Pollution throughout the territory

Chapter 230 Hunting the Apostles: Four A-levels!

On the evening of October 18th, in an office of the Dispute Arbitration Court in Jianghe City.

More than a dozen people were sitting at the round conference table, and the atmosphere was somewhat solemn.


A man wearing a black judge's uniform broke the silence and said: "Now that everyone is here, let's get to know each other first and then make a detailed plan."

The so-called plan is, of course, the plan to hunt down the apostles.

Everyone subconsciously looked at the four people sitting together, their eyes filled with admiration and admiration.

The most conspicuous among them is a strong man with bronze skin, short white hair that stands on end, eyes like copper bells, and a body as strong as an ox. He wears a white shirt on his upper body and draped casually on his shoulders. A black cape with the Foundation and Old Print logos.

Even though his right hand was covered with a thick layer of plaster hanging on his chest, it did not affect his intimidating momentum at all. This person is none other than the Foundation's A-level investigator... Xiao Zheng!

To Xiao Zheng's right is an extremely thin man. Comparing their body shapes is like the difference between 0 and 1. The man's eyes are sunken, there is only a layer of skin on his cheeks, and the fingers of his hands are as thin as chopsticks. The foundation's already impressive black robe was draped around him, like a piece of clothing hanging on a coat rack.

Only long-term malnutrition can make people so thin. The man's appearance makes people worry that he will suddenly faint in the next second, but if they hear his identity, anyone will immediately put away their ridiculous judgment and stand in awe. Respectfully. This person is none other than the Foundation's A-level investigator...Yi Zhiyu!

To the left of Xiao Zheng is a short girl. Her presence is too low. The hat of the black robe is pulled down, covering her face. If it weren't for the few strands of bangs escaping from the brim of the hat, it would be difficult for everyone to see it. Determine her gender. It's just that his height is a bit too low, and he looks like a primary school student who has just entered the third grade.

However, no one in the room dared to look down upon her. The slightly bitter smell emanated from the black robe and filled the whole room unconsciously. Some people even felt afraid of her. This person is none other than the Foundation's A-level investigator... Canglan!

Beside Canglan, there was a young woman in casual clothes. She was leaning on the table with her elbows and supporting her chin with her palms. Her eyes were shining, as if she was concentrating on something, as if she was indifferent to the upcoming discussion.

"Which way did I come in just now? East or west..."

She opened her lips slightly and murmured to herself. Everyone had seen her information before, and although they found it a bit funny, no one dared to really laugh. This person is none other than the Foundation's A-level investigator... Liang Wan!


After sizing up everyone, Xiao Zheng stood up and announced with a loud voice: "We are the strongest line of defense for all mankind, and everyone present is also a foundation elite. They must already know the results of participating in this mission, regardless of success or failure. No, not many of us will survive, so in order not to sacrifice in vain, please put away any distracting thoughts and face the next thing with the clearest brain possible."

"The apostle hunting meeting begins now!"

"You from the Logistics Department."

He pointed at the judge with his left hand: "Tell me about the goal this time." After he finished speaking, he sat down again.

After clearing his throat, Xue Ding, the head of the foundation's logistics team in Jianghe City, stood up and said, "The target of this mission is Liu Fusheng, 25 years old. According to observation and identification, he is confirmed to be an apostle!"

He turned on the specially made projector, and Liu Fusheng's photo appeared on the screen in his office.

"His identity document was last updated three years ago, which means that he has been an apostle for no more than three years. Moreover, he has been settled in Jianghe City for a long time, and there are no traces of activities of heretical organizations around him. It can be determined that he He has not joined any sect including the Wizards Alliance, the Silver Twilight Alchemy Society, the Interstellar Wisdom Sect, etc., which also negates the possibility that he is a member of the Ageless Society."

"Liu Fusheng was born in Jupiter City. Until he was ten years old, people around him rated him as withdrawn. However, until he was ten years old, the stray cats in the community where he lived disappeared one after another, and a girl who sat at the same table with him at school Also disappeared. The girl's body was later found in a remote place, along with another sculpture composed of human corpses. According to Foundation records, our investigators were tracking a piece of clothing called the Chaos Trench Coat. ], the host controlled by it happened to be passing through Jupiter City, and traces of contamination were also found at the scene. The case was handled hastily, and no one suspected Liu Fusheng, who was only ten years old at the time.

But a few days ago, I looked through the photos of the scene again. Although the two corpses were not far apart, the treatment methods did not look like they were done by the same person. According to the data, the hosts parasitized by [Chaos Windcoat] all extremely pursued blood and blood. It is impossible for dark art to leave such a rough picture, so it can be guessed that the girl was killed by Liu Fusheng, who was at the same table with her at the time. "

Photos of the crime scene from fifteen years ago appeared on the screen. No one had much reaction to the bloody scene. After careful observation, they found that the styles of the two scenes were indeed very different.

Xue Ding continued: "From here on, people around Liu Fusheng began to mysteriously disappear at a rate of one per year. This situation continued until he was sixteen years old. His family sent him to a private psychological institution for correction. A year later, he After returning to school, the number of missing people around him began to increase sharply. Although there was no evidence to prove it, it was certain that most of these missing people were killed by his design. Before Liu Fusheng became an apostle, he had a serious personality Flaw, he’s a born killer.”

A total of eighteen people participated in this meeting, including four A-level investigators, thirteen D-level investigators, and one logistics department staff member. Because usually, only A-level people have the ability to pose a threat to the apostles, and the others are Cannon fodder, so in order to avoid losses, B- and C-class personnel will not participate in this mission.

A D-class cannon fodder thought for a while and asked: "But the information shows that Liu Fusheng has a wife and a newborn child. If he is a natural-born murderer, these are obviously wrong."

Xue Ding paused and said: "I have also taken these factors into consideration. Liu Fusheng's wife and children may be tools he uses to hide himself. You must know that apostles are not human beings, and most of them do not have so-called emotions. , they have only one goal, and that is to meet their master sleeping in the abyss."

Apostle, don’t you have feelings?

Liang Wan recalled that man and subconsciously became distracted during the meeting.

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