Police Detective

Chapter 439 Return to Southern Guizhou

Before leaving, Director Ma and Detachment Qin called Bai Song to Detachment Qin's office alone.

"There were so many people just now, I didn't ask specifically, why does this matter involve Tianbei Branch again?" Ma Donglai considered this issue first, mainly because it involved Liu Shuyuan. He had to understand who meant this matter.

"This matter has nothing to do with anyone else. It mainly has to do with Master Qiao. Liu Shuyuan and Wang Huadong are friends. Seeing that we have learned something with Master Qiao, he has also been learning with Master Qiao for a long time." Bai Song said clearly: " After all, Liu Shuyuan was also a member of the previous case."

Liu Shuyuan and Wang Huadong both made a lot of contributions during the arrest of Tian Huan's younger brother Lei Chaoyang, so Liu Shuyuan is not an outsider either emotionally or legally.

"Okay, then I know." Ma Donglai stopped asking about this topic and continued: "I see you plan to take five people there. I understand your idea. Are you planning to fly to Shonan directly from there? ?”

"If there are definite clues, I have this plan. After all, flying over there is less conspicuous." Bai Song gestured: "These five people all have their own characteristics, and we work well together."

"Is this the case for the new police officer at Sanmu Street Police Station?" Qin detachment interjected.

"Well, I can ask the political commissar to help you get two people, so I can rest assured." Ma Donglai said with concern.

It’s been a while since I heard this name. Bai Song was a little excited when Director Ma mentioned the political commissar.

When several of them returned from Li's parents' home in Southern Xinjiang Province, it was the support of Commissar Fang and others that made the mission a success.

However, now that Bai Song heard this name, he wanted to have a chance to compete with Political Commissar Fang. Maybe in two years, Bai Song, the best special police officer under Political Commissar Fang, can compete with him!

After thinking about it, Bai Song still rejected Director Ma's kindness. The work pressure here is not small now. The most important thing is that Bai Song wants to bring some "own people" out, so that it will be easier to cooperate.

The main purpose of going out this time is to fight wits. If we want to attack the enemy, a few more people will be of no use.

"This Ren Xu still has something special about him..." Bai Song said it even against his own will...

After pausing for a few seconds, Bai Song continued: "It's just the six of us. Except for Sun Jie and Liu Shuyuan, the four of us are at the manager's side. If we all leave, we won't delay the work of the detachment for the time being."

The detachment has also had a lot of cases recently. Burglaries are indeed very common in the summer, and the third team does not have enough manpower.

"Okay, if you have direct clues, don't be reckless. Contacting and cooperating with the local authorities will not be slow." Director Ma asked: "You are now the captain of the Jiuhe Branch. You have to be responsible for these five people. I don't want Anyone with a scratch.”

"Yeah!" Bai Song nodded vigorously.

"Okay, it's a long way to go. Please arrange the route with Detachment Qin and set off today." Director Ma turned around and asked Detachment Qin, "Does the detachment still have money?"

"Yes." Detachment Qin nodded.

Director Ma had other work to do. After leaving, detachment Qin gave Bai Song 30,000 yuan and gave instructions for a long time.

In recent years, the detachment has not had any small treasury. The money comes from the bonuses received every year for third-class and second-class collective merit.

The money for the business trip is reimbursed by the branch office, and is ultimately reimbursed by the finance department. Theoretically, you pay in advance and when you come back, you take the invoice and reimburse according to the standard.

However, it is basically an unwritten rule that the employer will first give you some money and take it away, and then return it after reimbursement.

This is the first time Bai Song has led a team on a business trip across provinces, and it is also the first time he has taken money by himself. Bai Song took over the heavy money and suddenly felt that the responsibility on his shoulders had greatly increased.

Detachment Qin took the trouble to talk to Bai Song about various things and asked about safety issues again. In addition, Detachment Qin specifically asked about Ren Xu. Ren Xu was not a criminal police officer, but a new police officer. Detachment Qin did not I understood, so I emphasized to Bai Song that we need to take extra care.

This should be the lowest average age among teams traveling across provinces in the history of the branch.

The oldest, Sun Jie, is 27 years old this year, and the others are all in their 23s and 44s.

But being young is actually not bad. Except for Ren Xu, everyone else has at least three inter-provincial business trips. When Bai Song was a detective in the third team, it was common for him to follow team Zhao and leave Tianhua City to arrest people.

In the afternoon, a group of six people embarked on a journey to Southern Guizhou Province.

Bai Song actually didn't say anything. The reason why he brought Ren Xu with him was actually a very critical issue.

When Qiao Qi taught Bai Song, he taught a very important lesson about disguise.

Disguise does not mean success if you become less like yourself, but you have to disguise yourself to look like someone else.

For example, if you smear black charcoal on your face and then put a layer of plaster on your face, you will definitely not look like yourself, but everyone will observe it when walking on the street.

The reason why we brought Ren Xu instead of the old policeman was because the six of them traveling together could perfectly disguise themselves as six college students in the dormitory!

It is quite normal for college students who live in the same dormitory to hang out together at the end of summer vacation and a few weeks before the start of school, and now it happens to be the end of summer vacation.

Bai Song and Wang Huadong made simple disguises for everyone, and they all got fresher haircuts at noon. Everyone looked two or three years younger, and Wang Huadong and Bai Song also wore sunglasses.

Originally, the six of them generally had good looks. Liu Shuyuan and Wang Huadong were typical rich and handsome people, and with some reasonable makeup, they frequently attracted the attention of little girls at the airport.

This kind of mature temperament that transcends the immaturity of the student days, coupled with a sunny and handsome appearance

"After we got off the plane, we found a place to stay and changed our clothes again. Don't be so handsome," Bai Song and Wang Huadong said softly.

"The foundation is good." Wang Huadong said sarcastically.

"Have you taken down that royal sister? You still have a good foundation. If you make up a little younger next time, she might just take this bite."

"Go, go, go," Wang Huadong laughed and cursed.

Bai Song's voice was not loud, but several other people could still hear it roughly. They immediately gathered around and asked: "What Sister Yu? Where is Sister Yu?"

During the fun, the atmosphere of the business trip didn't seem tense at all.

After the afternoon flight, it was already evening when they arrived at their destination. Avoiding the eyes of many girls, the six of them quickly left the airport.

The other four people shared a car, and Bai Song and Ren Xu shared a car. The six of them arrived at the residence together. Bai Song had already made an appointment with a car rental agency to rent a car to Nanxi Village tomorrow morning.

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