Police Detective

Chapter 390 Royal Sister

It was normal for the people from the student union to not find Bai Song and the two. When they came in, the dozen or so rows in front of the classroom were all full, so the people from the student union had to look around from the back.

In fact, the two of them were sitting in the middle of the first row, and there was a sign on it that said "Assistant Teacher".

Bai Song saw this sign as soon as he came in. There were three seats here, and no one occupied them.

After sitting down, many people around were looking at the two of them. Bai Song was a little embarrassed and directly took down the sign and put it in the table hole.

Those who could sit in the first few rows were all good students who had come early, and no one was whispering. Most of them were studying by themselves with books.

Baisong had never seen this kind of atmosphere during his time at university.

The world is not that fair, and some already excellent people may work harder, further widening the gap.

But even so, in this somewhat noisy environment, those who can still concentrate on studying deserve to be successful in the future.

Professor Tang arrived on time, and everyone in the classroom applauded. Professor Tang pressed his hands, and the large classroom with three to four hundred people suddenly became quiet.

Today's Professor Tang is quite different from the old Tang who sold books that Bai Song saw at the street stall. Although he is wearing very comfortable clothes, he is obviously cleaner now, and his hair has been carefully taken care of. Got glasses.

As he is now, just walking around the campus, people who don't know him will think he is a professor.

Behind Professor Tang, followed a girl, who looked to be in her twenties or seventies, with a good figure, a standard S-shaped curve, and wearing glasses. Her quiet face formed a strong contrast with her hot figure.

"Hey, you're a little obsessed." Wang Huadong cradled Bai Song with his arm and whispered.

"She looks familiar to me." Bai Song racked his brains and couldn't think of anything. This woman's features are so obvious that it stands to reason that once she has seen her, she will never forget her, especially since he has such a good memory.

"The beauties look familiar to you." Wang Huadong muttered without turning his face, "Be careful about who I tell this to."

"Oh oh oh, I remembered." Bai Song's voice was thin and weak, but Wang Huadong didn't hear it.

If Bai Song guessed correctly, the book Professor Tang gave him and the notes on it were written by this woman!

The words are like the person she is. No wonder Zhao Xinqiao asked him who this woman was when he saw the words in the book. The person who can write this note must be confident, knowledgeable, and elegant. And if a woman has these characteristics, she is most likely to be a beauty.

After all, being popular is a very effective external environment for developing strong self-confidence.

This kind of "recognizing people by words", if he saw it on the street, Bai Song would definitely not recognize it, but when this woman appeared behind Professor Tang, it would be easy to associate it with her.

"Go sit there." Professor Tang whispered to the girl next to him, then pointed to the seat next to Wang Huadong, and then walked to the podium.

Wang Huadong felt like he was suffocating!

He has always been a technology enthusiast and a cool geek. He usually calls himself a womanizer and a single aristocrat. At this moment, his heart was tugged. He didn't hear Professor Tang's words, but just watched the figure getting closer and closer. , breathing becomes more and more difficult!

Getting closer!

"Hello, can I sit here?" The voice was very hollow.

Ah. I'm dead.

Wang Huadong's whole person was... confused.

Bai Song is sitting on the outside, next to Wang Huadong, and next to him is the only vacant seat in the entire lecture theater, which is also one of the three teaching assistant seats.

Originally, Bai Song planned to let Wang Huadong sit inside, and then he would also sit inside, leaving the outermost seat for this girl. After thinking about it, he still didn't move.

Let Wang Huadong sit with her.

It was the first time Bai Song saw Wang Huadong like this, so he probably couldn't listen to this lesson.

Create opportunities for brothers. Bai Song stood up and walked out of his seat, indicating that the girl could come in. Wang Huadong stayed in his position and was pulled out by Bai Song.

The girl smiled lightly and walked to her seat. Suddenly she saw a familiar chemistry book on Bai Song's table. She wanted to pick it up and read it, but she felt it was not polite. After just one more glance, the girl sat in the third seat.

From her eyes, Bai Song saw that the previous owner of the book was indeed her, so he first pushed Wang Huadong to sit down, then handed the book to the girl, and whispered: "This book of yours has taught me I have a lot."

The girl took the book, smiled with Bai Song, said nothing, and started reading.

This made Bai Song a little embarrassed. He was just trying to be polite to the girl, and he was just a layman. He also wrote some notes in the book, which were full of loopholes in the eyes of professionals.

Now Bai Song no longer had the energy to listen carefully.

Sure enough, after flipping through it, the girl found some problems. She seemed to want to mark them with a pen, but she didn't have a pen. At this moment, the boy on her left silently handed over a pen.

One page was already full, but there was something wrong with the chemical formula of Bai Song. It wasn't wrong, it was just a wrong understanding. The girl wanted to find a place to write it down, but found that there was no paper.

Then, the boy on her left silently handed over a notebook.

The girl's pen was busy writing, and she quickly wrote several new chemical formulas. Then she glanced at Wang Huadong, asking if he could tear off the page and insert it.

Wang Huadong wanted to say that it would be okay to tear up the book, but he still made a "please" gesture in a gentlemanly manner.

It would take ordinary people several months to finish reading such a book, but for girls, undergraduate chemistry books are like ordinary high school students reading addition, subtraction, multiplication and division within ten, flipping through it casually, and pointing out several of Bai Song's mistakes. It took more than 20 minutes to finish the matter, and then handed it to Bai Song.

Since the teacher gave the book to this boy, he is also a junior, and he seems to be studying very seriously, so the girl doesn't mind helping him.

However, at this time, she had no interest in books. Instead, she was somewhat interested in Wang Huadong's books.

Wang Huadong is not a student either. He usually doesn't have any notebooks. He almost brought his own theoretical study notebook when he came to attend the lecture. But you couldn't write anything in that notebook, so he got the notebook he used to learn sketching.

This is a study book for criminal portraits. It contains dozens of complete or incomplete sketches, and the characters are drawn very vividly.

Generally, when painting, you first draw the shape, or you have an overall plan. But this kind of character sketch is often accompanied by listening and mental analysis, and the drawing is more distinctive.

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