Pollution throughout the territory

Chapter 277 Old Accounts

The helicopter stopped at the observation deck, which had almost turned into ruins, and two people, a man and a woman, walked down.

The woman looks about 20 to 30 years old, and her specific age cannot be determined. However, she is very tall, has a plump figure, and wears high heels, which makes her look very oppressive.

The man standing next to her was in his thirties, and was much shorter in height. He was wearing a colorful shirt on his upper body and suit pants on his lower body. He looked a little lazy, especially the small pimple on his chin. The goatee makes him look even more vulgar.

From the black windbreaker on the helicopter pilot, Xia Ren was able to determine that this was someone from the Foundation. Before the two people could speak, he took the initiative to greet them and said in a somewhat complaining tone: "Why are you just here now? Everything has already happened." After we have solved it, do you know that the entire Jupiter City was almost destroyed?"

Jiufeng held a black umbrella, ignored Xia Ren's words, and walked straight towards him. As the distance between them got closer and closer, Jiufeng's breathing became heavier and the corners of his mouth raised uncontrollably. , showing its sharp fangs, looking very dangerous.

Seeing her like this, Xia Ren suddenly panicked. He took half a step back and waved his hand: "Hey, this is our first meeting. Calm down and listen to me. I am indeed from your foundation. If you don't believe me, you can ask Jupiter. Judge Tang from the Municipal Logistics Department..."

Jiufeng still didn't pay attention to what he said, and said to herself: "Now that I have found you, let's see where you can run this time."

She clasped her hands together and cracked her finger joints.

Hearing this, Xia Ren racked his brains and couldn't remember where he had seen this woman. With her appearance and figure, I believe no man in the world could forget her after taking one look at her.

Then, there is only one possibility left...

He secretly thought that was bad, thinking that he must not be so unlucky. Could it be that this woman, like Huang Qiuyuan, knew himself before his memory was tampered with?

And looking at the other party's appearance of coming here to seek revenge, it seems that I don't have a very good relationship with her.

Before Xia Ren could think of any countermeasures, the woman had already walked in front of him.

She bent down slightly, stretched out her head and sniffed Xia Ren, causing goosebumps all over the latter's body.

"Well, there is indeed no pollution."

Jiu Feng then slapped him on the shoulder and said, "Let's get to know each other again. My name is Jiu Feng."

Xia Ren's body was agitated and he replied: "My name is Xia Ren."

Jiufeng then said, "How about it? Are you interested in trying to have a baby with me?"


Xia Ren thought he heard wrongly.

A playful smile appeared on Jiufeng's lips, her tone raised a bit, and she repeated: "I said, if you are interested, you can try to have a baby with me."

Xia Ren's eyes widened.

In public, this, this, this, what a wolfish talk!

It's so frank and explicit, it's simply insulting to politeness, it's insulting to politeness!

Xia Ren was heartbroken and immediately replied: "I wish..."

Just when he was about to agree, he saw Qin Yun holding Lily and looking at him calmly.

But it can still be seen from the flashing eyes in her eyes that she is actually very uneasy inside.

After thinking about it, Xia Ren changed his words: "I think this kind of thing can't be rushed. You see..."

"Then you still don't want to?"

Jiufeng raised his eyebrows: "In that case, just pay me the money you owed me for the last meal."

If your courtship fails, you will have to pay later?

Xia Ren looked confused: "What's the meal money?"

Jiu Feng seemed to have expected this answer. He took out an IOU from the wallet he carried with him and showed it to Xia Ren.

A line of large characters on the IOU read: "Xia Ren voluntarily invites Ms. Jiufeng to dine at Zhuhua Restaurant, and all expenses will be borne by me."

There is also Xia Ren's signature below the signature.

After eating a meal, he even paid an IOU. Could it be that he had had many meals with her in vain before?

Xia Ren didn't quite believe how he could do such a thing with his excellent character.

"How much?"

He thought that if it was just a meal, he would just give it to him.

Jiu Feng smiled slightly and said: "Two hundred and thirty-nine thousand, eight hundred and seventy-one alliance coins. If you add a zero, you can count it as two hundred and thirty-nine thousand, seven hundred and eight."

"So expensive!"

Xia Ren was stunned. Did he eat all the other guests in the restaurant as food?

Jiufeng smiled and said nothing, waved the IOU, and his meaning was very clear: pay back the money.


Xia Ren cleared his throat and gave himself some buffer time. He quickly thought about countermeasures and said, "There must be some misunderstanding in this. By the way, the person who owes you money is named Xia Ren, right?"

The smile on Jiufeng's face became even brighter: "It's written in black and white, if you still want to deny it, I'll beat you carefully~"

Xia Ren paused, weighing the difference between a beating and two hundred and thirty-nine thousand, and said: "It's not a denial, you have to be honest. Look, you said it was Xia Ren who owed you money. The IOU says The name written is also Xia Ren, but..."

He also took out his wallet, took out his ID card and showed it to Jiufeng.

"But I am Sima Gangdan."

"..." Jiufeng.


The housing agent came out from behind, interrupted their conversation, and said, "Lord Jiufeng, do we have anything else to do?"

He had read the relevant mission records about Xia Ren in Jupiter City before coming here, so he was not surprised by the presence of Qin Yun and Lily.


Jiufeng put the IOU into the rain, looked at Xia Ren and said, "You can always refresh my understanding of you."

"I am over-flattered."

Xia Ren said modestly: "There is still room for improvement."

Jiufeng ignored his talk, looked around and asked, "I just felt an apostle appear here. Where is the apostle?"

As soon as he mentioned this, Xia Ren became more energetic: "I was just about to say that you guys came too slowly. You don't know how far away the apostle was. I tried my best to fight him fiercely from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain. The process was abnormal. It was difficult, and I almost survived several times, but in the end I was stronger, and with the help of the gardener, I finally defeated the apostle and protected the safety of Jupiter City."

Jiufeng listened to him quietly. For some reason, she felt like laughing.

The real estate agent didn't know the details of Xia Ren and was surprised: "You said the apostle has been killed by you?"

"Yeah." Xia Ren nodded.

"What about the body? We need to deal with it quickly."

"I burned it all down."

The real estate agent felt incredible: "What kind of fire can..."

Jiufeng answered: "The aura here is so clean that only the essence of fire is present."

She could probably guess what happened. Most of what Xia Ren said could not be believed, but there must have been a gardener involved in killing the apostle.

"Where's the gardener you're talking about?"

Her eyes turned to Qin Yun and Lily, but they were obviously not the same.

Xia Ren breathed a sigh of relief. Now he no longer had to worry about the foundation being harmful to him, and said, "Rest in the pavilion over there."

When the group walked into the pavilion, Jiufeng recognized Cheng Shuangshuang at a glance, the little girl she found in the park ten years ago.

"She obviously can't turn into a pupa..."

Jiufeng quickly stepped forward and held her wrist, feeling the condition inside her body, and her expression became worse and worse.

"When did she fall into coma?"

Xia Ren replied: "After killing the apostle."


Jiu Feng's brows came together.

Cheng Shuangshuang's pulse has been weakened to an extremely dangerous level, and his vitality is rapidly draining away.

She hesitated for a moment, then stretched out her finger, and a drop of blood slowly condensed on her fingertip, dripping onto Cheng Shuang's lips, where it was quickly absorbed by the latter.

"Is she okay?"

Qin Yun asked with concern.

Jiufeng observed for a while again and found that the blood he had just injected was also being consumed rapidly.

"She's going to die."

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