Pollution throughout the territory

Chapter 421 The Manipulated Plague

"Is this the city of Ethera?"

Xia Ren drove through the ancient and neat streets, and the buildings on both sides were full of classical styles from the old era.

Along the way, they saw countless sharp tower tops and pointed arches. In the era when this kind of architecture was once popular, each place had its own beliefs. Although the specific doctrines were different, the churches of each sect were almost the same. The difference is in the details.

The setting sun shines on the rose window of the roadside church, diffusing colorful light. The flying buttresses erected from high to low on the outer wall are covered with stone carvings. Through the open door, you can still see the inside Powerful stone carvings and mosaic murals on the circular dome.

The scenery is in line with expectations, and the effect seen in person is far more shocking than watching videos or images.

But there are only a few people.

In a tourist city, there are very few pedestrians on the streets, which is very abnormal no matter how you look at it.

"Is it really still a plague?"

Xia Ren patted his head, feeling a headache.

Although I had a hunch when I saw people from the Logistics Department and the Superman Association guarding the main road when I entered the city, it was only after I actually entered that I realized that the situation was more serious.

"It appears that Ethera is also a hotspot for atypical entomophobia."

Qin Yun looked around and found that the people here were generally listless, and many of them had circles under their eyes. Apparently they had not gotten enough rest for a while because they had taken neurological drugs from the Superman Association.

While suppressing the spread of atypical entomophobia by affecting sleep quality is very effective, the side effects cannot be ignored. As one of the necessary needs for human survival, if sleep is hindered for a long time, it will have extremely serious consequences for the entire society.

After all, it's just a temporary measure.

Xia Ren's original expectation suddenly disappeared, and he couldn't help but feel a little heavy.

Lily and Lu Yi are relatively stupid, so they don't have to worry so much and can be happy at any time.

But the atmosphere in the entire city was lifeless, and their trip was obviously not going to go on happily.

Xia Ren watched the haggard-looking passers-by pass by him and sighed: "Go straight to the target."

7 p.m.

Constantine Private High School.

"Brace yourself, brace yourself!"

Over fifty years old, the bearded teacher rolled up his textbooks and banged on the podium to remind the dozing students below to cheer up.

"I swear, you are definitely the worst class of students I have ever taught. Oh~ William, don't think that I can't see you if you sit in the back row. If I see you untied in my class again Play with your poor little chestnut with the belt, and I promise to kick your ass hard with my leather shoes!”

The students burst into laughter. Although they were a little messy, at least they were no longer so listless.

"Humph, human beings' joys and sorrows are not the same."

Liu Zunrong, who was sitting in the second-to-last row by the window, only thought they were noisy.

His hometown is in Dongzhou, and the reason why he went to a private junior high school in Esela City was because of his unreliable parents.

At first, they said they were coming for a trip, but while shopping, they somehow spent all their savings to buy an apartment here. As a result, the small company they opened collapsed due to a broken capital chain, and debt collectors blocked Dongzhou every day. At the gate of my hometown, my parents had no choice but to send me here to hide.

However, two months have passed and I can't make any friends in the class...

Just as he was thinking about it, the female classmate sitting in the back seat of him poked his back and said shyly:

"Um... Honorable classmate, I have no one at home this weekend, can you come and play with me?"


Liu Zunrong thought for a while: "You have no family? Are you an orphan?"

"..." The female classmate was stunned.

Seeing that she didn't answer, Liu Zunrong turned his head and continued to wonder why he couldn't make friends.

the other side.

"No matter how you look at it, he is just an ordinary person."

Xia Ren held up a telescope and stood on the roof of a residential building several hundred meters away, looking at Constantine Private Middle School.

The young man with the Dongzhou face sitting by the window did not show anything unusual. During class, he just drew some unclear things in his homework book and muttered something at the same time.

Based on the shape of his mouth, Xia Ren could vaguely tell that he was talking about "how many floors does a bag of rice need to carry", "how many floors does a bag of rice need to carry", "smashing Varudo" and the like.

"Is it the dialect of his hometown?"

"I think we can talk to him directly in person and verify it." Qin Yun suggested.

Xia Ren put away the telescope: "But the information provided by the foundation is vague, I'm worried..."

Before he finished speaking, he patted his forehead: "Forget it, there is no other good way anyway."

"elder brother!"

Lily's clear voice suddenly shouted.

Xia Ren looked around in confusion, and saw the little Loli standing on the edge of the roof, like a threatened kitten, with green curly hair blowing up, and her eyes constantly patrolling the low buildings in the city.

"What's wrong? Lily." Qin Yun asked.

Lily didn't answer, but her aura was a little scary.

Qin Yun looked at Lu Yi next to her in confusion. The latter shook his head and said that he didn't know the reason.

"Did you find something?"

Xia Ren walked over and followed Lily's gaze to inspect the streets in the distance.

Lily's explosive hair slowly fell down, and her terrifying aura gradually subsided.

She turned her head, a serious look on her young face that shouldn't have been there: "A particularly annoying guy has appeared."

Xia Ren narrowed his eyes: "Is it nearby?"

Lily was about to nod when she suddenly noticed something again and opened her mouth: "Ah! It disappeared."

Did you escape...?

"Who is the other person? Is it someone I have met?" Xia Ren asked.

Lily closed her eyes and thought about it seriously for a while.

"I don't remember," she said.

Xia Ren pondered for a while, then reached out and rubbed Lily's head: "It's okay, just tell me next time you show up."

He has no clue at all, someone who can make Lily feel threatened.

Could it be Huang Qiuyuan?

Perhaps it should be called Zhou Yuan. After all, Huang Qiuyuan is just a pseudonym used by the other party.

But if it was Zhou Yuan, what was he doing here?

Xia Ren still can't figure out why he took Ping Shiqing away in the first place.

Even though Dr. Ping is his biological sister, Zhou Yuan feels that he has the ability to protect her, but he should also know that ordinary people should try to stay away from pollution. Instead of forcing Dr. Ping to stay with him, it is better to let her continue to live an ordinary life in the city. Living, this is one of the reasons why Xia Ren does not intend to interfere in his sister's life.

His thoughts were a little divergent. Xia Ren was just about to focus on the matter in front of him when he suddenly remembered an important piece of information.

"Atypical entomophobia!"

The prerequisite for the relative safety of ordinary people is that there is no large-scale pollution spread.

But after the outbreak of a global plague like atypical entomophobia, the most dangerous people became those civilians who knew nothing about pollution.

"But as long as there is something like the Old Seal, it can protect people from being parasitized by the larvae of the Earth-Drilling Demon Insect. With Zhou Yuan's strength, it is not difficult to find similar items that can resist pollution..."

Even though this was the case, it still didn't make sense why he had to take Ping Shiqing away.

Suddenly, Xia Ren thought of a possibility.

Atypical insect phobia is not a natural outbreak. The real leader behind Changsheng Company is someone else. On the night when the group flight phenomenon occurred, Xia Ren had a glimpse of the swollen daughter. Perhaps she was the mastermind behind the scenes.

In other words, this plague was actually controlled by someone behind the scenes, and Huang Qiuyuan expected the plague to break out in advance, so he took Ping Shiqing away.

And it's not just atypical insect phobia, there will be more terrible plagues coming in the future, so terrible that even the old seals can't resist the pollution.

"Hopefully this is just speculation on my part."

Xia Ren was vaguely aware that an unknown aura was gradually approaching.

"It's better to finish the task at hand first and wait until the target is out of school..."

Xia Ren raised the telescope and didn't finish his sentence.

The classroom in the field of vision was the same as before, but the second-to-last row by the window had become empty at some point.

"The target has disappeared..."

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