Police Detective

Chapter 434 Clues

"Shu Yuan, I need your help with this matter." Bai Song had a guess, so he told Liu Shuyuan.

"But it doesn't matter." Liu Shuyuan has always been cautious in speaking, but he still patted his chest at this moment: "You tell me, I will definitely help."

"Okay, I want to interrogate someone."

The person Bai Song wants to interrogate is Deng Wenxi, who was arrested last year and was sentenced to suspended death.

After the death of Master Yu, Master Gao of the Legal System and Bai Song's master Sun Tang interrogated Deng Wenxi for three days. In the face of a large amount of circumstantial and physical evidence, Deng Wenxi confessed the facts of his crime and was eventually sentenced to death with a two-year suspended sentence. year implementation.

As mentioned earlier, a suspended death penalty means a life sentence will be executed after two years, not the death penalty. Deng Wenxi is currently in the probation period, so it is not easy to meet him.

Several prisons in Tianhua City are directly affiliated with the Tianhua City Justice Bureau. Therefore, if you want to interrogate Deng Wenxi in the prison, you need the signature of the director of the Tianhua City Public Security Bureau.

Bai Song could go through the approval process step by step, but it was more convenient for Liu Shuyuan.

Liu Shuyuan agreed, and then left the house.

Wang Liang and Ren Xu actually didn't know Liu Shuyuan's identity and situation, so they didn't understand what Bai Song meant, but they didn't ask any more questions.

Fifteen minutes later, Liu Shuyuan returned to the house, waved to Bai Song, and Bai Song left the house.

"What's going on?" Bai Song asked, "Do you need me to go back to our branch to find the director to sign the formalities first?"

"You don't have to worry about the formalities. If it's convenient for you, we can go to the prison now," Liu Shuyuan said, "and directly interrogate the Deng Wenxi you are talking about."

“Is this okay???”

What Bai Song originally wanted was to ask a certain director on duty at the branch office to sign tomorrow, and then find out about the movements of a certain director in the municipal bureau through Liu Shuyuan, and then go find him to sign. Today is Friday, and I estimate that I will have to wait until next Monday for the arraignment.

But is this enough?

Or is the arraignment at night? ? ?

Bai Song felt that his world view was not normal anymore, "It's convenient for me, but are you telling the truth?"

"Huh? Why don't we just interrogate him?" Liu Shuyuan was confused: "It's not like escorting the prisoner out to identify the scene or something, so what's the difficulty in just going in for an interview and getting a transcript?"

This is really not a game.

"Okay," Bai Song nodded, "We'll go there tonight."

Back in the house, Bai Song briefly talked about how he was going out to interrogate Deng Wenxi in the evening, and then left the house.

"What did I think was going on?" Wang Liang shrugged, "Why don't we just interrogate Deng Wenxi? Why are you making such a fuss? Wait a minute, who is it?!!"

"No one, just one with a suspended death sentence." Wang Huadong followed Wang Liang's actions and shrugged, packed his things and prepared to leave.

"That's nonsense." Wang Liang's eyes widened.

"What's going on?" Mengxin Ren Xu asked quickly.

"It's okay, it's okay. Let's go home for dinner. We'll know the result tomorrow." Wang Huadong patted Ren Xu on the shoulder and left the room.

At this moment, Hutan City attracted a lot of attention. Bai Song sat in the back seat of Liu Shuyuan's car and left the team quietly.

It's not far from the prison.

The entire health hospital has been sealed off. Looking from a distance, the courtyard looks rather desolate.

Everything around him still seemed unchanged.

The prison he was going to today was not the one directly opposite the health hospital, but it was nearby. When Liu Shuyuan drove the car to the gate of the prison, there was already a car waiting for him.

Liu Shuyuan got out of the car, got the formalities from a waiting policeman, and then told the prisoner about the situation. After the guard checked, Liu Shuyuan drove the car in.

Prisons generally have at least four gates. The outer door is a double door and is programmed to prevent both doors from being opened at the same time. After entering these two doors, there is the prison compound, which is the prison's living area and some meeting areas. If you want to enter the prison area, you have to go through two more doors.

Of course, after entering the prison gate, there are many more doors inside.

The two of them did not need to enter the prison area. They could interrogate Deng Wenxi directly through the glass wall.

The waiting process was not long. As soon as the two sat down, the door to the room opposite the glass opened. Deng Wenxi, handcuffed and shackled, was brought to the chair by two prison guards.

"Is it you?" Deng Wenxi was really surprised when he saw Bai Song. After he was sentenced to suspended death, he had never been seen by outsiders during the trial period. Bai Song, as a small follower, participated in the three-day interrogation with two veteran detectives, and Deng Wenxi was still very impressed.

In that case, Bai Song was still relatively young. Although he was considered one of the main investigators, he was far from the front.

"Well, it's me." Bai Song nodded: "How are you doing lately?"

"Although I don't dislike you that much, the two of us are far from reminiscing about the past. Let's just say what we have to say." Deng Wenxi has lost interest in many things, but at this time, being surrounded by two young people When the police interrogated him, he couldn't figure it out, which made him very curious.

"Aren't you always curious about who confessed you?" Bai Song asked.

Deng Wenxi's originally calm expression seemed to have been exposed, and he quickly became angry: "You went to such great lengths to see me at night, just to talk to me about this issue? Is there something wrong with you police officers? "

"No, believe me, if you answer me a question, I will tell you the answer," Bai Song said, "Does anyone know something about you?"

"Huh, do you believe the police?" Deng Wenxi sneered: "I'm like this, do you still want to trick me? The person who confessed me must be someone close to me. One person betrayed me, although I didn't I know who it is, but I wouldn’t do the same thing.”

In the case of Deng Wenxi, when we first went abroad to arrest him, no one could guarantee that an accomplice would not be left behind, but to be able to reach this point is considered a relatively perfect situation.

Although Deng Wenxi was not very cooperative, he was still very courageous. Basically, he would not confess or confess to the crimes committed by his men.

"Yeah", Bai Song nodded: "Okay, I understand."

Bai Song then signaled to the prison guard that he had finished asking what he wanted to ask.

Deng Wenxi's eyes shrank, and he looked at Bai Song closely, as if he wanted to see some clues, but found nothing. He wanted to speak, but still did not open his mouth, and followed the prison guard out of the room.

"Did you get the information you wanted?" Liu Shuyuan packed up his things and left the prison with Bai Song.

"Yeah", Bai Song nodded: "There are three pieces of mist, and they can finally be connected."

Does anyone know what the three pieces of fog are?

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