Police Detective

Chapter 902 Discovered

Yongren left the room, suppressing his emotions and trying to calm down as much as possible.

He just cried, which made the young man explode. His own thinking was very smooth. But at this time, Brother Qi asked him to come out and follow the bald head to have a look, and his rhythm began to mess up.

After leaving the cabin, it was very windy and rainy outside, the ship was rocking, and Yongren didn't see the bald head.

He instinctively wanted to find Bai Song, but he didn't.

Now Yongren's biggest advantage is that Bai Song is not exposed. If Bai Song is exposed, the situation will be completely different immediately. Everyone's hatred for Zhang Zuo will be lifted, and Bai Song will die.

Even if he is exposed, Bai Song cannot be exposed.

He went directly to Bald's cabin and knocked on the door. No one was here?

Yongren knocked on the cabin door for a while, but when no one opened it, he tried to pull the door open, only to see a person inside with the light on.

"Where are Baldhead and the others?" Yongren asked.

"Didn't I go to find you?" The remaining person looked very timid.

"Where are the remaining two people?"

"Going to find him." The man shrank back.

The four younger brothers of Viagra are not all as brave and aggressive as the bald ones. This timid man is the one in charge of settling accounts and translating in the team.

He often travels across borders, and it’s hard not to have anyone on the team who can speak a foreign language.

The little translator was scared when he saw Yongren, and Yongren easily judged that the translator was really scared and was not pretending.

"You agreed to cooperate with us, but where are you now? Did you go to Zhang Zuo to cooperate again?" Yongren looked unkind.

He knew that, without further ado, the three bald men must have gone to find the captain. These people have no backbone, and they will definitely not feel relieved if they only contact Brother Qi.

"No! Impossible!" The translator shook his head quickly: "It's impossible, impossible!"

Yongren sat forward.

He saw something - a satellite phone, this is Viagra! As an undercover agent, he knew the model of this thing at a glance.

Obviously, after Viagra died, these people took out the satellite phones, and they also thought about this way to communicate with the outside world. But they don’t have the connections of Viagra, so it’s useless to have this thing. Is it possible to call the police and surrender? The problem is, even if they call the police, they don’t know their specific location and heading!

Without touching the thing, Yongren said, "I'll go find them," and then left the cabin.

Went to the cockpit, Baldhead and another person were here, Yongren walked in directly. There is one less person on the bald side, probably going to make a "shield".

"We are together", the bald man looked at Yongren: "Tell Brother Qi, don't get me wrong."

"It's not a misunderstanding, but you are not afraid of being discovered when you come out with so many people?" Yong Ren said: "This ship is so big. Although it is windy and rainy, they will definitely be able to see you as long as they come out to urinate."

"I told you not to come out." The bald head looked at his companions: "You go back, and you call the black snake back. The captain and I will consider this, and you don't need to worry about it. Let's not have so many people running around outside."

This was the disadvantage of not having a boss. His teammates still didn't trust what the bald man said. He said he would come out on his own, but the two friends still followed him.

"Okay." The man nodded and disappeared into the cabin.

Only then did Yongren move forward and chat with the captain and the bald man.

To put it simply, the captain did not intend to tread in muddy waters. He felt that there was no need for Zhang Zuo to kill him tomorrow. But he was also afraid, and his idea was to stay put and give some support.

As a captain, he actually has some things. He still has machetes and so on. Not only machetes, but also kitchen knives. The purpose was not to kill Zhang Zuo, but to capture and control Zhang Zuo alive.

The boss of the ship was a fence-sitter and provided a knife.

Yongren got these clues and expressed his understanding.

During the chat, Yongren saw the current specific longitude, latitude and heading from the ship.

The ship is now heading 11 degrees east-southeast, and the speed in the wind and rain is 14 knots.

After getting these clues, Yongren looked at the time and followed the ship boss: "It's okay if you don't participate, but you have to tell me, when is the best time to act? We'd better take advantage of the storm. If the storm stops, , it’s more difficult.”

The captain checked the weather and said: "It's hard to say, but looking at the cloud map, we can get out in more than half an hour. Our current sailing direction is mainly to avoid this area. After avoiding this area, we will change direction."

"Then we have to act in advance. I have to talk to Brother Qi again." Yong Ren said.

"Don't worry, I'll get the shield in a while, and I'll go find you." Bald Head said.

At this moment, a person came into the cockpit, Huang Mao.

"Brother Zuo asked you, you, and your boss to go to his room." Bald Head said directly.

"I have to sail the boat." The captain wanted to back away.

"Change your first mate." Huang Mao said and left, leaving the three remaining people looking at each other.

There is no cabin on the ship that can accommodate everyone, so Zhang Zuo plans to only meet the three leaders. Obviously Zhang Zuo is not stupid.

There was no other way. Yongren sighed and looked at his head: "I can't cooperate with you. It's really troublesome for so many of you to come out."

After saying that, Yongren left, returned to his cabin, and told Brother Qi about the situation. The young man panicked again.

Brother Qi didn't panic and said, "Don't go yet. After I go in, in two minutes, you all can go over and wait at the door. If necessary, rush in."

"Okay." The three of them nodded immediately.

After Brother Qi left, the young man became afraid: "Me"

"I'm not worried. I'll go over and have a look." Yongren turned around and followed him out.

Just as Yongren went out to leave, he saw Brother Qi and Bald Head talking together, with three people following behind Bald Head.

Obviously, the bald head is ready!

He knew that if the three of them went to Zhang Zuo's house, Zhang Zuo might destroy him and establish his power!

Brother Qi felt that this situation was too dangerous and did not agree. But it was windy and rainy outside, and there was no way to communicate. The bald man pushed and pushed him towards Zhang Zuo.

Yongren knew that this might be a trap, but after estimating the time, he quickly walked back to Bald's cabin, directly picked up the satellite phone, and dialed.

Even though it was the middle of the night, the call was answered in seconds!

Satellite phones have a delay of more than 0.2 seconds, but Yongren didn't talk nonsense and reported the longitude, latitude, speed, and heading in only four seconds. He had received special training in this regard. After the report, he immediately hung up, deleted the call history, put it back and started looking for weapons.

At this time, the door was opened. Brother Qi, Bald Head and five other people were standing at the door, while Yongren had a knife in his hand and looked confused.

Brother Qi looked at Yongren with confusion.

"Brother Qi, I saw Viagra had a knife before, I think..." Yongren's heart rate exceeded 130, but his expression remained unchanged.

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