Pollution throughout the territory

Chapter 416 Lu Yi’s Identity


Xia Ren looked at Lu Yi: "How can she help?"

Regarding this issue, Niu Changshou seemed very surprised.

He thought of something next and said with a helpless smile: "My dear friend, you really took her with you without knowing anything."

Xia Ren asked: "So, you understand it very well?"

Niu Changshou suddenly fell silent for a moment, and then returned to his smile: "Everyone who understands understands, and there is nothing you can do about it if you don't understand. It's not something that makes people happy anyway. My dear...it's better not to know."

Xia Ren held his forehead and said, "The Riddler is already old as soon as he opens his mouth."

He was actually quite annoyed by this ambiguous way of speaking, because there were already enough secrets weighing on him.

However, Niu Changshou's identity is not ordinary. He checked through the foundation before and found out that there is a department within the Superman Association called the Disaster Research Institute. This department has a very high status within the association and is mysterious. It seems to have preserved quite important information. Contamination data, most of which is still not open to other departments of the association, Plague Scholar belongs to the Disaster Research Institute.

Xia Ren could only find this, and other than that, he could not find any more information about the Disaster Research Institute and Niu longevity.

You can't use a crowbar to pry open the news that the other party doesn't want to tell.

Lu Yi was in front of the two people, listening to their conversation, feeling confused and not understanding at all, but then, he heard the topic turn back to himself.

"Then what? How can she help?"

"Hahaha, it's actually very simple, you just need..."

Niu Changshou said with a smile: "Just inject the toxins in Aikawa Riko's body into her body."

The street lights on the stone roadside flickered a few times, and the atmosphere suddenly turned cold as Niu Changshou spoke these words.

Lu Yi subconsciously shrank her shoulders.

Qin Yun pulled Lily and walked to her side calmly.

Xia Ren thought for a while and asked, "Do you know what you are talking about?"

Riko Aikawa is a C-level investigator. After she was poisoned, there was no good way to treat her. Her life was in danger. She relied on the medical conditions of the Superman Association to survive. Although Lu Yi is a contained object, she also has some special abilities. However, her body structure is not significantly different from that of humans, and she will not be completely fine if she is poisoned by aberrations.

But Niu Changshou was not so bold as to persecute the people around him in front of him, so Xia Ren was willing to listen to his explanation.

"It seems like you won't agree without explaining it clearly to you."

Niu Changshou glanced at a few people, then pulled Xia Ren aside and said, "Brother, do you know about human cloning?"

"You mean..."

Xia Ren immediately understood what he meant.

Is Lu Yi actually a clone?

Niu Changshou sighed and said: "This matter is very complicated to talk about, but Lu Yi is not a clone. In the laboratory, she should be called a human test subject. She is a human being who has overcome many difficulties in order to facilitate certain experiments by the Superman Association." , experimental subjects that are produced in batches at a huge cost and have the same genome as humans. Simply put, they have the same function as mice."

"Almost all human subjects are the same as real humans in terms of IQ, strength, body structure, and thinking ability. They are usually directly cultivated as adult human individuals, and then input into memories randomly combined by computers. These memories have no logical logic. loopholes, so it can give human subjects real emotions. At this point, except for their origins and false memories, there is no difference between them and normal humans."

The computer instills memories and believes them to be true.

The human subjects thought they had a complete experience and just slept for a while, but when they opened their eyes, they found that they had been taken to a certain laboratory.

Panic and helplessness enveloped them, and the subjects were forced to face various dangerous situations, or take drugs of unknown ingredients, and die in pain, and all of this was recorded by the camera in the corner of the laboratory. The researchers on the other side of the single-sided glass wall... observed indifferently.

"Sounds cruel, doesn't it?"

Niu Changshou smiled bitterly and said, "But we have no choice."

If the researchers of the Superman Association are cruel, then the pollution is even more unreasonable. Human specimens can be produced in batches, but everyone in real life is unique. Their memories are not false. They have parents, family members, and Friends, everyone is irreplaceable.

What the Superman Association wants to protect is the group called human beings. It would be too naive to want to pay no price in the process.

No one can blame them for this, because all ordinary people living on Blue Star are enjoying the benefits and the invisible protection and benefits brought to them by the Superman Association.

If you don’t know how to work hard, if you don’t have the courage to survive between the mud and the carrion, and if you don’t have the decision to make a choice, then this population cannot continue. The excessive Virgin is a cancer cell of civilization!

"Then what happened to Lu Yi?"

Xia Ren asked.

He quickly accepted the existence of human subjects because the Foundation was actually doing similar things.

The identity of an investigator may seem glorious, but in fact, the lowest level D-class investigators are actually like cannon fodder. You can understand just by looking at the early warning mechanism. D-class personnel are like scattered worker ants, there are many in them, but They basically have no fighting ability, and even if they are careless, the second-category infected body can easily kill them, but the death of D-class personnel will attract C-class, and then A-class.

Everyone knows that Class D is weak and the mortality rate used to detect danger will be very high, but does anyone have any other better ways? D-level and above personnel are so difficult to train.

"As mentioned above, the physical strength of most human subjects is the same as that of real humans, but there are also a small number of human subjects that far exceed humans, especially in terms of immune system, and are called super subjects."

"Some super subjects will participate in the production of anti-venom serum and vaccines, because their strong physical fitness and immune system can withstand injuries that normal people cannot bear, and they can easily produce antibodies to various toxins or germs. Of course, in the process of producing antibodies The test subject will also be very painful."

Xia Ren sorted out the information he had just obtained in his mind. He was keenly aware of a loophole and asked: "According to what you said, whether it is an ordinary human test subject or a super test subject, for the Superman Association, They should all be relatively precious resources, but Lu Yi was picked up by me in Dongpu City. Since she is a super subject, how could she escape, be contaminated, and possess some of the characteristics of the contained object?"

"about this……"

Niu Changshou smiled and changed the subject: "If we continue to wait, Ms. Riko will not be able to hold on for too long. I assure you that Miss Lu Yi will not have any problems. The toxin itself is not actually very toxic. Strong, but it may be that Ms. Riko took the Hell Water in desperation after being poisoned, which caused the pollution of the toxin itself to disappear. If not, we can decompose the poison while extracting the pollution. "

"..." Xia Ren.

If you put it this way, the reason why Riko Aikawa's life is in danger is actually because of herself?

"I can't make the decision."

Xia Ren calmly led Niu Changshou back to Lu Yi.

"Well, there's something I want to discuss with you."

Lu Yi bit her lip, held her hands together nervously, and lowered her head.

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