Police Detective

Chapter 899 Fighting

Regardless of the situation, Bai Song quickly took the floating ball over.

This is also thanks to his tall height and long wingspan. If he was 1.7 meters tall, he would probably have to climb out, and he would not be able to see the specific situation outside.

This is a very common floating ball on a fishing net. There are many such things on fishing boats. It is slightly larger than a bowling ball and is made of hollow plastic. When the wind and waves are strong, no one will notice if a few floating balls roll on the boat.

When Bai Song picked it up from the shelf next to him, he found that it was very heavy. He had no strength now, so his estimate was not accurate, but it weighed at least three or four kilograms.

Someone stabbed the floating ball with a knife and came out. There was some fluid inside. Bai Song shook it and smelled it. It was something like steamed buns soaked in water!

It was hard for Bai Song to imagine how this undercover agent stuffed steamed buns and fresh water into the floating ball in such an environment. He must have taken a big risk. Maybe the steamed buns were his own food!

For now, two teammates who have never met each other face to face or said a word are working together very well!

This is not the time to be moved. Although the floating ball has a bit of fishy odor and even the germs seriously exceed the limit, do you still think about these things at this time?

The liquid food flowing out of this mouth is simply the most delicious food in the world!

The stomach digestion capacity of people who exercise regularly is stronger than that of ordinary people. Bai Song drank three to four hundred milliliters of water and soaked rice in just a few mouthfuls.

He paused for a moment, licked his lips, feeling the endless thirst in his stomach, and did not continue to drink.

After the human body eats, the stomach knows that the food has arrived, and the body knows, "The ammunition is here, the firepower is sufficient, give it to me!". Only after receiving this instruction, the muscles and liver dare to release glycogen unscrupulously and quickly complete the conversion of ATP to ADP. transformation to meet the body's needs for a large amount of exercise.

After a half-minute pause, Bai Song ate again.

He ate all the solid food and almost a liter of water inside, and stopped drinking.

Although I was still hungry and thirsty, drinking cold water that was not clean would only cause more severe stomach cramps. It stands to reason that a cold food like this is already over the limit, but the body's demand for water and energy is so strong that he no longer cares about the stomach pain and damage.

Huh. Bai Song took a deep breath and climbed out of the fish cabin.

His thinking at this time was very clear. There was only one person left alone at the moment. The smuggler Viagra was at the bow of the ship and did not go back.

Viagra was naturally thinking about the problem, and he naturally knew what Zhang Zuo wanted to do when he asked Brother Qi to go back. However, he had a certain understanding of Brother Qi. Zhang Zuofi was still a young boy, and Viagra was not worth mentioning. Even if there were people behind him to help him, it would still be nothing.

Therefore, in a short period of time, Brother Qi cannot be easily instigated by Zhang Zuo, and it is impossible for Zhang Zuo to come up with something that can really convince Brother Qi in this situation.

A hundred gold bars are useless. If you have a life, you can take it, but if you don’t have a life, you can spend it!

Zhang Zuo's current intimidation is so absolute! No one else can fully believe it.

However, Viagra will not put all the cards on Brother Qi. In another twenty minutes, the time will be almost up. He will go over to talk to Zhang Zuo. Now is not the time.

Bai Song can easily analyze the interpersonal relationships here, but he doesn't know how long it will take for Viagra to go to the cabin. He may stay in front for five minutes, or half an hour, or someone will come to him later.

Bai Song couldn't wait.

The sky was too dark, all the stars and moon had been blocked, and the sea breeze covered up the sound of the white pines.

The deck was higher than the aisles on both sides. Bai Song hid his body behind the deck and stared at Viagra.

There is a light on the bow of the ship, either a searchlight or a small light that can indicate the outline. Viagra can be seen relatively clearly from Bai Song, but nothing can be seen from the other side.

After lying here for more than ten minutes, Bai Song felt that his body's strength had returned even more, and his stomach was churning, but he didn't blink an eye.

He wanted to thank this man for being at the bow of the boat, otherwise he would have been spotted because of the strong smell on his body. Now the boat is moving forward, its speed is about eight or nine meters per second, and the smell is drifting backwards.

After waiting patiently, Wei Wei finally felt like making a move, threw the cigarette butt directly into the sea, and then walked in the direction of Bai Song.

He was about to go down to the deck and enter the aisles on both sides of the ship. He was still thinking about whether what he just said in his mind would be more useful. Suddenly, a black shadow jumped out from below, startling him.

Before he could react, he was punched directly in the head!

Why is this fist so fast? This person is reaching out from below. This person is so tall.

Wei Wei just thought of this in his mind. He was a little confused and felt a huge force coming. His body immediately became unstable and fell towards the outside of the boat.

He waved his hands wildly but caught nothing.

At this moment, the dizziness in his head and the imbalance in his body made his desire to survive soar. His body turned in an incredible direction, and he was about to grab Bai Song's arm.

At this moment, he saw a thick object thrown by the black shadow on the opposite side, which turned out to be a rope!

Grasping the rope with all his strength, Viagra was overjoyed! If you grab the rope on the boat, your life should not be cut off! The other party was trying to scare him, not kill him!

However, when he fell into the sea, he realized that it was a small piece of rope thrown to him!

In an instant, his sorrow and anger were swallowed up by a mouthful of bitter sea water. The water flow diverted by the sailing of the fishing boat pushed him away. After flapping for a few seconds, the boat left his sight and entered the ink-like water. In the abyss.

All Viagra's unwillingness is meaningless, and the desire to survive is equivalent to zero in this environment.

Bai Song, who had just killed someone, had eyes as deep as the sea at the moment. He knew that it would not be too long before the next investigation, and it was meaningless just to get rid of Viagra.

He quickly returned to the second fish hold.

He himself was in the third fish cabin. He found a random person from the second fish cabin, directly lifted him and pushed him between the second fish cabin and the third fish cabin, and then pushed the person into the third fish cabin. In the third fish hold.

There was already a man dead in his own fish cabin.

Except for Bai Song, everyone else only had their hands and feet tied. Only Bai Song was tied like a rice dumpling. Bai Song quickly tied up the dead man with the rope he untied. With so many ropes and dirty black water on his body, others would only think it was him when they looked at the rope. Although this man was ten centimeters shorter than him, he lay down with his legs curled up and tied with a rope. Unless he went down to the cabin to investigate carefully, it would be impossible to recognize him.

Putting the newly moved person in the place of the dead person, Bai Song took two pieces of rope, jumped into the middle warehouse, tied live buckles on his hands and feet, which could be opened with a force, and then disguised himself , waiting for the storm to come.

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