At this time, Ling Fei suddenly remembered that the autopsy report and the thermos cup were still in the drawer.

Hurriedly walked to the desk, took out the report and cup, handed it to Guan Hongfeng, and said, "Team Guan, this is the autopsy report, take a look at any clues!"

After Guan Hongfeng took it

, he roughly browsed it, and returned the autopsy report in his hand to Ling Fei.

'What does Mr. Guan mean by this, is there no clue in the autopsy report?

' When Ling Fei was thinking about it, Xiao Wang's mobile phone suddenly rang, and he picked up the phone and didn't listen to a few words.

Ling Fei saw Xiao Wang's face become serious.

After hanging up the phone, Xiao Wang said to Guan Hongfeng:

"Team Guan, another broken corpse was found in the trash can in Longyuan Community.

Guan Hongfeng paused and said to everyone: "You guys go first, I have to go to Gao Yanan."

After speaking, Guan Hongfeng left without looking back, and Zhou Shutong shouted, "Teacher Guan, wait for me", and trotted after him.

Ling Fei, Xiao Wang, and Officer Cui immediately set off.

By the time the three of them arrived, Zhou Xun had already led people to set up a cordon at the scene.

"Xiao Wang, where is Lao Guan?"

"The Guan team went to Forensic Doctor Gao, I just asked Zhou Shutong, and she said that they had rushed here.

"It won't be long before I can come."

Zhou Xun didn't say anything, and waited patiently on the side.

Ling Fei looked at the scene, and the garbage station was located in the southeast of the community, and the location was relatively remote.

And across the street from the garbage dump, across the road, there is a bar.

Ling Fei looked at the time, it was already half past eight in the evening, and a group of youth-looking people had gathered outside the bar.

There are purple hair, yellow hair, white hair, green hair, and a seven-colored hair.

Ling Fei saw that these people were muttering and didn't know what they were discussing, but the action of the group of people taking out the money was still quite obvious.

Soon, the men scraped together enough money and walked in.

There was a security guard at the door, which immediately made Ling Fei's eyes light up.

The security officer on the other side just happened to be able to see the garbage dump over here.

''Maybe the security guard saw the whole process of the murderer's body being dumped.''

At this moment, Zhou Xun's loud voice interrupted Ling Fei's thoughts.

Ling Fei walked over and found that Guan Hongfeng and the comrades from the technical department had all come over.

The body parts in the body bag have been sorted out by Zhou Xun, and Gao Yanan said after a preliminary autopsy:

"Let me tell you a good news, these body pieces are the remnants of the three body parts from the previous one.

"In other words, no new victims have emerged. Hearing

Gao Yanan's words, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"Team Guan, the traces of the scene are the first clue, don't you want to take a look?" Gao Yanan suddenly saw Guan Hongfeng standing at the entrance of the garbage station, looking stunned.

Zhou Xun also walked over when he heard the sound, and saw that Guan Hongfeng's face was not very good, so he asked with concern:

"What's the matter, Lao Guan, are you not feeling well?"

Guan Hongfeng shook his head, took the gloves and mask handed by Zhou Shutong, and put them on.

At this time, Zhou Xun patted Guan Hongfeng's shoulder, and said with some embarrassment:

"Lao Guan, brother, I know that you don't work at night, isn't it that the above is urging too hard." "

It's hard work, when this case is solved, my brother will invite you to dinner."

Guan Hongfeng nodded, walked over, squatted next to Gao Yanan, and checked the body parts in the body bag.

Ling Fei and Zhou Shutong were squatting next to Guan Hongfeng, intently learning Xi.

However, due to the low visibility, Ling Fei opened the memo on his phone to write it down.

After Zhou Shutong saw it, he also learned the method of Xi Ling Fei.

Gao Yanan picked up a left arm, showed the location of the wound to Guan Hongfeng, and said

, "The skin of the wound on the left arm of the female corpse is adducted, not turned outward.

"This means that when the deceased's left arm is cut off, the deceased should still be alive and the body's self-healing system is still functioning.

After the report, Gao Yanan didn't say anything, but stared at Guan Hongfeng.

Ling Fei and Zhou Shutong also looked at Guan Hongfeng expectantly.

Ling Fei found that Guan Hongfeng's reconnaissance ability was very perverted, and he could find clues that were very difficult to collect from the corpses found before.

And according to these clues, the basic information of the deceased, the Xi of life, and the murderer's tools and methods can be deduced.

Therefore, Ling Fei and Zhou Shutong are very much looking forward to Guan Hongfeng's discovery and inference.

"Why are you looking at me?" At this time, Guan Hongfeng was a little hairy by the eyes of the three of them, and asked in confusion.

Ling Fei and Zhou Shutong glanced at each other, and they both saw the other's disbelief in each other's eyes.

Gao Yanan reluctantly took off his gloves and instructed Xiao Wang, the assistant on the side, "Xiao Wang, bring the corpse back."

"Okay, Director Gao!"

Then, Gao Yanan said to Zhou Shutong again:

"Now you understand why your teacher Guan doesn't handle the case at night, right?"

"Because the Guan team will automatically shut down the brain at night."

After hearing Gao Yanan's ridicule, Zhou Shutong "poofed" and couldn't help laughing.

But then I realized that I was disrespectful to Mr. Guan by doing so.

Zhou Shutong could only hold back a smile and look at Guan Hongfeng apologetically.

Ling Fei was also amused by Zhou Shutong's constipated expression, and turned his head away from looking at Zhou Shutong.

He was afraid that he would laugh out loud, and when the time came, Guan Hongfeng would be angry, and the gains would outweigh the losses.

Guan Hongfeng pretended not to understand Gao Yanan's ridicule, changed the topic, and asked Ling Fei

, "Xiao Ling, have you found anything?" "

Team Guan, I found a bar across the road. "

The security staff at the bar, you can see the garbage dump over here.

Guan Hongfeng nodded and walked in the direction of the bar.

After Zhou Shutong saw Guan Hongfeng leaving, he also hurriedly followed.

After Ling Fei saw the two of them leave, he said to Gao Yanan, "Director Gao, then I'll go back with Team Zhou."

Gao Yanan nodded.

By the time Ling Fei returned to the detachment, it was already nearly half past nine.

From noon to the scene, Ling Fei only drank a few glasses of water, and he was already hungry.

Ling Fei had just soaked the instant noodles, when the mobile phone rang, and it was Xia Jie calling.

"Brother Fei

, are you off work?" "No, I guess I'll have to stay up all night tonight, forget it, don't talk about this, are you still used to staying in the technical department today?" "

It's okay, Sister Wang takes care of me very much, and if I don't understand, Sister Wang will teach me hand in hand." "

Let me tell you, the Wang Yu who came with us is very powerful, whether he is learning or getting started, he has thrown me off a lot.

"Take your time, the first day is always a little uncomfortable, just get used to it." "


The two chatted for a while, and it wasn't until Xia Jie had returned to the rental house that Ling Fei hung up the phone.

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