Police Detective

Chapter 837 Another suicide?

There is great energy and there is no end to learning.

In the forensic industry, not everyone is constantly making progress.

This is different from doctors. Sometimes you work very hard and your salary will never increase by a dime, so you have no motivation.

There are very few people like Sun Jie who are always conscientious in their studies.

After working for four years, Sun Jie was able to publish an article in the Chinese Forensic Journal basically every year. Among the brothers who came together at the beginning, Sun Jie was the least talkative, but also the most stable.

Detachment Zhuang wanted to go to the scene, so Director Wang asked Detachment Huang from the criminal investigation detachment here to take him with him to show his importance.

Huang detachment drove Bai Song's car, and the five of them left the criminal investigation detachment together.

Warning tape has been put on the scene and the body has been taken away. It's summer now, and the body will change over time.

On the way, Sun Jie still used his mobile phone to check papers online. There are not many papers on insulin suicide, but there are some, and many of them are in English, which Bai Song would definitely not be able to understand.

The systematization of forensic medicine in our country is still too short, and many cases refer to the West. This is normal.

After arriving at the scene, Sun Jie and Liu Shuyuan entered the scene wearing protective headgear, masks, foot covers and other items.

There are many people in the hotel today!

Tiandong District is where the airport is located and has a very large area. Although this hotel is seven or eight kilometers away from the airport, many people live here because of the strong discounts and low prices on some platforms.

Starting from noon today, the airport has stopped all flights, causing a large number of passengers to be stranded.

The stagnant water in Tiandong District did not gradually appear until after 6 p.m., so it was very convenient to take a taxi at the beginning, and stranded passengers also received early warning messages, so everyone had to find a hotel to stay.

When Bai Song and others went to the city bureau after dinner, the water was not particularly deep. It gradually became deeper and deeper after nine o'clock in the evening, and traffic was paralyzed.

Therefore, the hotel is nearly full, with a total of almost 200 rooms.

The nurse checked in at 3:30 this afternoon and hasn't come out since.

The house would be cleaned every time someone changed, and the waiter would mop the floor symbolically, but the mopping was not meticulous at all.

It can be judged from the footprints that from the bed to the door, only the nurse's footprints exist, which match the nurse's shoes.

All her clothes, including her shoes, were placed on the chair.

The scene is very simple, and the work of the past few hours has been done very meticulously. We have looked for everything we need to look for, and we should be able to determine that it is suicide by now.

However, the parents of the deceased did not agree with this statement.

The handwriting appraisal of the nurse's suicide note is currently being carried out. The report has not yet come out, but experts from the Criminal Division have said that this must be the nurse's own handwriting, and the handwriting is relatively clear.

Judging from the content of the suicide note, the deceased was emotional when writing the suicide note, but did not lose his mind. The content of the suicide note is logically normal.

Simply put, the suicide note expresses several meanings.

The first is that you have no expectations for the world and cannot feel your own meaning and value in the world.

The second is that I feel sorry for my parents. I have not been very obedient since I was a child. I am sorry for making my parents worry all the time.

The third is that I feel that I am too tired, want to relax completely, and have despaired of this world.

"Detachment Zhuang, this is the situation," Detachment Huang said, "We will do a good job with the family members later."

"What's the main reason why the family doesn't believe this is suicide?" Detachment Zhuang didn't answer Detachment Huang's words. He knew that there was no room for carelessness in this kind of thing.

"It's strange that the deceased's parents didn't know that their child had mental problems. However, the main reason why her parents didn't believe it was suicide was because they felt that even if the child committed suicide, she wouldn't find such a cheap hotel." Huang Detachment said.

After hearing what Team Huang said, Bai Song, who originally thought it was suicide, seemed to be knocked on the head and was stunned on the spot.

Reasonable! ! !

So reasonable! ! !

Although what your parents said may seem pretentious, it is not nonsense.

The deceased was a girl who came and left naked. Since we are all going to die, why not choose a cleaner place?

Don’t say it’s not important, for a person who loves to be clean, it’s very important!

Bai Song didn't expect that the parents of the deceased would actually put forward such a point of view.

"That's the problem." Zhuang detachment nodded: "Judging from the layout of the scene, this nurse has even arranged her clothes neatly. She should be a clean person. If she is going to die, who cares about money, find a clean one The place you clicked is more in line with common sense.”

"Isn't this a paradox? If it was a homicide, it doesn't prove that she was clean. Maybe the murderer arranged it. If she was clean and arranged it herself, it would be suicide." Detachment Huang said: "I think so. There are two possibilities. One is that because this store is cheap, it ranks high in online software recommendations, and the deceased did not consider anything else when choosing;

The second is that the deceased originally felt that she was a trouble. It can be seen from the suicide note that she was disappointed with the world on one hand and, most importantly, on herself. In this case, she may also be a kind girl. She felt that dying in a five-star hotel would be too disastrous, so she found a place like this. "

When detachment Huang said this, Bai Song thought it made sense.

"Sun Jie, can you drive now?" Detachment Zhuang asked.

"It's okay." Sun Jie had taken a few sips just to show off, but now that several hours had passed, he was already fine.

Even if there was a traffic police investigation today, Sun Jie would have metabolized cleanly.

"Okay, you drive to the hospital morgue and talk to the people there. This needs to be dissected." Detachment Zhuang then looked at Detachment Huang: "What are Detachment Huang's wishes?"

"The deceased's family still doesn't agree, so an autopsy will definitely be necessary." Detachment Huang said: "I'll make a call and ask the forensic doctor over there to cooperate with the leaders of the municipal bureau."

Detachment Zhuang naturally knew that Detachment Huang meant to shirk responsibility, but he didn't care at all: "Okay, Sun Jie, you will be responsible after you go. If you have anything, just call me."

Judging from the current situation, 99% is suicide, which is somewhat similar to Shi's suicide case.

However, the trouble in Bai Song's heart lingered.

The nurse's family background is not bad. Bai Song, a local girl who loves cleanliness, has been thinking about the words of the deceased's parents. She feels that although Team Huang's explanation is reasonable, it is still not guaranteed.

Bai Song decided to keep this suspicion until the knot in his heart was completely over.

"Can I come into the scene and have a look?" Bai Song asked.

"Of course." Detachment Huang smiled and said, "Inspector Bai, please."

It was windy and rainy outside, so Bai Song put on special protection and entered the calm scene.

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