Police Detective

Chapter 650 Integrating into the company

People who are busy on the road are particularly particular about appearance.

The lowest standard equipment is second-hand mink and large fake watches. The better ones have to be equipped with an N-hand car that maintains its value and has a good appearance, and can be sold in N+1 hands at any time.

In addition to appearance, there are also classic sayings:

"I have made dozens or hundreds of dollars from doing business in the past few years."

“I’ve lost dozens or hundreds of dollars in business over the past few years.”

You can say the following numbers casually, but you have to say more within your approximate range to make it appear that the business you are doing is not small.

Don't say too much, as it will appear false; don't say too little, as it will appear to be unworthy.

As for whether you make money or lose money, it all depends on your current state.

As soon as the car starts driving, he says that he has made a profit; before the car starts driving, he says that he has lost money.

Something tacit.

Although Fu Bin, represented by Wang Huadong, came out not long ago and did not lose hundreds of thousands in two years, he was not worried about being investigated.


Can the things about people in society be called bragging? Isn't this just talking and chatting between good brothers?

Entering here smoothly, the two parties signed a "labor contract". The so-called contract is a piece of A4 paper printed in duplicate. In addition to stipulating four thousand yuan a month, it also contains a few unclear sentences. Which website can I use Ctrl+V to get?

Wang Huadong looked carefully to see that the money was correct, and then signed the word "Fu Bin" crookedly.

He didn't even read the contract seriously. Anyway, it was Fu Bin's name that was signed. What does it have to do with me, Wang Huadong?

I can barely make out the two characters, but it's an ugly one. For a person who is good at drawing, learning fonts is easy.

"Okay, after you sign the contract, let's try it here." The bald head said: "Today is the 26th, and there are five days until the end of the month. These five days will cost one hundred yuan a day. Starting from next month, the salary will be calculated according to this salary. Last month’s salary will be paid on the 15th of the month, and additional bonuses and other bonuses will be paid in one lump sum, is that okay?”

"What kind of bonus is there?" Wang Huadong pointed to the car: "You also saw my driver's license. I can only drive this small van."

"You don't need to think about that now. We'll talk about it later." Bald Head said, "Sit down and rest for a while. I'll call you if I have anything to do. They all ran out this morning. I'll call you if anything happens again later."

"Okay." Wang Huadong spat, then wiped his mouth with his hand, then took out a box of Yuxi from his other pocket and handed one to several people next to him.

"It's okay, just slap yours." Several buddies waved their hands in practice. This guy wipes the phlegm with his hands after spitting, who dares to pick it up?

The bald man saw that this situation was not very harmonious, so he immediately took out a box of Zhonghua, handed one to Wang Huadong, and then handed it out to several people in the room.

Wang Huadong didn't care, and stuffed the Yuxi he pulled out one by one back into the box, then sniffed the side of the cigarette he took and lit it for himself.

Bai Song didn't know how to smoke, and Wang Huadong didn't know how to smoke either. He had to smoke for this task. It didn't make any difference to him how good the cigarette was, he just had a bit of a cough.

Fu Bin loves to smoke. When he was in the police station, you could still get a few cigarettes a day. Fu Bin would always grab other people's cigarettes to smoke. Fu Bin also told others that he smoked three packs of cigarettes a day when he was outside.

This goes well with his habit of spitting. For Wang Huadong, smoking like this is the hardest thing to learn, but he has no choice but to smoke more.

After Wang Huadong came here, he was considered an outsider. He talked to everyone about all kinds of things, and the boss and others came back.

Several of them went to receive people from the Transportation Committee and had just returned.

When the boss came back, almost everyone in this small company was in this room except for the people who went out to run around. There were 11 people in total.

I heard that new people were hired, and the boss was a little surprised. It has become increasingly difficult to recruit people recently. There are a few serious new drivers who look like good people at first glance, so they can't be used.

After chatting with "Fu Bin" for a few words, he felt that everyone generally felt disgusted with Fu Bin. The boss was very satisfied that this person was definitely not a good person and could handle a big job.

Not long after he came back, Baldhead looked at his phone and said, "I have a moving job."

"You handle it." The boss didn't say much and left directly.

There are still quite a lot of goods hauling here. Transporting counterfeit currency is an occasional matter, and more than 90% of them are serious transport. These drivers are not as rich as they thought, and they are not selling DU after all.

However, moving is still the job that everyone least wants to do. The main task of this job is not driving, but moving.

How can these people be willing to move it?

Moving some large items is very heavy and requires skill. If you want to carry a large refrigerator alone, you don't have to have some technical skills.

"Xiao Hou, you take Xiao Bin and drive the 332." Bald Head arranged.


Xiao Hou doesn't want to go, but he has no choice. His status here is indeed not high.

After taking the order and keys, Xiao Hou took Wang Huadong out of the house and got into a van with the tail number 332.

After starting the car, Xiao Hou took a photo of the fuel gauge with his mobile phone and sent it to the WeChat group.

"Are you keeping an eye on the gas gauge everywhere?" Wang Huadong opened the car window and spat.

"Okay, Brother Bin, you have a sharp eye." Xiao Hou suddenly had a better impression of Wang Huadong: "But this trip is not a good thing. I saw the address. This move, from the sixth floor of an old building. Let's move out of the building. Fortunately, the one we moved to has an elevator."

"Then let us two come, what do you mean? Can we move here? Jiejijie is not looking for drivers, it's looking for cats!" When Wang Huadong heard this, he immediately expressed his dissatisfaction. (Note: Shuimao is a slightly discriminatory name for migrant workers waiting on the roadside to find temporary jobs, including carpenters, bricklayers, building builders, etc.)

"Hey, that's not the case, brother Bin, don't worry." Xiao Hou was used to being bullied, so he was quite happy to hear what Fu Bin said, "Just listen to me and work hard here. Sometimes there are some outside jobs here. Earnings are okay.”

"Outside work? What do you mean?" Wang Huadong immediately showed interest.

"Hey" Xiao Hou had already driven the car out, "you will know later."

"Is there anything we can't talk about?" Wang Huadong felt bored and leaned back: "I don't think the realm of Jie is a long-term thing."

Xiao Hou didn't say much.

Wang Huadong understood that there must be surveillance in the car.

This is normal. None of the company's cars does not have a GPS. It is normal to have surveillance or recording.

Xiao Hou was actually more anxious than Wang Huadong.

He especially hoped that Fu Bin could stay. After all, Fu Bin was quite unpopular, so he would definitely not be with others. He had only been friends with him for half a year, so staying would only be good for him. But Wang Huadong obviously felt that this life was not good and he was ready to leave. This was not a good thing.

Let’s talk about it later when we move.

The first line of the prologue,

I did the dubbing myself~

If you think it's okay, I can try more dubbing in the future~

It's so miserable for a little transparent girl. You can have enough food and clothing by using your mouth.

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