something wrong with this man. He had "accidentally" looked at the farmer twice, and he also wore headphones and was talking, although he couldn't hear what he said. , but what is certain is that he is not talking to the people around him.

The video is still not clear enough, and nothing will be gained if you don't stare at the man carefully.

Bai Song changed his perspective to the farmer again. It was impossible to see whether he was wearing headphones or not.

"Is it helpful to you?" Zhao Xinqiao asked.

"Yes, and it's very big." Bai Song was very grateful. After watching these videos, he was very moved and stood up to give Zhao Xinqiao a hug.

"Get off and go work on your case." Zhao Xinqiao pushed Bai Song away, then turned and entered the second bedroom, "Don't be too hasty about this matter, I won't think too much about it."

Bai Song watched Zhao Xinqiao go to the next door and looked at the computer for half a minute.

Do you want to call Wang Liang again to show your affection?

I heard that Ma Zhiyuan's sister and Ma Zhiyuan have different personalities. Maybe it's because Ma Zhiyuan dotes on his sister, and her sister is good at studies, but her personality is still that of a little girl. Even falling in love almost exhausts Wang Liang to death.

Forget it, just be a human being.

Bai Song thought for a moment, then directly sent the second person's photo to Detachment Qin's mobile phone, and then called Detachment Qin to tell him about the situation.

"Is this person the farmer's superior?" Qin detachment asked.

"The farmer didn't speak from the beginning to the end, but he spoke a few times, and it seemed like he was directing the farmers. Every time he finished speaking, the farmers would look at him a few more times." Bai Song finished explaining: " The video is too big to be sent through the mailbox, I will put it in the network disk later."

"Okay, send it over and we will study it." Detachment Qin said: "This discovery is very important. Maybe it is the key to the case. Who discovered it?"

"Um, my girlfriend." Bai Song paused for a few seconds before deciding to tell the truth.

"Your girlfriend?" Detachment Qin really didn't expect it this time: "Okay, you are a bit powerful. I know, uh, keep it secret."

The style of the painting changed a bit. Bai Song coughed twice and said, "Don't worry, Qin Detachment, I have one more thing to say."

Team Qin might have been choked by Bai Song's words just now, so he hummed slightly, wanting to hear what Bai Song was going to say.

"It's like this. The farmer we caught today had a very clean mobile phone and no headphones. I suspect one thing. They are not using our 2G to 4G network communication, but using their own We communicated through the radio waves we built ourselves." Bai Song said: "I just suddenly thought that when I was in Tianbei District, I met Baldhead and others, and I happened to meet them going to that factory at night. This was not an accident.

It is very likely that these people installed these devices. Although they can indeed control black radio and other equipment, they can also be used for their own communications. This kind of communication will almost never be discovered as long as we don't know about it in advance.

Therefore, Tianbei District itself has some similar equipment, but after I went to the Economic Investigation Corps, they got hold of my whereabouts and went there to temporarily install one.

This kind of equipment must still exist in Jiuhe District. I think we can take technical measures to counter it. Maybe we can discover some illegal channels and find some necessary things through reverse engineering.

What I consider is that if we discover it, we can monitor it first and not rush to alert the snake. "

"Okay, hurry up and send the video." When Qin detachment heard Bai Song's words, he became serious: "You have a good rest at home. I know this."

After hanging up the phone, Bai Song did some operations and sent the video and some photos compiled by Zhao Xinqiao to a network disk. Then he gave the account password to Detachment Qin and leaned against the bed.

After thinking for a long time, Bai Song couldn't sleep, so he took the telescope out from the balcony and started looking around.

Is there someone in the community who is looking at him indifferently?

Bai Song suddenly became nervous. Is anyone still observing him now? And do you know which household he lives in?

Secretly pointed the telescope at that person and slowly focused

Forehead? Isn't this the old grandson of the second team?

Bai Song looked at it carefully, it was true!

Oh my god

Bai Song then looked around with the binoculars and found another familiar figure.


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