Police Detective

Chapter 831 Having Friends

On the way back, the three cars were driving very fast.

Ren Xu has been out for a week this time. For the police chief, this is indeed a very rare long vacation. It would have been impossible a year ago. Thanks to the fact that Mi Feifei no longer sighs every day and can easily shoulder the responsibility, it doesn't matter if Ren Xu takes a few days' rest.

Today is July 22nd. Bai Song and the others will go to work on the 27th, which is Monday, and Ren Xu will be on duty on the 25th.

The convoy set off from near Mogao Grottoes, passed Ena Banner, passed through the central and western parts of Mongolia Province, and went straight to Tianhua City.

The whole journey takes more than 20 hours, and because you can alternate driving, you can go back in two days.

Mongolia Province is really huge. It takes nearly 4,000 kilometers to drive from the westernmost point of Ena Banner to the northernmost point of Hulun League! It is enough to travel from Northern Hebei Province to Guangdong Province and back. In some leagues, going from the lower banner (county) to the league (city) for a meeting is considered a business trip.

This time when he came out, Bai Song listened to the local criminal police chatting and heard that in the northwest, Xinjiang Province has the largest area. The largest county in Xinjiang Province, its area is twice as big as Zhejiang Province!

If something happens in a place like this, the criminal police will basically have to wait until the next day.

On the evening of the 23rd, the convoy arrived in Shangjing City.

Two full days of traveling by boat was really tiring. When we arrived in Beijing, it happened to be raining.

Every year from mid-July to early August, there is always rain in North China, which may cause disasters.

It rained on the day of the opening ceremony of the 2008 Olympic Games. On July 21, 2012, there was a severe rain disaster in Shangjing City, which caused a total of 79 deaths, the collapse of over 10,000 houses, and losses of over 10 billion. At that time, precipitation exceeded 460 mm in some areas.

Of course, most people are forgetful. Only three years have passed and no one seems to remember this.

The forecast said that cumulonimbus clouds will further expand their scope and will significantly affect Tianhua City from tomorrow. From tomorrow afternoon to the afternoon of the day after tomorrow, Tianhua City may face heavy rainfall of more than 150 mm within 24 hours.

Shangjing City is his own territory. Bai Song, Wang Huadong, Liu Shuyuan, and Wang Liang all studied here. Originally, Bai Song wanted to ask Xinqiao out, but a lot of classmates booked him away.

Zheng Chaopei, Lin Yu and others also came over, made an appointment at a manor, and entertained everyone.

The place where we ate this time was even more upscale than before. Bai Song had never been to a place like this.

The three off-road vehicles were all covered in mud and were driven away by waiters to be cleaned. Even though it's raining, this service is still available here.

The three people's car was extremely dirty, so it deserved a good cleaning.

"This trip was fun enough." The group of people stood in the corridor, looking at the rain outside, laughing and chatting about this trip.

In a big city like Shangjing, rich people can live very, very comfortably.

The busy work of tens of millions of people has created the endless prosperity of this metropolis, while a small number of people directly enjoy this prosperity.

Last time it was a private place, but this time it was more elegant. The spending in such a courtyard in one night must have exceeded five figures. If they weren't all classmates, Bai Song wouldn't dare to come.

"By the way, do you still remember the 100 TT coins I bought for you?" Zheng Chaopei asked.

"Remember." Bai Song said, "What's wrong? Has it risen sharply?"

"Haha, not really." Zheng Chaopei said with a smile: "At the end of 2013, one coin rose to 1,100 dollars. Then at the beginning of 2014, when it was a little over 1,000 dollars, I sold 2,000 coins. Then it started It keeps falling, and now it’s only over 270 dollars each. Do any of you want to join the circle and have fun?”

Although they are all classmates, they still feel a bit like Versailles. Just a quick calculation, at the beginning of 2014, the one-fifth of the money Zheng Chaopei sold casually was 2 million knives, equivalent to 14 million yuan. According to the house price at that time, you can easily go to the third suite in Beijing.

"More than 270 dollars." Bai Song calculated in seconds. His 100 coins were still worth more than 200,000 dollars: "I won't buy it or sell it. Let's keep it and talk about it later."

"Titecoin?" Wang Huadong became interested: "I have heard about it a little bit, but I have never dared to invest. So, is there hope for it to rise in the future?"

"Who knows?" Zheng Chaopei said: "Now one is equivalent to 2,000 yuan in RMB. Although the price has dropped, I dare not increase my holdings. The price has continued to jump. Last year, it basically fell for a year. Most of this year has passed. , the price hasn’t moved either.”

"It's still feasible." Wang Huadong thought for a moment: "Brother, let's talk after dinner. There are a hundred Baisong, right? You have channels there, and I plan to buy a hundred."

Bai Song, Wang Liang and others immediately looked sideways. They didn't understand anything. How dare you invest more than 200,000 yuan like this?

"Okay, no problem, they are all from the same school." Zheng Chaopei knew that the Raptor belonged to Wang Huadong. Such an investment was not a big risk for a person of this rank, so he naturally agreed.

If Wang Liang and Bai Song planned to invest more than 200,000 yuan, Zheng Chaopei would definitely have to remind them.

The poor have to gamble their lives if they want to stand up, while the rich just need to put their eggs in a few more baskets.

"If you do this again, we won't dare to come to Beijing anymore." Bai Song still complained: "How can I receive you..."

"Well" Zheng Chaopei looked at Bai Song: "This is all daily life, but you are now a leader, so you really need to pay attention."

"The leader is a bastard." Bai Song pointed at a few classmates in the department: "Aren't they all regular students?"

"How can we compare with Inspector Bai when we are a professional clerk here?" Lin Yu said with a smile: "You are already a man who appears in textbooks!"

"My family understands their own affairs, so I'm lucky." Bai Song shook his head lightly.

"Okay, okay, I'm going to starve to death listening to all of you bragging!" Yang Meile urged.

"Let's go, let's go eat," Zheng Chaopei said: "But Bai Song, you are right, I will take you to eat braised pork next time."

"Just arrange a bowl for him and let him eat by himself." Wang Liang said, "We are not afraid."

Bai Song rolled his eyes at Wang Liang.

Things like receiving classmates are all on an equal footing. Every time I come to Shangjing, they have this standard. What should I do if I come to Baisong, Tianhua City in the future?


"By the way, Team Bai." Ren Xu called Bai Song aside: "My cousin's training in Shangjing is over. He will take the high-speed train to Tianhua at noon tomorrow. Are you free?"

"Your cousin?" Bai Song was a little confused, "Does he know me? Can't we just let him drive with us?"

"He said he knew you." Ren Xu said: "He has something to do tomorrow morning. It will probably be noon, so there is no need to wait for him. He just chatted with me on WeChat. While chatting, he actually knew you, so he asked me to ask you if null."

"Who is it?" Bai Song was curious.

"His name is Ren Hao from the Southern Xinjiang Provincial Department. Do you know him?" Ren Xu asked.

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