Police Detective

Chapter 779 Cut off the beard


Bai Song was being polite, but many people sounded like he was mocking them.

Before, Bai Song and the others made a mistake and temporarily got the first place, which made many people think it was luck. Bai Song's performance this morning was said by more than ten teams to be a matter of luck.

Whether it was luck or not, we now know.

Those who said Bai Song was lucky didn't dare to speak at this time. No one is stupid. If you can rely on luck once, it's basically impossible twice. And for this score, you have to carry at least a big one. Being able to catch it with a team of six people is pretty impressive in itself.

For a moment, it was explained that Bai Song slept here in the morning!

I must have been busy all night yesterday!

Detective Bai, thank you for your hard work...

Knew it.

As for the red underwear thing later, maybe it was because of staying up late that my brain was damaged?

At this time, the local criminal police in Area A gave an overview of the case.

The police in District A knew what happened, but they didn't know the specific process. They only knew that other police officers from the detachment went to pick up nine people in the middle of the night, and then inexplicably solved a major case.

The most important thing is that the criminal police in Area A said that one of the main leaders here is extremely cooperative!

If it weren't for the investigation and punishment of some of this person's illegal activities, everyone would have thought that this person was one of their own placed by the police in this gang!

After being introduced by the police from Area A, everyone was even more confused.

"You mean, when your criminal police arrived, all nine members of the gang were at the crime scene, and they were all tied up, and they were very cooperative?" someone asked.

"I heard from my colleagues that this is the case. It's purely ready-made." The policeman in Area A scratched his head: "I'll have to ask them if they are all cooperating."

After hearing this, no one asked.

At this time, asking Bai Song, "How did you solve the case?" It seemed like double standards. Few people cared about Bai Song before, but now it was inappropriate to surround him.

At this time, someone asked the organizer for the details, and found that Bai Song had two cases, and one of them was from Area G.

After asking the criminal police in Area G, I found out that in the first half of last night, these people arrested a gambling bureau and captured more than 20 people playing mahjong.

In other words, it’s a good thing that there are no extra points for gambling, otherwise it would be even scarier!

Some people silently memorized this case. Now Bai Song will not reveal the secret. When the last two days of discussing the case, Bai Song must be allowed to explain the case clearly.

This update of the list is much more exciting than the previous two. Because of the rule that the more people arrested, the fewer points a single suspect gets, it is basically impossible to get a lot of points at once, so it is particularly important to get high scores. difficulty.

Not long after, Bai Song received a call.

"Bai Song, Wei...cough, ah, no, I just want to ask you something. There is no calculation error in the latest list, right?" Zhuang detachment coughed twice.

"There should be no problem. I was busy until dawn this morning, solved two cases, and arrested ten people in total." Bai Song said truthfully: "Our comrades are all good, and they are still having a meeting here. Everyone is here , I arranged for them to rest, but they all insist on coming, no matter how hard they try..."

"Okay, okay, I got it, I got it, I'll arrange for you all to rest as a team." Detachment Zhuang quickly hung up the phone.

During lunch, the organizers of City A Public Security Bureau discovered that less than half of the people had eaten!

This was so exciting that everyone who had clues ran to look for clues.

As a result, the organizer had to modify the rules. The calculation time for this score ends at 12 o'clock in the evening on the 28th. The next two days must be used for exchanges and learning. Otherwise, the last two days will be spent outside handling cases. It's half as meaningful.

The organizers also know who caused the rule change. Although this must be related to this year's standings, it would certainly not be the case without Bai Song's group of catfish.

Everyone had dinner here at noon. It wasn't that he didn't want to chat with everyone, but Bai Song was still worried about the previous case. Now that the gang of Little Slender Man has been arrested, it is inevitable that the gang will be alerted. No one can guarantee that the gang that forged certificates is still there. It is always better to do it as soon as possible.

"I'll leave this to you." Bai Song left Liu Shuyuan behind to take charge of the afternoon's communication and drawing lots. Exactly where you can draw depends on luck. Generally speaking, places close to urban areas will be better. Not only do they have a developed economy, a large population, and many cases, but they also have relatively many types of surveillance equipment and better detection conditions.

After all, City A is not a big city like Shangjing, and it is impossible for all 10 districts to be urban areas.

The ABC district is the urban area, the DEFG district is the suburbs, and the HIJ district is actually the county seat.

Of course, precisely because of this situation, the one point in Area J may have a higher weight than the two points in Area A. Of course, even so, everyone wants Area A.

Bai Song was worried that his team was unlucky, so he took advantage of the lack of divisions in the first two days to earn as many points as possible.

Leaving Shu Yuan here, it was easy to do so, and the remaining five people went straight to the detention center.

When he arrived at the detention center, Bai Song asked and found out that the nine suspects in this case had not yet entered the detention center.

"What kind of efficiency is this? We arrested someone at five in the morning, and now it's already past one in the afternoon, and they haven't been delivered yet." Wang Liang looked at his watch.

"It's not that simple to detain nine people in eight hours." Bai Song sighed: "I'll call and ask."

The time limit for criminal summons is 24 hours, which means that District A can send it in within 24 hours. It is still very early now.

And everyone understands that detention is not an easy matter.

Bai Song made some contacts, hung up the phone, and told everyone: "I guess we've had enough trouble this afternoon and evening. They want to dig out more clues."

"Did the team from Area A go in and intercept the beard?" Sun Jie asked.

"It's possible. With such clues, it's impossible for them not to investigate." Bai Song said: "However, since we can't detain him for a while, it's not a bad thing. Let's go to the criminal police team for interrogation."

"Okay, let me see if the team in area A is here. Although it is not illegal for them to do this, it is still to embarrass them." Wang Liang hummed a few words.

Zhao Han opened his mouth but wanted to speak but didn't say anything.

"Actually, it's understandable. If it were held in Tianhua City, I'm a local policeman. If such a case was solved locally, I would definitely be greedy and want to get involved." Bai Song was open-minded: "Everyone depends on their ability."

Sun Jie was attentive and could tell that Bai Song was in a bad mood, but he still didn't say much. He knew that Bai Song was becoming more and more suitable to be a leader.

Thanks to Mr. LoveMikeG for the 10,000 reward! The monthly ticket method of the boss is different. I asked for a monthly pass, and the boss gave me one...

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