Police Detective

Chapter 859 The petty Wang Liang

Bai Song came with a team.

This morning was Wang Huadong's class, and in the afternoon was the forensic class of the four detachments. The forensic doctors had been transferred here, so the afternoon classes were naturally stopped.

Not all the courses in this training are important, and the forensic course is actually a less important course. It’s not that people don’t understand it, it’s mainly because the police themselves rarely use it because they are so professional.

Police officers may rotate their positions many times in their lives, but the position of forensic scientist is basically not rotated because it requires a medical foundation and is beyond the scope of ordinary people.

In the afternoon, most people were watching courseware at the training base. Bai Song, two forensic doctors from the fourth detachment and a dozen outstanding students arrived at the Jibei detachment.

"Team White, don't you think this kind of thing is not a big deal?" On the minibus, a criminal police officer from Tiandong District asked, "We, Team Huang, all obeyed you last time."

"Yes, yes," said the criminal policeman from the Jiuhe District Second Brigade: "You don't know that when the White Team went to Dashan Province, they once went to the bottom of a cliff to get a highly decayed corpse."

"Cliff? What to do? Is there any large machinery?"

"No way, it was just brought up with a rope."

"That's really cruel. Captain Bai, please tell us."

Although they are all policemen, they are all young people and still like to hear some weird stories, but Bai Song did not answer.

Because the scene we went to today was much more complicated than the one under the cliff last time.

The driver of the tank truck would be fine if he didn't drive. The driver drove more than ten kilometers, and now except for the warehouse facing the tank mouth, everything else is in trouble.

First of all, there are a lot of toxic gases in these places, whether it is hydrogen sulfide formed by decay or diesel vapor itself, which may make people unable to return.

Secondly, can I bring an oxygen bottle?

I can't take it with me. I can't get into other cabins even if I have an oxygen bottle with me. People are allowed to crawl around between each cabin, but the oxygen tanks are too large.

The best way at the moment is to find some special equipment, a small oxygen cylinder. Bai Song has already told the Jibei branch.

Small oxygen tanks last only a short time, but they are useful. Bai Song would never allow Sun Jie and other forensic doctors to get off the tank and enter other cabins without protection.

But even this is very troublesome, because there was a light rain a few days ago, and the mouth of the jar is small, so not much water goes in, but it also accelerates the process of spoilage. Now it is mainly soup, and multiple bags are needed bit by bit. Takeout.

The car arrived at the scene quickly.

The basic argument has been made that the cause of death should be hydrocarbon poisoning.

This car is a diesel car and it mainly pulls diesel.

At present, through routine inspections, it is indeed found that there is diesel content in it.

Diesel is a relatively weak type of hydrocarbon. C5-C12 aliphatic hydrocarbons and naphthenes are gasoline, while diesel is mainly C10-C22 macromolecular hydrocarbons. In fact, the junction point of these two oils is not very clear, and they are not so distinct. .

For example, C11 naphthenes are found in gasoline and diesel.

Therefore, we cannot think that diesel is not toxic because of its low volatility.

Judging from the current situation, the deceased should have suffered external injuries. He probably slipped after entering the tank because there was a little oil left at the bottom. It's narrow inside, and it's made entirely of steel plates, so it's easy to get killed if you bump into anything.

After arriving at the scene, more than a dozen forensic doctors were now gathered around.

"Yue Detachment", after Bai Song arrived at the scene, he saw the deputy detachment leader of the second detachment of the municipal bureau, who was the leader of the municipal bureau: "You have come in person for such a long journey."

"Even if it is an accident, the leaders will attach great importance to the sensitive word "tank truck"." Detachment Yue said: "But it is indeed quite troublesome. The best solution now is to bring a special oxygen tank in and fish it out bit by bit."

"Where's the integrity?" Bai Song asked.

"The main skeleton is complete, but as for the organization, it's a mess. This big car shakes so hard that it can be found anywhere. Let's do it bit by bit. It's a technical job." Detachment Yue said: "Find someone to go to the fire department to get some details. Professional equipment, I heard that their equipment has been updated after this accident, there is a lot of new equipment, and there is also oxygen equipment that can enter and exit narrow places."

"Where's the light source?" Bai Song asked.

"Have a headlamp."

"Detachment Yue, I have a suggestion, don't use battery light source, just pull the LED cold light source." Bai Song said: "Pull the sealed wire in, and the four bulbs will cover the four cabins together."

"I'll ask about the feasibility." Detachment Yue nodded.

While the forensic doctors were working hard to find a way to solve the problem, the police from the Jibei District Criminal Investigation Detachment also transferred some basic information.

The deceased, male, 17 years old, had a history of theft, but was sentenced to probation because he was under 18 years old, and is currently on probation.

The driver did not live nearby and had no contact with the deceased. In addition to the driver, the driver's family and company also checked.

I also checked at the car wash shop, but there was no overlap.

After checking the interpersonal relationships of the deceased, they were all young gangsters aged fifteen or sixteen. None of these people admitted to having contact with the deceased during this period, and no one mentioned that the deceased was going to get oil. On the other hand, some people even called the deceased a bastard, saying that he was never loyal and always liked to eat alone when good things happened.

The parents of the deceased were similar to the parents of the nurse Bai Song met, but much lower.

His father was a businessman, but he had little money. His mother was a housewife who occasionally went out to do part-time work and could not control her son.

To put it this way, he is actually more like the husband of the woman who fell into the river.

The parents of the deceased came to the truck driver to ask for money. They knew what kind of beating their son was, but they insisted that parking the truck there was a safety hazard.

The driver of the large truck started scolding the deceased's father. The big and small lids were all closed, and the big lid was screwed on with bolts. How could you blame the driver? ? ?

The father of the dead child was making trouble, and the mother was crying, and the trouble was fierce.

Bai Song and more than ten people stayed here all afternoon, accompanying the forensic doctor to clean up everything.

Bai Song and Wang Liang were fine, but three of the dozen people they brought vomited.

Wang Liang originally had nothing to do after adjusting some surveillance, but he didn't leave all afternoon, just staring at the criminal police officers in training.

Wang Liang was very satisfied when he saw that three people brought by Bai Song vomited and two detectives from the Jibei detachment vomited.

This is because most of the people who come for training are not new police officers. Otherwise, if those newly recruited on September 28 are brought here, the toilets here will be full.

In the case of Li's murder, which was the first murder case, Wang Liang went crazy to the outside world after eating the buffet. He had always felt embarrassed, but now he finally has a balance...

After holding it in for four years, I finally felt happy...

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