Pollution throughout the territory

Chapter 260 Lao Liu gives everyone a whole new life [Please recommend and vote monthly! 】

Qin Yun suddenly became a little nervous. In her opinion, killing was still a very serious matter.

But Xia Ren didn't seem to take this seriously, and his tone was as relaxed as if he was asking you if you want to drink water.

Apostles and humans are not the same species in any aspect. If they have to be mentioned together, they are only similar in appearance at best.

Liu Fusheng returned to Jupiter City two months ago. Although he stayed for a short time, only a few days, he killed an unknown number of people during those few days, including Qin Yun. , Xia Ren has seen four people who died directly or indirectly because of him.

He could easily push noisy children out of the window even when he was on the bus. Xia Ren didn't believe it at all that he hadn't killed anyone on the way back to Jupiter City.

Of course, his purpose in asking this question was not to seek justice for the victim. Let's not talk about whether he could beat Liu Fusheng now. Even if he could beat him, he would not add trouble to such a boring thing.

"I've killed him before. Why do you ask?"

Liu Fusheng answered casually.

Compared to the issue of murder, his attention was now more focused on this cousin who only had five minutes from conception to birth.

Xia Ren looked at the baby version of Lily in his arms and said, "The baby is born. Find her some food."

His eyes were gentle, and his tone was full of longing and expectation for a better life in the future. He was completely the image of a loving father.

Liu Fusheng couldn't help but be touched.

But having said that, Xia Ren actually just wanted to get some achievement points. Jupiter City is only so big in total. As long as the infected bodies around his home showed up, not a single one escaped, and they were all cleaned up by himself. It would be too time-consuming to go further afield to search slowly. It would be much more efficient to ask the walking pollution communicator around you.

Facts have proved that as long as you dare to think and act, even an apostle can become your tool.

Liu Fusheng thought for a while: "If you need human corpses, you don't have to go to so much trouble..."

"No trouble, no trouble."

Xia Ren knew what he was thinking and interrupted: "Just take me to the place where you killed people, and leave the rest to me."

Liu Fusheng raised his head and looked at the time: "Now?"

Xia Ren didn't give him much time to think, and nodded: "Right now."

"That's okay."

Liu Fusheng agreed without much thought.

"Without further ado."

Xia Ren threw the baby version of Lily in his arms on the sofa, picked up the keys and prepared to go out.

His movements and gestures were like throwing away a pillow that wouldn't cry or make a fuss. It was neither light nor heavy.

Liu Fusheng's eyes twitched, and his eyes followed the baby as it drew an arc in the air and landed on the sofa.

After waiting for two seconds, my little cousin didn't cry. Looking at her aunt, she didn't seem worried about anything going wrong, and she didn't even plan to come over to comfort her.

So, was this how they raised their children before?

Liu Fusheng looked at his eldest cousin standing aside, and couldn't help but sympathize with her. At the same time, he had some understanding of the fact that she had grown to be eight or nine years old in just one month. In such a harsh living environment, if she didn't hurry up and grow faster, it would be difficult for her to survive. Opportunities grow.

"Have you finished your homework for today?"

The mother in her forties walked into the house and looked at her teenage son on the bed who was still holding his phone and watching videos. He ignored her words and shook his head.


"I understand, Mom. I will write it when I have time. Just go to bed."

Wang Xiaoming said impatiently without looking away from the phone.

"Oh. Then go to bed early and don't stay up late. Your teacher has called your dad and said that you..."

"I know! Mom, why are you so verbose!" Wang Xiaoming threw away the phone and glared.

With a sigh, the door closed.

Wang Xiaoming didn't care.

He is an only son in the family, and his parents only have him in their thirties. He loves him very much, so he can do anything at home.

While he was continuing to watch videos enthusiastically, a message suddenly popped up on the notification bar of his phone.

[The anchor you are following: Lao Liu, who never forgets his original intention, is live broadcasting, go and watch him~]

Wang Xiaoming clicked in without hesitation.

Lao Liu is the anchor he has been following for half a year. He usually posts some videos and is considered a food anchor.

But the reason why I paid attention to Lao Liu in the first place was because I watched the video of him eating dirt.

Wang Xiaoming was very interested at that time. He had watched various food anchors, but this was his first time. He clicked on it with curiosity, and ended up watching it for more than half a year.

However, he is not really interested in Lao Liu's other videos. What he likes to watch the most is the video of the other party eating dirt, and he especially wants Lao Liu to perform in person again. The reason why he has followed Lao Liu for so long is that There is a reason for this.

And watching Lao Liu's live broadcast, there will always be a sense of comfort that he himself cannot describe. He will forget the unpleasantness of being in class, forget the pressure of exams, forget homework, as if he has temporarily escaped from reality, sitting in a high position and watching others play tricks.

Yes, watching dramas and being superior, especially the punishment phase when the two anchors compete, are his favorite things to watch.

But when I clicked on the live broadcast room today, the situation was a little different from usual.

The background of the picture on the screen is a bit dark. Lao Liu is sitting on a chair. Instead of using a band-aid to stick a piece of betel nut on his forehead as usual, he wears a smiley mask to cover his entire face. His neck is tightly wrapped with a scarf, and his hands He also wore a pair of black gloves, not showing any skin on his body.

The broadcast lasted just two minutes, and Lao Liu didn't say a word, adjusting the angle of the camera from time to time.

There are not many people in the live broadcast room, but it is already more active than many new anchors.

Wang Xiaoming posted a barrage: There was no live broadcast yesterday. Could it be that he secretly ate dirt without telling us?

It was a start, and other netizens also started talking about this topic:

Maybe, Lao Liu definitely misses that smell.

Post a video, post a video, Lao Liu, you haven’t eaten in half a year, if you don’t eat, you will be dismissed!

You killed us yesterday, why don't you apologize for your sins?

Behind the screen, Wang Xiaoming couldn't help but feel proud when he saw so many people following his topic.

However, some people still noticed his strange outfit and asked: Brother Six, why are you dressed like this today?

Although it is now the end of October, the temperature has not yet reached this level of coldness. Now Lao Liu has wrapped himself tightly as if he is going to survive the winter.

Wang Xiaoming then focused on Lao Liu's dress.

The lighting is dim, and the picture is naturally not that detailed. In addition, the mobile phone screen is relatively small, and details cannot be seen in many places.

However, when Wang Xiaoming looked at the mask on Lao Liu's face, he felt inexplicably uneasy.

There were two small circular holes for the eyes of the mask. Due to the angle of the light, it was pitch black inside the holes and nothing could be seen.

Wang Xiaoming's consciousness seemed to be stuck in it, and he gradually lost consciousness.

There were only a pair of dark round holes in his field of vision, and the picture on the screen seemed to be distorted. He saw two lines of red blood flowing out of the round holes, sliding down to the red lips of the mask, and blending into one...

"Sorry guys, I'm a little late today."

Suddenly, a familiar voice came from the speaker of the mobile phone. Wang Xiaoming's heartbeat accelerated and he looked at the screen with wide eyes.

The mask was still the same mask, but there was no blood flowing from the two round holes, they were clean.

He wondered if he was distracted and saw it wrong, but looking at the mask, he always felt that there was something strangely evil about that smile, which made his heart chill.

"You guys are talking about my outfit, and Lao Liu is thinking that you guys may get tired of looking at my face every day, so I will give you... a whole new life today."

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