Pollution throughout the territory

Chapter 271 Battle of Qiu Ming Mountain

Xia Ren carried Liang Wan and walked behind, while Liu Fusheng walked in front of them to cover.

In fact, according to Liu Fusheng's idea, there is no need to be so cautious at all. If someone sees it, just kill them. Anyway, they don't need to stay here anymore, and they are not afraid of any trouble later.

But Xia Ren insisted on being more cautious, and Liu Fusheng could only follow his arrangements. Fortunately, no unlucky person met them along the way, so they were relatively lucky.

After taking the elevator back home, Qin Yun was a little confused when she saw that they were carrying another person back. But when Xia Ren put the person on the floor and lifted his robe and hat to reveal his face, she immediately He said in surprise: "This is not..."

But then, she realized that Liu Fusheng was nearby, and she must not let him know that she knew people from the foundation, so she changed her words: "Isn't this what it looks like being contaminated?"

Lily ran over in two or three steps, hugging Xia Ren's thigh while looking longingly at Liang Wan on the floor, two drops of crystal saliva flowed from the corner of her mouth.

Xia Ren himself was surprised. He didn't expect that Liang Wan's pollution level was so serious, and wasn't the flame pattern on her forehead exactly the same as the one on Liu Xiuxiu's forehead that he had seen in his dream?

At the same time, Xia Ren also discovered the abnormality in the other party's eyes.

Blind...how did she get here from Jianghe City?

Xia Ren was thinking when he suddenly felt his trouser legs being pulled. He lowered his head. Lily was hugging her thighs, looking up at him with her big watery eyes, and then pointed at Liang Wan with one finger. , asked in a low voice: "Can I..."


Xia Ren decisively refused, rubbed her fluffy curly hair, and said to the others in the room: "We have to leave quickly, maybe the foundation will find this place soon."

"Then she..."

Qin Yun looked at Liang Wan who was lying on the floor, not knowing whether she was alive or dead, and asked.

Xia Ren went to get the car keys and said, "Just leave it here. It's a corpse anyway, and it's a waste of time to deal with it."

They only stayed in this house temporarily last night and had nothing to take away, so they could set off directly.

"So anxious?"

Qin Yun was very surprised.

Xia Ren didn't explain too much to her, he hugged Lily and walked outside the house, not forgetting to lock the door before leaving.

Their family of three, plus Liu Fusheng, totaling four people, was more than enough to leave by car.

After driving the Mercedes-Benz out of the basement, Xia Ren sat in the driver's seat and sped along the avenue towards the outside of the city.

It was morning, when the road was congested. They drove for nearly an hour before finally reaching the edge of the city.

In front of them, they could see a towering mountain peak, blocking half of the morning sun, and they could hear the faint chirping of birds from far away.

This mountain is Qiu Ming Mountain next to Jupiter City. Although Xia Ren lives in this city, he has never climbed this mountain several times.

I still remember that when I first met Liu Xiuxiu, I was beaten up by the masked personality on the top of the mountain. A few days ago, in a villa area not far from the foot of this mountain, the principal of the Dawn Center, Lai Bo, and his family were murdered by the Swollen Daughter. , counting this time, this is the third time I have come here this year.

"Where are we going next?"

Before breakfast was finished, Qin Yun suddenly encountered such a change, and Qin Yun always felt very uneasy.

Xia Ren concentrated on driving and said, "I don't know either. Anyway, let's leave the city first and then think of a solution."

In fact, he didn't even think about escaping with Liu Fusheng. The reason why he wanted to leave Jupiter City was just a delaying tactic. He first gained the other party's trust, waited until he was somewhere else, then looked for an opportunity to return to Jupiter City, and packed up his belongings to find a place to hide together. When Liu Fu dies or his strength is strong enough, it will not be too late to return to Jupiter City.

Liang Wan appeared too suddenly, and in such a short period of time, Xia Ren could only temporarily come up with this solution.

Liu Fusheng, who was sitting in the back seat with Lily, looked out the window, thought for a few seconds and then said, "If you don't have a place to go, I can recommend one."


Qin Yun turned her head to look at him.

Liu Fusheng said word by word: "Arkham City, I wonder if you have heard of it."


Xia Ren, who was sitting in the driver's seat, repeated these three words: "I've never heard of it. What is that place? Is it safe?"

Liu Fusheng shook his head: "That is probably the most dangerous city, but if you stay there, at least you won't have to worry about the Foundation's pursuit for a short time. As long as you grow up, or..."

Xia Ren was keenly aware of the change in his tone, and the second half of what he left unfinished was probably to last him until he recovered from his injury.

Just as he was about to ask him about the specific situation in Arkham City, Liu Fusheng himself raised another question:

"How did the Foundation find me? It was the same when I was in Jianghe City, and then when I came to Jupiter City, they were still able to keep up..."

His words were more like talking to himself, but Xia Ren and Qin Yun in the car suddenly became nervous.

It was Liu Fusheng who reported the case together with them at the beginning. Now in front of others, no matter how thick-skinned he is, he will inevitably feel a little guilty.

"Is there still this matter? If you think about it again, could it be that you accidentally revealed your identity at some point?"

Xia Ren, with a serious expression on his face, helped bring up the possibility.

"Who else knows my identity."

Liu Fusheng rubbed his temples, stopped thinking too much about the matter, and looked out the window.

after awhile.

Liu Fusheng seemed to realize it later, his eyes slowly opened wide, and he slowly turned his gaze to Xia Ren who was driving.

If he remembered correctly, Xia Ren was the only one in the entire Jupiter City who knew his identity as an apostle.

And what a coincidence. I just met him yesterday, and people from the foundation were chasing him this morning.

The more Liu Fusheng thought about it, the more likely it was, but he was not sure because he still couldn't figure out the motive.

Everyone is considered to be in the same camp. Even if they don't help, they won't betray. Moreover, Xia Ren is also an apostle of the abyss. If he comes into contact with the foundation, he will be the first to be hunted.

This idea circulated in Liu Fusheng's mind for a while, but finally gave up.

He never thought that Xia Ren and the others would become his enemies. Not to mention other things, he still had a relationship with his aunt. He knew his aunt's character well, and she was not the kind of woman who would forget her love and never recognize her relatives.

At some point, the sun became a little dimmer. The sun that had just risen was gradually obscured by clouds. The wind picked up, blowing the woods on the nearby mountains and whirring.

Large numbers of birds flew into the sky and left in groups in the distance. The scene was quite spectacular.

Xia Ren opened the driver's window and let the cold wind blow in his face, feeling that his thinking was much clearer.

In the past, many people came to climb the mountain every day, and some drove cars or motorcycles, but today there were very few people. I didn't meet many people all the way here. It turned out that they had all read the weather forecast.

It is going to rain.

Just as he was thinking about it, he saw through the rearview mirror that something seemed to be approaching quickly on the hillside next to the road.

The thing was extremely fast, and it only took less than five seconds to enter the sight.

Xia Ren suddenly felt a palpitation in his heart.

A gaze locked on him, coming from behind!


He heard a loud noise, and then saw an entire tree being uprooted, spanning a distance of nearly a hundred meters, and crashing towards the vehicle with a sharp whistling sound!

But, how is it possible!

Xia Ren took the time to glance at the dashboard. The speed displayed on it was 80Km/h!

What a powerful force this is!

It's the last day of the month. If you have a vote, vote for the white cat. If you don't use it, it will expire. (humble)

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