Police Detective

Chapter 459 Reasoning

In order to maintain absolute confidentiality this time, the six people did not even bring batons with them.

The reason for doing this is because airport security checks every item. If someone around you finds something like a baton or handcuffs, it is inevitable that someone will think twice about it.

Although the probability is low, Bai Song and others are still very careful.

Bai Song had taken all the confidentiality measures, even going around Southern Guizhou Province, and still discovered his movements. There was no doubt that Wang Antai had betrayed him, and he had betrayed him long ago.

With this said, many doubts have been solved.

Bai Song was actually very strange when he was first discovered. Feng Yiling didn't pay much attention to Bai Song for so many years. Not everyone knew which city Bai Song went to after graduation.

After all, on the first day Bai Song came to Tianhua City, he had no friends and no one he knew.

In addition, Bai Song previously thought that he was discovered on the Internet, but in fact, on the Internet... it can be said that he has almost never shown his face. He has tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of fans on a certain blog. It's really It doesn’t have that much influence, and it won’t attract the attention of any big hot spots or big news.

But now, the root of the problem has emerged. Wang Antai has betrayed his good friends from the beginning, and naturally he will not wear the same pants as Bai Song and Sun Jie.

This not only explains why Wang Antai is safe and sound so far, but also explains why Bai Song was discovered during this operation!

Because Wang Antai told Feng Yiling's hiding address, Bai Song and the others will definitely come to this Changhe District!

At the same time, the exposed telephone communication contents of the two stalking personnel and the Chu slips spread everywhere will almost certainly attract Bai Song to Dashi Town!

For the rest, it actually doesn't matter whether it rains or not. In this territory, it is not difficult for Feng Yiling to kill someone.

Even if Bai Song and others didn't know Chu Jian, the local police did, otherwise there wouldn't have been so many plainclothes officers. In fact, according to Feng Yiling's previous understanding, Bai Song and others would definitely contact the local police when they came here. Therefore, after the local police discovered the Chu Jian, Bai Song and others would also know about it.

But it was self-defeating. Ren Xu's existence pushed the discovery time forward, which also made Bai Song and others arrive at the antique market in advance. Being familiar with the terrain of this place prematurely prevented Bai Song and others from wandering around when they arrived at night, otherwise he would have been discovered long ago for being so tall.

If it weren't for Ren Xu, Bai Song would come over again at night and be ambushed or prepare in advance.

And if there is no stab-proof clothing sent by Wang Huadong.

The feeling of being in a team is different. Bai Song recalled how everyone gathered a few days ago, clenched his fists vigorously, and then told Liu Shuyuan and Ren Xu some things about Wang Antai.

"No wonder Wang Antai doesn't have any messy call records, no wonder he's still staying in that village... Those two stalkers can actually be considered his subordinates...

No wonder…”

Bai Song murmured for a long time, gradually stringing together many things in his mind.

When he first met Wang Antai, his friend was poisoned. If Sun Jie and Bai Song hadn't been there that time, the man with glasses would have died of poison on the road.

After all, he chose to drive himself to deliver the man with glasses instead of calling 120. It’s hard to say what happened on the way.

It stands to reason that if someone is poisoned and needs to be sent to the hospital, how can anyone be eager to help? Everyone avoids it.

As a result, two "enthusiastic people", Sun Jie and Bai Song, really came out that time and rescued the man with glasses.

And that time, the reason why Wang Antai was so active was to wash away his own suspicions and make others feel that he had a good relationship with the man with glasses, so that even if the man with glasses died and the police came to inquire, they would not have any doubts about him.

However, thinking about it now, when the first person died of poisoning, the man with glasses knew clearly about his situation and that he might be a thorn in Feng Yiling's side. How could he be so indifferent and eat casually?

Then there must be some verbal guidance from Wang Antai, and Wang Antai had to put in so much effort to send the man with glasses to the hospital and save him because of Bai Song and Bai Song. As for a man, he will think that Wang Antai does not have any problems and is still his good brother.

And he knew from the last time that Bai Song and the two were police officers from out of town investigating the case. After all, he knew about the turmoil in Nanxi Village at that time.

It was during that time that he spent many days with Bai Song and Sun Jie that made him discover that Bai Song was Bai Yulong's son?

After reasoning to this point, Bai Song is stuck. This is impossible... How did Wang Antai know about Bai Yulong? How did you discover this?

There is only one explanation for this, which is that Wang Antai has a very high status in Feng Yiling's organization. He can keep in touch with Feng Yiling at any time about everything. He also told Feng Yiling about his interactions with Bai Song and Sun Jie, and also told Feng Yiling about everything. Many photos are provided.

Bai Song... looks very similar to Bai Yulong from nearly twenty years ago... Feng Yiling can recognize him, which is not difficult.

All accidents actually point to necessity.

After Bai Song finished talking about these things, he called Sun Jie.

"It's up to me, I should have thought of it earlier." Sun Jie sighed heavily. After Bai Song explained the matter, he was silent for a while.

"No one can blame you, Brother Jie, human nature is like this, it's understandable." Bai Song said calmly.

"Is that understandable?" Sun Jie was a little confused, "Because of him, I almost killed you, but you're not angry?"

"Angry, very angry," Bai Song said: "It's just that I have never had too much expectations for the humanity of this kind of person. From now on, we are really in the dark. And Wang Antai, maybe not yet Knowing that he has been targeted by us, he is just a poor man, I am not that low, and he is not worthy of being my opponent."

Sun Jie paused, "To be honest, I just heard what you said. I was very angry and on the verge of exploding. Especially, I was more worried about you. I didn't expect you to think of this level. You are right. .”

After saying that, Sun Jie continued to think about Bai Song's words, and his anger gradually subsided.

"So, let's not arrest him." Bai Song smiled softly: "This person is the only person we know of who can keep in touch with Feng Yiling. Keep an eye on him, and you might gain something big."

"Does our detachment still have sufficient manpower?" Wang Liang asked on the other end of the phone.

"I heard from the Qin detachment that they are now asking Senior Brother Ren Hao to send professionals there," Bai Song said, "We will have people from three parties working together to handle the matter. We are not fighting alone."

"Three parties?" Liu Shuyuan looked confused.

Say it again

Recently I want to support the role of Bai Song.

I hope everyone will show their love for the character Bai Song.

Thank you very much to the book friends who tipped Bai Song’s character, I’m very grateful.

At the same time, I am also very grateful to the operations officer Dada who is writing major events for Bai Song.

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