Pollution throughout the territory

Chapter 387 Xuanjun’s Seven Secret Scriptures!

Arriving outside the library, the doctor sat on the wide steps, looking far ahead in the direction of the cold gray lake.

A faint mist floats slowly on the surface of the lake, looking like steam rising from the lake.

After a while, he put his hand into the pocket of his white coat, fumbled around for a while, and took out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter.

Pull a cigarette out of the pack, put it in your mouth, and light it.

The smoke from burning tobacco was inhaled into his lungs, and the doctor let out a long breath.

His time is different from everyone else. Although in reality, he seems to have only spent more than a hundred years, in fact, he has been wandering between the past and the future for thousands of years.

The complicated timeline and the rejection of the main world often make his memory confused. Now, he can no longer remember how long ago it was when he last lit a cigarette.

"That guy..."

The doctor suddenly muttered to himself.

He thought of a guy who didn't dare to smoke. He thought he could hide it, but in fact he knew everything.

Even if he changed his identity and could start over as an ordinary person, the other party still chose to return to the Foundation. His B-level status could not cover up his shine at all, and he was still as good as before.

On this desolate planet with only one library, it was rare for the doctor to have time to relax.

Only when he was immersed in the memories of the past could his tired mind find some solace.

After an unknown amount of time, the cigarette had been burned out unconsciously, leaving only a cigarette handle on my fingertips.

The doctor seemed to realize something and turned around.

Xia Ren walked out of the library door.

Compared with before he went in, he didn't look much changed. If I had to say it, his expression seemed more calm.

But in the doctor's observation, it was completely different.

The doctor has no eyes, but his perception is far sharper and more accurate than the naked eye.

"Looks like you got what you wanted."


Xia Ren looked down at his hands and said, "Maybe."

He is still in shock and cannot extricate himself.

The doctor didn't ask him what he saw on the stone slab. The silver key flashed and the space channel opened again.

Returning to the foundation headquarters, Xia Ren locked himself in the ward and stayed in a daze for a long time.

Those stone slabs record the rise and fall of a civilization, focusing on the achievements of a tribal leader known as the Yellow Emperor, as well as his amazing inventions and medical skills.

The knowledge recorded on the stone tablet is not taboo, unlike "The Underground Digger", which can cause people to be polluted, so Xia Ren has not been affected in any negative way.

But he couldn't ignore some of the things it represented.

First of all, that period of history definitely did not happen on Blue Star.

Because according to the records on the stone tablet, after the Yellow Emperor defeated Emperor Chiyou, he consolidated his rule, developed people's livelihood, and the tribe was able to continue.

It is impossible for such an important figure in human development to leave no trace in history.

But there is really no record of the Yellow Emperor in the history of Blue Star, and even the war that affected the entire continent has never been mentioned.

Of course, based on these alone, it is still not certain that the Yellow Emperor never appeared on Blue Star. The important evidence does not lie in the Yellow Emperor himself, nor in that war, but also in some other descriptions.

Such as the Yellow River, such as the existence of dragons, such as those mountains and rivers...

None of what is described in it exists on Blue Star.

It is impossible for any human being who grew up on Blue Star to understand the world and civilization recorded on the stone tablets.

But Xia Ren knows him.

Even in this world, he is the only one I still know.

After reading the story recorded on the stone tablet, he recalled that he had the same story in his memory.

That memory appeared in his mind when he forced himself to read the grimoire "The Digger" in Ebon's study in the dreamland.

At that time, he realized that that memory represented another civilization that was completely different from Blue Star.

And the name of that planet is——


The story of Yellow Emperor takes place on Earth, not Blue Star.

The only people who can know this story must be the people on Earth.

"Am I the son of the old gods, or a visitor from outer space?"

The more information he obtained, the more Xia Ren discovered his identity, and the deeper he fell into the fog.

After meeting the doctor, he thought that he was not human at best.

But then I went to the library with the doctor. Good guy, this time it might not even be a blue star creature.

The tentacles naturally extend from the back of the head.

When he was alone in a room, only this smooth and soft tentacle could bring some comfort to Xia Ren (mentally speaking).

He gently stroked the tentacles, and the dense white suction cups on them opened, revealing the barb-shaped fangs in the center.

This is one of the changes that comes from looking at the slate.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Xia Ren always felt that this tentacle was getting closer to perfection, but it still seemed to be a little bit behind.

The distortion value rose to 20/100. Correspondingly, his system integration finally reached 90/100, and one task was added.

The ongoing tasks include:

[Main mission 1: Search for Zhao Mingyue, the alienated body of the abyss (unfinished). 】

[Main mission two: Investigate the source of pollution. Completion progress 15/100. 】

[Main mission three: Capture the escaped containment objects. Completion progress: 2/7. 】

[Side mission: Spread pollution records to humans (in progress). 】

[Side mission: Hunting ghouls (unfinished). 】

Not long ago, a new task was added:

[Main Mission 4: Unlock the "Xuanjun Seven Chapters Secret Scripture"! Completion Progress: Chapter 1 (90/100). 】

[Note: The unblocking progress can be increased by reading the grimoire. 】

"Just tell me that you want to study."

Xia Ren has roughly figured out the system's routines.

If you read it carefully, you will find that the tasks it publishes are basically to help you determine the future direction, and they do not have to be completed by yourself in a short time.

Just like searching for Zhao Mingyue and investigating the source of pollution. If you really wait until the day it is completed, the end may have come. Moreover, although these two tasks are the main line, the rewards are very small. Every time the progress of investigating the source of pollution is updated, Achievement points are basically distributed to yourself at a ratio of one to ten, which means that even if you complete them all, you will only receive a total of one thousand achievement points.

As for the first main line, there is simply no reward!

As a novelist himself, he should have discovered this flaw in the setting long ago, but he never noticed it.

The comment added after the new task is probably the real purpose of the system.

He opened the system store, and sure enough, as the system integration level exceeded 90, the items in the store were also updated.

[Xiansha Resurrection Barrier (100,000 achievement points): You need to completely unseal the first chapter of "Xuanjun Seven Chapters Secret Scripture" before you can redeem it. 】

Look at the couples walking together on the street. Do they look like you forgot to vote for my monthly recommendation?

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