Police Detective

Chapter 870 Hurry up

On Wednesday, Bai Song took three days off, a total of five days including weekends, and prepared to go to Beijing.

This time he planned to go to Hangzhou to visit his future father-in-law and mother-in-law Qin Tao.

For this reason, he prepared carefully for several days and contacted Ren Xu and Wang Liang for reference.

Because the old couple were both intellectuals, Bai Song planned to buy some decent things like the Four Treasures of the Study, but he would not make stupid mistakes and make embarrassing things. Finally, he called Huadong over again and prepared it carefully. Fan.

Such preparations really surprised Xinqiao after arriving in Shangjing City.

"I have prepared a few things for you." Xinqiao took out a scarf and a piece of clothing, his eyes filled with autumn water, and said softly: "I'm afraid you won't be prepared."

"You can tell at a glance that you prepared it. You'd better take it back and say it's your intention." Bai Song was extremely moved. Xinqiao was too considerate of him.



Bai Song woke up from his dream.


What are you thinking about?

We were having trouble just now, how can it be so simple?

But no matter what, Bai Song didn't believe in himself. He also believed in Huadong's taste, Ren Xu's professionalism and Wang Liang's control. He was looking forward to this trip to Hangzhou.

"It's up to you. If my dad doesn't like you, you have to find a way on your own." Xinqiao was sitting on the plane, still a little unhappy with Bai Song.

"It's okay, it's okay." Bai Song felt that it should be easier to deal with men.

"Whatever you want." Xin Qiao was quite angry when he saw Bai Song's inability to speak.



Bai Song came to Hangzhou for the first time.

From an urban perspective, Hangzhou is a sub-provincial city, lower than Tianhua City, and its GDP is still some distance from Tianhua City. However, the city has great potential. According to the current development trend, five years later, in 2020, Hangcheng is probably ahead of Tianhua, very energetic.

It was night when we got off the plane, and the lights were starting to turn on. The Mercedes-Benz, Porsche, and dazzling lights filling the streets made Bai Song feel like he had entered the city. Tianzhong District and Tiannan District in Tianhua City are also brightly lit, but they are not as vibrant as here.

Xinqiao went home secretly, but she was actually nervous.

Although she looked angry on the surface, she was still a little excited that her boyfriend knew she was angry and asked for leave to compensate her and go home.

After calling his mother, Qin Tao thought his daughter was joking after receiving the call. After confirming it again and again, Qin Tao immediately hung up the phone. She has to prepare some specialties.

Hangbang cuisine is also a famous Jiangnan cuisine. It is much more delicious than the food in Shanghai. Qin Tao still has a good impression of Bai Song, so naturally he cannot neglect his future son-in-law.

Because the airport was far away and taxis were a bit congested, the two of them arrived at Xinqiao's house more than an hour later.

"Your dad is not at home." Qin Tao finished talking to Xin Qiao, and when he saw Bai Song, he quickly took the things: "Child, come as soon as you come, and bring something with you."

"Is uncle working so hard?" Bai Song secretly looked at the time. It was already eight o'clock in the evening.

"It's refreshing to have him at home." Xinqiao didn't want to talk about this: "Mom, I'm going to starve to death."

After saying that, Xinqiao was going to eat.

"This kid, don't worry about yourself."

Xinqiao's father was not here, so Xinqiao could only enjoy the meal. Bai Song always wanted to ask about Xinqiao's father, but in the end he didn't.

After the meal, Bai Song went to wash the dishes, but Qin Tao stopped him and refused to let Bai Song wash the dishes. Bai Song went to Xinqiao to chat for a while.

"My dad. Ever since the last time my mom had surgery, he has been working on a project and has been saying it will be soon, but the results haven't come out yet." Xinqiao looked out the window. This is the place she is most familiar with. , suddenly the corners of her eyes became moist: "The last time I saw my dad was last year."

"Is it a national confidentiality issue?" Bai Song asked.

Xinqiao didn't say anything, so he accepted the matter.

Bai Song also followed Xinqiao's mood and felt a little sad.

Girls who are admitted to the police academy are usually very strong people. Xinqiao chose this choice because of her family.

"Actually." Xinqiao looked at Bai Song, who was also a little depressed, and was no longer sad: "Actually, what I originally thought was that I would be a policeman, and then find a man who is as responsible as my mother, and then I would be in charge and he would be in charge. Inside"

"It's a pity that you still can't withstand the temptation of truth?"

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

"Actually, I'm talking about myself." Bai Song said: "I have always had a mysterious pursuit of the truth. In the future, I may still be stupid and want to find out when I encounter a case, but over the years, I have also It’s clear, I’m not young anymore. I am a foreigner, but after all, I am not that great and cannot serve the country and the people like your father. I will just do my job and protect our small family. "

"Whoever wants to marry you has a good idea." Xinqiao turned his head.


"Hey! Why are you back!" Qin Tao opened the door, quickly took the things from her husband's hands, put them on the ground, and then wiped his hands with the scarf on his body: "Did you not eat? I'll give you a hot spot. "

"Okay." Xinqiao's father took off his scarf, looked around, and saw his daughter and the tall white pine.

For some reason, as Xinqiao's father, he had a fondness for tall boys. He felt that only such a young man could protect his girl, so he came over and shook hands with Bai Song, feeling the youthful, vigorous strength, cleanliness, and ability. God's eyes, he was more than satisfied at once.

Naturally, he had heard a lot of Bai Song's stories. When he arranged his wife's surgery, he owed Bai Song a lot of friendship. He was too busy at work and too important, but because of this, he had to come back and see Bai Song today to feel relieved.

Xinqiao's father might not be satisfied if Wang Huadong, Liu Shuyuan, or Wang Liang were placed here, but Bai Song might be considered dull and unable to speak in the eyes of girls, but for middle-aged men and It is the most satisfying kind for women.

After a simple bowl of noodles, Xinqiao's father chatted with Bai Song for almost 20 minutes before getting ready to leave.

"Come here, come to the door, and I'll say a few words to you." Xinqiao's father pointed at Bai Song before leaving.

"Okay." Bai Song followed immediately.

At the door, Xinqiao's father looked at Bai Song carefully and nodded: "I can see that you have experienced a lot."

"That's the reason for work." Bai Song said.

"Yeah." Xinqiao's father nodded: "Although Xinqiao is with her mother every day, she actually follows me, is very independent, and doesn't want to say anything when something happens. But she can see your heart, Bringing you back is equivalent to telling me her choice. You should also pay more attention to your own safety. I like you people from Shandong Province, and the several people in the research team are all very good."

"Thank you for the compliment, uncle." Bai Song was a little embarrassed.

"Haha." Xinqiao's father laughed, but Bai Song felt that the corners of his eyes were a little wet, "Okay."


"There are some things, hurry up."



Xinqiao's father turned around and left, got into a car at the door, and then the two of them opened Bai Song's sight.

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