Police Detective

Chapter 664: A soldier never tires of deceit

"Inspector Bai's opinion is my opinion." Liu Gang specifically used the title "Inspector."

Bai Song is the deputy detective of this investigation team. Liu Gang said this because he has to take responsibility. When Liu Gang made this expression this morning, Bai Song was very moved, but at this time, something was wrong!

Bai Song couldn't say he was proficient in officialdom matters, but if he said he didn't understand them at all, it would be a pity that he had been exposed to them since he was a child.

After looking at Liu Shuyuan, Bai Song seemed to understand what was going on.

Liu Gang is one of his own, to be precise, he is deeply trusted by Liu's father. Zhengke, who is in his forties, does not have much future in the city bureau, but he can still handle the dirty work.

After all, Liu Shuyuan is so young, if he makes some mistakes.

Bai Song seemed to understand the reason why the investigation team arranged for Liu Gang to come over as the team leader.

After understanding this, Bai Song stopped talking and gave everyone here time to think.

"Shu Yuan, how many couriers are there in that company you mentioned?" After a while, Bureau Wei asked.

"One to two people." Liu Shuyuan said, "It depends on the situation."

"Okay, the company's affairs team will be responsible for contacting you. Tomorrow you go with Team Liang from the third team." After Director Wei finished speaking, he looked at Bai Song: "Safety first."

With Bai Song and Wang Huadong interacting with each other, Liang Dui and Liu Shuyuan cooperating with each other, and with so many external guarantees, even if the boss is really crazy and does something evil, it is basically foolproof.

Bai Song's actual combat ability has been tested by Deputy Director Liu, Deputy Captain Wei, and Political Commissar Fang, and his self-protection ability is absolutely first-class.

Bureau Wei didn't ask what Bai Song planned to do. There were too many people now.

"Until the action tomorrow night, all comrades here, except those who are going out to perform tasks, all live in the unit and cannot leave the corps. All communication tools are kept in one place." Director Wei looked at the internal service master Yue: "Give it to everyone We will count the phone numbers at home, and the team will be responsible for notifying everyone’s family members, and everyone will work overtime tonight.”

"Received." Master Yue nodded.

From this moment on, there is only one day left to investigate the case. If we are more rigorous, it also includes this night.

Director Wei continued to talk about tomorrow's division of labor, and finally said: "Everyone, including me, will follow the front line in everything. Team Liang, Bai Suo, Wang Huadong, and Liu Shuyuan, the four of them have everything they need help with. All comrades can help as much as they can without reporting anything."

"Director Wei, tonight, I have something that I need everyone's help with." Bai Song looked around: "Everyone."

At around 11 o'clock in the evening, the first driver was secretly taken to the sixth floor of the headquarters by four people sent by the headquarters.

Of the four drivers who left at the beginning, this one was the only one to be found.

It's not that he was easy to find. In fact, it took a lot of effort for the city bureau to find him. They didn't pay much attention to this person before. But now that one of the people traveling with him has died, this driver is very crucial.

In addition to him, the wives of the other two drivers must also know something, but it is not time to move yet. Those two are too easy to alert the snake. However, starting tonight, a 24-hour inspection of the homes of these two people has begun. Monitored.

The driver was brought here and looked very nervous.

"Bye bye, tell me, what's wrong?" The driver couldn't help but look around when he saw Bai Song.

He and Bai Song were the only two people in this room of seventy or eighty square meters.

He has a criminal record and has had previous encounters with the police. He was not familiar with the police station and the criminal police team, but he had nothing to be afraid of. It was just that he was a little panicked when he was brought here this time.

What kind of case was brought directly to the Municipal Public Security Bureau compound?

This big room did not give him a sense of security at all. He looked around several times and found Bai Song alone.

"Goodbye, you."

"I'm saving you." Bai Song said lightly: "But I need your cooperation."

"I will cooperate, I will definitely cooperate." The driver immediately spat out his polite words: "I am a good and honest citizen. If you have any questions, just say something and I will ensure that it will be done well without any compromise."

"There were four drivers that you left at the beginning, right?" Bai Song asked.

"Well, I don't know. I just know that I left on my own." Seeing that Bai Song was about to speak, the driver quickly said, "Goodbye, you asked me about this several times some time ago, and I told you everything I know."

"Did you know that the driver who left the transportation company with you is dead?" Bai Song said.

"Yeah," the driver said submissively. At this moment, his eyes were looking everywhere, and his mind was not on Bai Song at all.

"Have you heard about what happened at the port some time ago?" Bai Song asked.

"What about the port?" The driver was stunned, "Port?" Has the smuggling been discovered?

Bai Song's words still aroused his reverie. Of course he knew that there must be something wrong with the source of the cargo that this transportation company brought to the port, but he really didn't understand what Bai Song meant by port. Could it be that the dead driver was thrown into the sea? Well, that's possible.

"Aren't you curious about how these three people died?" Bai Song wanted to say that the three people who died were the three dead female anchors in the port case, but when the driver heard this, he would definitely think that they were the other three drivers. .

"Three" the driver blurted out, his pupils dilated for a moment, and then he felt as if he was being tricked. He rubbed his fingers, calmed down slowly, and then said: "Whoever dies has nothing to do with me."

"Okay, you can go." Bai Song nodded: "I underestimated you. Originally, I was worried that it would be your turn to die next, so I wanted to apply for protection for you. But now it seems that it is not necessary. This signature Okay, you can go."

After speaking, Bai Song took out a confidentiality agreement.

The content of this agreement is very easy to understand. To put it simply, everything Bai Song said to him here is prohibited from being leaked. At the same time, it also says "pay attention to safety" and other words. The second page of the confidentiality agreement lists the on-duty telephone numbers of six police stations around the driver's residence. This page is reserved for the driver.

"This is this?" The driver was a little panicked. He looked carefully and found no trick, so he signed and then found a second page.

"I've told you everything I need to say. I can't trust you either. You know who you are. However, if you are in danger, here are the phone numbers of the six police stations near your home. It should be enough ." Bai Song said: "Okay, don't ask any more questions, just go."

The driver went downstairs in a daze.

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