"Okay, let's go back to the team!" After speaking, Zhou Xun turned around and left, and Ling Fei and Xiao Wang hurriedly followed.

After the three of them got into the car, Zhou Xun was about to start the car, and Zhou Shutong opened the back door.

Zhou Xun stared at Zhou Shutong and said

, "Xiao Wang, you give her the keys to the second car."

After Zhou Shutong took the car keys, he was a little confused, and he didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in Zhou Xun's gourd.

"Xiao Zhou, from now on, you will follow Lao Guan, and you will follow him wherever he goes!"

"Team Zhou, what if Captain Guan wants to go to the toilet, will Xiao Zhou also follow?" Xiao Wang interjected.

"Just you talk a lot!" Seeing

Zhou Xun's face gradually gloomy, Xiao Wang immediately closed his mouth with interest.

Zhou Shutong nodded, indicating that he understood.

Ling Fei was also a little puzzled, Zhou Shutong followed Guan Hongfeng to learn and Xi, and followed a little closer, which was very normal.

But Ling Fei felt that Zhou Xun was completely letting Zhou Shutong spy on the other party, which was a little suspicious.

'It's just that what is the purpose of the other party?' Ling Fei was completely confused.

After returning to the detachment, Guan Hongfeng took Ling Fei and Zhou Shutong to the dissection room.

As soon as Ling Fei entered, he smelled a pungent smell of formalin.

What made Ling Fei even more unacceptable was that this smell was also mixed with a strong smell of corpses.

'It's good to Xi get used to it, it's good to get used to it, it's good to Xi get used to it.' Ling Fei kept hypnotizing himself, forcing himself to accept the smell.

"Xiao Ling, come and help. At

this time, the assistants Xiao Wang and Xiao Li went to the laboratory department and went for inspection.

And Guan Hongfeng is not good at telling the other party, so she can only use Ling Fei as a coolie.

"The right arm is intact. As soon as Gao Yanan finished speaking, Ling Fei put the corresponding corpse pieces on the dissecting table.

Guan Hongfeng was standing aside at this time, eating the pancakes and fruits given to him by Zhou Xun, and the food was still delicious.

The main thing is that I went out on a mission early in the morning, and I didn't come back until I was about to eat.

And the autopsy was about to take another hour or two.

The main reason is that he has a bad stomach, although he has undergone surgery, he must eat on time, otherwise he is prone to stomach cramps.

"Teacher Guan, don't you feel sick?" Zhou Shutong felt that the other party was completely immune to this aspect.

Eating in such a place, if she had her, she would have vomited and fainted.

"After a few more experiences, I got used to it. After Guan Hongfeng finished eating, he threw the bag into the trash.

Gao Yanan on the side continued:

"The pelvic area is intact, the private part is removed, and some organs are missing. "

The left and right legs are intact. "


With the help of Guan Hongfeng, the location of these corpses was quickly confirmed.

The total weight of the body was 53.7 kilograms, which was about 60 percent of his body weight.

Zhou Shutong listened very carefully, and subconsciously asked

: "Teacher Guan, why do the missing heads and arms of the deceased account for 40% of the remaining weight?"

Gao Yanan immediately explained:

"When the body is dismembered, the blood and tissue fluid that are lost, and there may be some small organs, all of these are added to the surplus, which is almost 40%. "

The next step is to piece together the pieces.

In this regard, Gao Yanan, as the director of forensic medicine, is naturally very skilled.

In less than half an hour, a male corpse with a missing right arm and head was pieced together.

Of course, Guan Hongfeng also made a lot of efforts.

And Ling Fei and Zhou Shutong naturally played soy sauce on the side.

"There were no defensive wounds on the torso.

"There was no obvious fatal trauma in the visible part.

Gao Yanan explained to the two while inspecting.

At this time, Zhou Shutong had a flash of inspiration in his mind and said

, "Director Gao, Teacher Guan, do you think it is possible that the deceased was drowned?"

Gao Yanan shook his head and explained

, "If the cause of death of the deceased is drowning, there will be congestion in the internal organs.

"And the subcapsule, mucosal stasis hemorrhage, accompanied by emphysema and pulmonary hematoma, the blood clot is dark red.

"But the possibility of strangulation is much more likely, the deceased has a dislocated cervical vertebrae and a large number of tiny dense blisters in the chest cavity.

Ling Fei couldn't see the cause of death at all, and he didn't know anything about dissecting the corpse.

While Ling Fei was taking notes, Guan Hongfeng looked at Ling Fei and asked

, "Xiao Ling, do you see what's coming?"

Ling Fei's heart throbbed, mainly because he couldn't.

was suddenly named by Guan Hongfeng, just like when he was in class, he couldn't answer the questions on the blackboard and was drawn by the teacher.

However, Ling Fei still shook his head and said frankly

, "I'm sorry, Guan Team, I didn't see anything.

Guan Hongfeng smiled, picked up a scalpel from the stage, and inserted it into the contracture's stomach.

Ling Fei and Zhou Shutong were both shocked, they didn't expect Guan Hongfeng to dissect the corpse.

However, Gao Yanan on the side was already not surprised.

Guan Hongfeng is not only good at solving cases, but also very proficient in autopsy and trace investigation.

Simply an all-rounder.

In five minutes, Guan Hongfeng dissected the deceased's stomach.

"This resignation also has the advantage of resignation, no need to go through the process, no need to report. "

Yes, Director Gao.

"Yes, yes, yes!"

Gao Yanan was also choked by Guan Hongfeng's sudden words.

Zhou Shuting whispered to Ling Fei, "

I didn't expect Teacher Guan to have such a cute side. "


"Mr. Guan usually doesn't smile, his face is serious, I just feel that he is serious and joking, very funny. Ling

Fei was also defeated by this girl's brain circuit.

However, he also saw Guan Hongfeng's "sense of humor" today.

"You two are whispering something, come over and smell it. "

Okay, Guan Team (Teacher Guan).

Ling Fei and Zhou Shutong replied in unison, and hurriedly leaned their noses over.

"Did you smell anything?" Zhou

Shutong shook her head, except for a foul smell, she didn't smell anything.

"The smell of acetic acid!" Hearing

Ling Fei's answer, Guan Hongfeng nodded.

"I suspect that the other party was poisoned. "

The liver has to be biopsied.

Gao Yanan nodded.

At this moment, Ling Fei suddenly thought that the skills in autopsy could not be left behind.

Today, Guan Hongfeng taught him a good lesson.

An excellent criminal policeman not only has excellent detection skills, but also has to be proficient in autopsy and traces.

Before, Ling Fei had walked into a misunderstanding.

He believes that as long as he knows how to detect skills, it is enough to autopsy by forensic doctors, trace investigation and trace inspection department.

It seems that when I go back, I will learn Xi autopsy first. After

all, in the past few months, Ling Fei had accumulated 39,700 Justice Points, which was enough to raise the autopsy to an advanced level.

While Ling Fei was thinking, Xiao Wang suddenly walked over and shouted loudly

, "Teacher Guan, another broken corpse has been found in the park, Team Zhou asked you to hurry over." "

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