Pollution throughout the territory

Chapter 227 The raging...undercurrent!

"what did you do to me!"

Zhao Rou gritted her teeth and glared angrily.

She is a woman after all, and there is nothing she can do at this time except questioning.

"Why are you shouting so loudly?"

Xia Ren dug his ears and asked, "How do you feel now? Does your head still hurt?"

"You are despicable! Dirty!"

Zhao Rou was heartbroken. She had guarded her body like a jade for twenty years, but someone like this had defiled her body. She cursed twice bitterly before noticing the other person's last words.

This guy actually pretends to care about himself, I...


Zhao Rou's expression gradually changed from anger to disbelief.

"It seems like it really doesn't hurt anymore."

The headache that had been bothering her for several months and that could not be suppressed even by taking painkillers disappeared completely.

Only then did she recall the relaxed feeling like floating in the clouds when she just woke up.

After calming down, she asked again: "What did you do to me?"

The same question, even one word has not changed, but the meaning is completely different.

"You can call your dad now to tell him the good news."

Xia Ren said lightly: "Your tumor is gone."

"How can it be!"

Zhao Rou's first reaction was disbelief.

Xia Ren didn't want to waste any more time here and said, "You can check it slowly later. Tell your dad not to call me. I'm very busy. I will contact him about the reward later."

Just as he was about to leave, he suddenly remembered something, handed the old seal to Zhao Rou, and asked: "Give this thing to Yu Jingjing for me, that quiet girl in the morning, the dean's daughter, tell me This is a very important thing for her, so she must carry it with her, and...forget it, no more, that's all."

After explaining this, while Zhao Rou was still in a daze, Xia Ren had already slipped out of the window with Lily.

The ward became quiet, Zhao Rou came back to her senses and checked her body.

It seems that nothing is wrong.

The underwear is well worn on the body and there is no discomfort in the body.

He actually didn't do anything.

Looking at the time, it was only eleven o'clock in the evening, but she clearly remembered that she drank half a bottle of vodka, which was a strong drink. Besides, she was not a good drinker. How could she sober up so quickly?

Also, he said that his tumor was gone. How did he do it?

After being in a daze for a long time, Zhao Rou finally remembered to inform her father.

Half an hour later, Zhao Tianliang rushed to the hospital, and Yu Jingjing and her parents also arrived late at night. A large number of people accompanied Zhao Rou to perform various examinations. In the middle of the night, they got a surprising result.

"The tumor has really completely disappeared!"

"The patient's current indicators are extremely normal."

In the end, all questions lead to one direction, what happened? Who did it?

After all, Zhao Rou knew what was right and had a premonition that the other party was mysterious and his identity was probably not ordinary, so she only told her father about tonight's experience in private.

She actually didn't know much. She was just woken up and forced to drink half a bottle of vodka. After she woke up, everything was over. As Xia Ren said, he was really fast.

Although no details can be seen, it is enough for Zhao Tianliang that his daughter can continue to live healthily.

"He said he won't let you call him. He will call you if something happens."

Seeing her father about to take out his mobile phone, Zhao Rou quickly stopped him.

After some busy work, she calmly thought about it and gradually understood what happened to her tonight.

If I had to use one word to describe it, it would be - miracle!

It turns out that there are really people who can achieve magical rejuvenation and come back to life.

Zhao Rou no longer has to worry about whether she can survive until tomorrow. Life has become a long and interesting thing for her. She can do many things she wants to do without worrying about enough time.

Her life no longer stops at the age of twenty.

She is alive.

When she realized this, Zhao Rou felt extremely guilty when she recalled her malicious speculation about Xia Ren.

Looking back now, everything he said was right, but he was wrong.

Thinking about it from his perspective, if I were Xia Ren and spent so much effort to save someone, and the other person was hostile to me and misinterpreted his intentions without authorization, I would have kicked him aside and stopped saving him.

Touching the bronze coin in her hand, Zhao Rou suddenly didn't want to hand it over to the girl named Yu Jingjing.

But she was not such a despicable girl. Although she was a little reluctant, she still found Yu Jingjing and handed the coin to him honestly.

"This is……"

Yu Jingjing looked at the things in her hands, a little confused.

"Xia Ren asked me to hand it over to you."

With a bit of envy, Zhao Rou said: "Although I don't know what it is used for, it should be a very precious thing. He also specifically asked you to carry it with you. It should be something like a charm."

"Xia Ren?"

Hearing this name, Yu Jingjing always felt like she had seen it before, but she forgot where she heard it.

Zhao Rou was a little strange. Judging from her appearance, did the two of them not know each other?

That means they haven't developed anything yet.

She felt inexplicably excited in her heart, and she didn't know the reason for this excitement. She was also confused about the girl's thoughts.

Zhao Rou reminded: "That's the man from this morning."

Only then did Yu Jingjing find out that the name of the guy who could make people mad when he chatted with them was Xia Ren.

Why would he give himself something...

Thinking about this question in her mind, Yu Jingjing's hand holding the old seal subconsciously tightened.

"Why are you crying?"

Zhao Rou couldn't help asking when she saw two lines of tears flowing out of the corners of her eyes.

Xia Ren didn't know what happened next. He only knew that his heart hurt.

With the old seal and the anti-pollution liquid, his achievement points have not been paid in large amounts for a long time. Now he only has one thousand and six left, and he can't even exchange for the third-level anti-pollution liquid!

If it weren't for the fact that pollution throughout the territory had been bringing him benefits, I'm afraid this pitiful number would have shrunk even further.

"This can't go on like this. After I finish coding the update tomorrow, I will take the tragedy doll out for more walks."

He looked at his personal information on the system page and muttered.

With the sanity of 90 and the pollution resistance of 19, he has indeed grown a lot compared to the beginning, but he is still far away from completing the two important main lines of the system.

Judging from the current information, Zhao Mingyue may really be on the moon, and the source of the pollution is still unclear.

"Put aside Lily's development plan for now, I want achievement points now."

The failure of the mission to hunt down the apostles made Xia Ren understand that the Foundation was not omnipotent, which added to his sense of crisis.

Lying on the sofa, he sorted out today's experience.

The blurry faces of my parents appeared before my eyes, and the memories of my childhood were too far away.

"Magic City, alas."

Liu Fusheng walked alone in the night and returned to his familiar home.

Since entering Jupiter City, he has abandoned all means of transportation to minimize the traces he leaves behind.

He carefully tore off the seal on the door, took out the key, and stepped into the room again.

Because no one was living there, the air in the room was a bit dull, but he didn't care.

Walking to a familiar location, he slowly sat down on the sofa.

In the dark room, it was so quiet that it felt a little dead.

Liu Fusheng looked up at the ceiling, wondering what he was thinking.

As he breathed, his skin showed signs of burnt black marks, appearing and disappearing...

Tonight, many people cannot sleep peacefully.

On the deserted dirt road, Liang Wan stumbled forward alone.

The black robe covered her whole body, leaving only half of her face exposed.

In the leaden night, the neon lights emitting from the city in the distance were already faintly visible.

The cold wind blew the brim of his hat, and under the moonlight, there was a pair of... eyes that were constantly leaking pus and blood.

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