Pollution throughout the territory

Chapter 394 The Seven Leaders of Dog Lickers

The bed board of the second bedroom is not a whole, but two rectangular pieces spliced ​​together. There is no baffle in the middle. Together they look like a box, which is very convenient for hiding things. That’s why Guo Licheng chose to put the doll in the second bedroom from the beginning.

It was obviously just cleaned up yesterday, but when he walked in today, he saw that his roommate's bed was messy again, and it didn't look like a girl at all.

Moreover, you can still clearly smell the stench.

The stench of rotting flesh.

I don’t know how she fell asleep at night.

Guo Licheng felt a little uneasy for no reason.

"Let's fight quickly!"

He decided to take advantage of the time when his roommate was out to move the doll and the box into his room, and then decide whether to throw it away or keep it for further use. He would see at that time.

In short, I can't stay here.

With this in mind, he tried not to touch his roommate's things, and slowly pulled the edge of the bed to open a gap.

The originally semi-sealed box suddenly revealed a gap, and in an instant, a pungent stench gushed out. Guo Licheng, who was bending over to move the bed, was immediately fumed. He subconsciously stepped back and bumped into his roommate's dressing table, and coughed violently. .

His stomach was churning and the physical discomfort was unbearable. Guo Licheng couldn't help vomiting violently.

"It smells so bad!"

He held his hands on his own vomit, feeling dizzy.

At this moment, he saw two pairs of feet appearing beside the door of the second bedroom.

One pair belonged to her roommate. She was covering her nose and looking at herself in surprise.

"Why did you come into my room?"

Oops, I came back early!

Before Guo Licheng had time to think too much, he saw the owner of the other pair of feet behind his roommate.

The landlord was standing there, smiling to himself.

The moment he saw the landlord, a chill ran straight from his tailbone to his mind.

That is, the landlord?


He saw the landlord's face. Oh my god, it was definitely not a human face!

The withered yellow teeth were like rough rotten wood, arranged in a disorderly manner. The long hair was like waterweed in the sewer, sticky and sticky on the bruised and swollen face. The eyeballs in the eye sockets were turbid, with leaking and broken eggs. Liquid like liquid.

While she was laughing, the ugly, fat white maggots were squirming under her skin and slowly crawling out from her nostrils.

No, this is definitely not the landlord!

Where is the real landlord?

A series of sudden changes impacted Guo Licheng's sanity. He kicked his legs on the floor and leaned crazily towards the corner.

In the process of struggling,

He saw it out of the corner of his eye.

The light squeezed under the bed along the gap. In the dark and narrow space, the source of the stench lay quietly there.

The cardboard box originally used to hold the doll was soaked with liquid, shrinking to the side like rotten fruit.

In that carton is...

Pretending to be...


In the meeting room, Guo Licheng bent over and retched, as if he wanted to vomit his stomach.

He barely ate anything for two days, so he could only barely vomit a little acidic water.

The man frowned and stretched out his tentacles to lift his head up to face him.

Guo Licheng's stomach was still spasming. His eyes were dull, his face was dull, and saliva flowed from the corners of his mouth. He was already in a semi-conscious state, and his physical condition was extremely poor.

"Even if he is a real murderer, he will not torture people like this before trial."

The superintendent of Linshan City is really messing around.

The man sighed, took out a transparent bottle about the size of the belly of his thumb from his pocket, opened the cork, took out a drop of liquid and fed it into Guo Licheng's mouth.

The latter's face immediately turned rosy, and his eyes gradually became clearer.


"You're welcome."

The man withdrew his tentacles, thought for a moment and said, "Your situation is a bit difficult. If you didn't lie, the landlord's body and your roommate's body were both in the second bedroom. You went to work at the company the next day as if nothing happened. , this is not normal in anyone’s eyes. Who can prove that you didn’t kill the person?”

Guo Licheng shook his head dejectedly.

According to police station records, because the case was so bizarre, they initially suspected that Guo Licheng suffered from mental illness. However, when they arrested Guo Licheng, his language skills and thinking logic were very clear, and subsequent mental evaluation also showed that he was healthy. .

There were two deceased persons in this case. According to the autopsy, Guo Licheng’s landlord died a month ago. The cause of death was suffocation, but no signs of mechanical asphyxiation or suffocation due to related diseases were found on his body.

The new tenant who moved in at almost the same time died the day before the incident. The cause of death was exactly the same as the landlord's, both of which were suffocation.

When it was discovered, the new tenant's body was placed in a dancing posture in the living room, while the landlord's body was too decomposed to stand, so he placed it on a chair and looked at the other corpse. Like an audience.

It is said that when they opened the door and saw the scene inside, the neighbor who called the police and the young superintendent who arrived at the scene both vomited for a long time.

The causes of death of both people were extremely bizarre. The police superintendent speculated that Guo Licheng used special means to commit the crime, but there is currently no conclusive evidence.

The trouble is that the landlord lives alone and has a withdrawn personality. She has more than a dozen houses under her name. Apart from collecting rent on time, she has basically no interactions with other people, and her social circle is very narrow.

The new tenant is basically staying at home. Apart from the delivery boy, the only one who can communicate with her is Guo Licheng.

No matter how you look at it, he is the biggest suspect, not to mention that the crime occurred in the rental house where he lives.

Who in the right mind doesn't call the police when he sees a dead body, and then goes to work the next day?

"What you said is basically the same as the transcript."

The only difference is that the transcript is more detailed.

The man thought for a long time, shook his head, and stood up from his seat.

"You are sure that you were wronged, right?"

Worried, he asked again.

Guo Licheng nodded blankly.

"That's fine. It's nothing anyway. I will try to help you find any breakthroughs, but there are only two days. If there is no progress after two days, just ask for your blessings."

The man said, about to leave.


Guo Licheng suddenly stopped him and asked, "Do you believe what I said and really want to help me? Why?"

In my impression, Guo Licheng had never seen each other before.

The man stopped, pondered, and said, "Do you still remember the dream you had yesterday afternoon?"

"You mean..."

As soon as he reminded him, Guo Licheng immediately recalled the weird dream yesterday.

The man coughed twice and continued: "You asked that adult for help in your dream, and he happened to be in a good mood, so he responded to your request.

So, here I am. "

He thought he was speaking very convincingly.

After Guo Licheng was stunned for a while, he actually accepted the fact and asked cautiously: "Can I know who that adult is?"


The man cleared his throat and said solemnly:

"He is the commander-in-chief of Snow Customs,

Dayanping Yebo,

The heads of the seven licking dogs,

Demon King——Zheng Fan. "

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