Professor Lin immediately glanced at Wang Zhitian suspiciously:

“Professor Wang, you are a very senior and prestigious top professor, but what you said…”

Professor Lin is not unwilling to believe Wang Zhitian, but he can’t believe it, after all, even if it is the Beijing Research Institute, it only has the prototype of the 9.0 system, and there is still a long way to go from practicality.

But now, to convince yourself that the technology that you fight for day and night has actually been made by others, which is difficult for anyone to accept.

Professor Wang Zhitian nodded slightly, understanding what Professor Lin said, and then pointed to the data version on the back of the mecha’s leg:

“I’m just guessing, that’s why I invited the professors, let’s quickly study this thing, and open the hatch as soon as possible.”

This proposal just speaks to everyone’s hearts.

After seeing the drawings, several professors couldn’t wait to explore the mecha in front of them.

After exploring and understanding, you can find a way to open the hatch!

Suddenly, Professor Lin, who was mainly responsible for system development in the institute, immediately picked up his computer and quickly came to the back of the mecha and connected the data cable of the system.

Professor Zhang, who mainly studies mechanical kinetic energy, also immediately began to set out and began to study according to the position marked in the drawing.

The rest of the professors, either experts in physics or professors of mechanical power, gathered together one after another, as if they had independently set up a scientific research group, and began to conduct all-round analysis of the mecha in front of them, using drawings as the standard.

This drawing is like a location specification, which allows professors to quickly understand what the role of different locations is, so as to carry out targeted research.

This theoretically valid drawing does not mean any practical significance, but it saves several professors a lot of time.

At this time, even Deputy Division Commander Zhou Shao and Director of the State Security Bureau He Jianguo rarely saw such a grand occasion.

A number of top professors worked together to study mecha built by unknown people on the roof of an old-fashioned residential building, which is enough to record a strong mark in the history of science.

As the chief professor of system development, Professor Lin is proficient in nested C language, operating system, microcomputer principle, compilation principle and many other related computer science and technology majors.

At this time, Professor Lin was in front of the computer, quickly operating on the computer, and few people could see Professor Lin so persistent and serious.

From the perspective of the various complex codes and programs that appear on the computer, it is obviously many times more complex than the programs written by Professor Wang Zhitian’s assistant before, and at least four code frameworks have been established, which also involve multiple repetitive interactive codes.

Different from Professor Wang’s starting point, Professor Lin chose to analyze the internal program system of the mecha, and then assimilated the system data, using a gentler way to obtain control from the inside to open the hatch.

But in this process, Professor Lin gradually made more discoveries.

The mecha in front of me is not a model at all, otherwise it would not be possible to have such a perfect operating system.

Because, does the model still need to be manipulated?

Moreover, this system does not use regular progressive interaction, but a large classification of operation codes composed of different codes, which are aggregated into the entire data flow.

Therefore, in order to gain control of it, Professor Lin not only needs to write the interactive code of each set of programs.

It is more necessary to form a larger data flow in the process of not conflicting with each other, otherwise it will fail to interact with each other, resulting in the ‘backlash’ of the defense code group of the mecha internal storage system.

“Professional! So professional! ”

Professor Lin’s forehead was already oozing sweat at this time, but the essence in his eyes made him seem to not realize tiredness at all.

In his world, it seems that all that remains is a set of codes and a huge data flow of the mecha’s internal storage system.

At this time, Zhou Shaoyu He Jianguo, who was standing not far away, gradually discovered the clue.

As expected, as soon as several professors got started, they quickly opened the hatch and rescued the people inside.

Instead, everyone seems to be operating something complicated, even a little worried.

But almost every professor is the same, sweating profusely but enjoying it, as if he has discovered something precious.

“Old Zhou, this… Is it common? ”

He Jianguo rarely had contact with these professors, after all, they were members of the military.

However, Zhou Shao shook his head gently: “I have never seen such a situation…”

As if they had encountered some difficult problem to overcome, the professors stuck to the mecha one after another, and even said a lot of words that they couldn’t understand.

“The anti-gravity drive system has been perfected to this extent!”

“And this blade technology, and material technology…”

“No, no, this is not a mecha model at all, the intelligent operating system has actually reached the progress of preliminary programming!” Can this be applied to intelligent robots? ”


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