As an investigator, Liu Xiuxiu is extremely sensitive to pollution incidents, but his task is to observe Xia Ren, so he has always played the role of a follower and has no time to show off his abilities.

It was not difficult for Xiuxiu to detect the information that Xia Ren had omitted, but as mentioned before, his task was to observe Xia Ren, and there was no need to do these "superfluous" things.

The safest way to deal with unstable factors, especially the existence of a suspected apostle of the abyss, is to leave him where he is and take time to slowly understand him. However, he is now telling Xia Ren these two pieces of news, leaving aside his true purpose. , at least it will make Xia Ren leave Jupiter City and go to the Magic City.

"what's on your mind?"

Xia Ren stared into his eyes, trying to see through his inner thoughts.

However, just like when they met on the first night, Xiuxiu's eyes were always firm and she looked at him unwillingly.

Time passed by, and the air in the car seemed to condense. A few drops of sweat appeared on Xiuxiu's forehead, which meant that he was under great pressure.

Finally, Xia Ren looked away from his face, leaned heavily on his seat, and let out a sigh of relief.

"If it's because you are I said before, there may not be a solution."

Liu Xiuxiu bit her lip and remained silent.

Only minor distortions occurred and the pollution value did not increase. In Xia Ren's eyes, this is indeed not a serious problem and is even a good thing. You must know that even if there is a system, if he wants to obtain controllable distortion, he will have to pay attention every time. It takes a lot of effort. And if he wanted, he could redeem a bottle of level 3 anti-pollution fluid now to help Xiuxiu correct herself.

But this is a judgment that can only be made from the perspective of an onlooker. According to his understanding of the Foundation, although this organization is huge, it does not seem to have the ability to measure pollution values ​​and distortion values ​​independently. In their eyes, the occurrence of distortion means In order to ensure the safety within the organization due to contamination, a one-size-fits-all approach is adopted.

Liu Xiuxiu was anxious.

The unbearable pressure seriously affected his judgment in a short period of time. The matter in the Magic City, regarding the university professor, could be reported to the foundation and handed over to other investigators. As for Xia Ren's parents, he should Wait until the investigation is complete instead of speaking out immediately when you only have a few clues.

He was chained to Jupiter City, chained to Xia Ren for too long, and his only sister Liang Wan went to hunt the apostles again. His chances of survival were slim, and many factors were added together, and his heart was already in turmoil.

There is actually a physiological factor hidden in this, but I won’t mention it more.

"It's impossible for me to go to the Magic City now."

Xia Ren fastened his seat belt.

Liu Xiuxiu put her hands on her thighs and squeezed them tightly.

Xia Ren thought for a while and said: "There is at least more than half a month left. Let's wait until the things at hand are finished and we will see about it then."

Except for the tasks that are like tutorials at the beginning, the tasks given by the system later are very difficult to complete. Needless to say the two main lines, there is no clue at all. Looking for the escaped containers, he has only found three so far, one of which is a tragic man. I still can't contain him; I thought I had found the target when I hunted the ghouls from the Dark Familiar camp, but it turned out that Zhang Xiang was just a cub, and even if I killed him, the task was still unfinished; there was also a chaser, who was chasing him every day. To publish a 10,000-word update, the content must be true and last for thirty days. There are still more than half a month of updates to write. If he does not complete this task first, he will not be able to go anywhere. Otherwise, if he is disturbed by unexpected circumstances, As a result, he did not update in time, and without other enemies, just the followers could kill him.

Although a request for leave can delay the pursuit of the pursuer, one requires one thousand achievement points, which he simply cannot afford.

It was a matter of life and death. Xia Ren needed a stable environment to ensure his creation. Even if there were clues about his parents, he could only wait until the mission was over before investigating.

Reason told him that this was the only way to deal with the current situation.

"Feel sorry."

Liu Xiuxiu said.

His mind was in a mess and he didn't even know why he was apologizing.

Xia Ren glanced at him and sighed.

Everyone is stressed.

He didn't start the car in a hurry, but took out his cell phone and made a call.

Inside a large private hospital.

Zhao Tianliang sat in the ward, looking at his daughter on the bed, feeling extremely sad in his heart.

She is only twenty years old, the most beautiful age, but she has an incurable disease and has to endure unimaginable suffering every day. Even now when she is sleeping, the expression on her face is a bit painful.

Gently pushing away the messy hair from his daughter's forehead, looking at her face, Zhao Tianliang thought of his deceased wife again.

"Rourou, don't worry, no matter what, I will definitely cure you."

The figures of the three people appeared in his mind. After they left the office yesterday, early this morning, he received the news of Congressman Luo's tragic death.

Although the investigation of the case has not yielded any results yet, he is certain that Councilor Luo's death is closely related to the three of them. Perhaps... it was them who did it.

After much deliberation, Zhao Tianliang could only guess that they were probably from the Dispute Arbitration Court.

Because only those guys can act so unscrupulously, and besides, they also know Zhu Youqian.

Zhao Tianliang, who is one of the members, knows the corruption of the parliament all too well. The members hold amazing wealth and power, but the Dispute Arbitration Court is the Sword of Damocles hanging over their heads and may fall at any time. , and usually died in mysterious ways.

According to common sense, he should stay away from this kind of person, and it is best not to be involved at all, but for the hope of his daughter's survival, no matter how big the risk is, it is worth taking.

Just, I don’t know if they will contact me again.

Although the other party asked for his phone number yesterday and said he would contact him when he had time, Zhao Tianliang was still unsure.

While he was distracted, there was a gentle knock on the door outside.

Zhao Tianliang collected himself, stood up, and opened the ward door.

There were three people standing in the wide and clean corridor.

Among them, a man and a woman were both older. Zhao Tianliang knew him. The man with eyes and a serious face was a renowned medical professor in the field of oncology. The woman was the vice president of the Jupiter City Medical Association. She opened this private hospital. . The two are husband and wife.

Behind them, there stood a young woman in a white coat, about 20 years old, with long black hair and a quiet temperament.

"Let me introduce, this is our daughter, named Jingjing, who is also engaged in medical field."

Dean Yu smiled, gave up his position, and pushed his daughter forward.

"Hello, Congressman Zhao."

At her mother's urging, Yu Jingjing took the initiative to say hello.

Merry Christmas everyone!

In addition, it’s the end of the month, so if you have monthly tickets, don’t be stingy and give them to the white cats!

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