Police Detective

Chapter 384 Perfect Crime

After hanging up the phone, Bai Song felt more and more something was wrong. This Tian Huan didn't run away?

The bald ones have all run away and are no longer in Tianhua City. How come this Tian Huan doesn't run away? Is it possible that he is still planning a second attack?

Thinking about it this way, it's not impossible.

With many things on his mind, Bai Song received another call from Wang Liang after almost 10 minutes.

After a few seconds after the call was connected, Wang Liang remained silent. Bai Song could only take the initiative to ask: "Why don't you speak?"

"Huh!" Wang Liang breathed a sigh of relief: "You are right with your crow's mouth."

"What? Why are you blaming me?" Bai Song felt like he was lying on his back.

"You were right. This Tian Huan was very cooperative. Not only did he admit to the plot against you, but he also took all the blame on himself." Wang Liang's tone was also a little unhappy.

"Isn't he afraid of death?" Bai Song was speechless: "This man is too courageous!"

"No. You're not dead. Oh, no, it's Zhou Xuan who's not dead. Then it's hard for Tian Huan to be sentenced to death. As for the driver's seat belt, he doesn't admit it, and we haven't found any evidence yet about who did it. "." Wang Liang was very angry when he talked about this: "This driver really wanted to die on his own. He killed many clues by himself, and then he died himself, leaving us with no evidence.

Now in our detachment, some people suspect that this thing was also made by the thin man, but the thin man happened to be dead, and there is no way to say what happened now. "

"In other words, there are currently no clues about the driver's death. All our work is focused on my case. Then if this person is determined to be the principal culprit in my murder case, it will be because Zhou Xuan was not seriously injured. , but you won't be sentenced to death, right?" Bai Song thought for a while: "In this case, let alone a death sentence, I feel that a reprieve to death and an indefinite period are unlikely."

After Bai Song finished speaking, he was speechless.

Is this the perfect crime?

The more you do, the more holes you find. This crime was targeted at Bai Song, so there were so many clues in this traffic accident involving Bai Song that in the past three or four days, it has been summarized into what it is today, and so many people have been arrested.

However, in the case involving the driver's death, the seat belt was only used.

In other murder cases, even if the seat belt is used, it will be useless.

Who would hit someone else's car at high speed? Who would hide their call records and the like as much as possible? Who would cut off contact with family and friends and stay out for many days just to act together like this?

Bai Song thought for several minutes, but there really wasn't any effective idea for the driver's murder case!

The case against him was an attempted murder and could not lead to the death penalty!


"Then have you ever asked this Tian Huan, what is his motive for this case against me?"

"He said that he and Wang Qianyi were good brothers. They had gone through life and death together. Wang Qianyi was caught by you, and now you have shot him. He avenged his brother."

"Fart!" Bai Song couldn't help but cursed. What kind of bullshit reason is this!

Is there such a person in the world? ? ? If there is, it can't be him!

"We all think so." Wang Liang was also very angry: "But he did know some things about Wang Qianyi, and what he said was very clear. There is nothing we can do about it. Wang Qianyi, a social person with a wide range of connections, does have a lot of connections. Several good brothers, and he is not in any serious industry, and outsiders are not sure of his specific relationship. In fact, if you just ask a few people, you can still tell something about Wang Qianyi. "

"That's fine. Whoever dies will be friends with whomever." Bai Song suddenly felt that it would be great if Wang Qianyi had not been shot. With Wang Qianyi's majestic temperament, he would definitely not be willing to join in the trouble with Tian Huan.

"Yes, Wang Qianyi was shot." Wang Liang also felt that everyone's fists were hitting the air.

"So, does he have no other interpersonal relationships?" Bai Song still had some thoughts.

"Judging from the clues, he has been in Tianhua City in the recent period, at least for several months. Now there are clues that show that he is operating a black radio station here, and is also cooperating with some messy pharmaceutical factories and hospitals. He made a lot of dirty money. In this way, he is an independent criminal organization and has nothing to do with others." Wang Liang said: "We also asked about the moldy money, and he said he earned it when he cooperated with Wang Qianyi. He has been hiding the money he received. Now he will use it to avenge Wang Qianyi."

"Have you found the others?"

"He confessed a position himself, saying that there were still hundreds of thousands, and the detachment had already sent people there." Wang Liang sighed: "It feels like there won't be any obvious loopholes."

"This" Bai Song was a little speechless, but still a little unwilling to give up: "Since he said that he and Wang Qianyi are good brothers and have a lot of money, what have they done together? He has to recruit, right?"

"Don't be angry when you say it. It almost pissed me off anyway. He talked about a smuggling incident more than 20 years ago. Where can I investigate this thing? Besides, this case has passed the statute of limitations."

"Huh? No." Bai Song grasped the crux of the problem: "How can money from more than 20 years ago be the fifth edition of RMB?"

“He said that he had no money at the beginning and spent all the money he earned. Later, when he made money, he hid some of it because he was working in a rogue radio station and was afraid of being kidnapped, so he hid the money just to feel at ease. "

"Okay, Niubi." Bai Song finally knew what he had been worried about for so long.

Sure enough, the case is not that simple. It would be unreal to say that Tian Huan could interrogate Feng Yiling and capture her directly.

And now this scene seems to have been encountered by Bai Song several days ago.

If this was really a simple opponent, how could he get his turn? Dad must have solved it long ago.

"So, what is the next step for the detachment?" Bai Song asked.

"Interrogate Wang Ruoyi to see if she knows Tian Huan. Although we all think that this friendship is fake, we still need to verify it a little bit." Wang Liang thought for a while: "Then the bald man has been chased online. Escaped, if Baldhead can be caught, there should be some clues to the problem. Also, as for the car you mentioned, that is the large-displacement pickup truck from Shonan Province, we have already completed the investigation. There is no one in the entire Tianhua Port. The car was sold to Shonan Province. This road is considered useless."

"Okay." Bai Song understood.

"Also, Qin detachment asked me to tell you, pay attention to safety. Since they can plan a Tian Huan, there may be Zhang Huan and Wang Huan. You have to pay more attention to safety." Wang Liang was a little worried.

"Don't worry." Bai Song was full of fighting spirit, "I hope they come again!"

I wonder what everyone understands about the perfect crime?

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