Pollution throughout the territory

Chapter 434 There is another A-level

Captain John then said: "The priest of that small church is named Ray Nuttall. He is a relatively young priest. He is only thirty years old. Just like his age, Nuttall is not a priest who meets everyone's expectations. On the contrary, although he is very devout to the God he believes in, he also has an overly persistent spirit of exploration of other gods. Nuttall even has statues of other gods he collected in his home, so it is nearby The residents are very reluctant to go to the church in Nuttall to pray.

The novelist's name is Thomas Miller Wright. He is a writer of mysterious and suspenseful stories. His writing style is as smelly as the socks under the feet of a tramp, but the stories he describes are very weird and bizarre. It captures some readers who like suspense style, so at least as a writer, it has a certain foundation.

Miller Wright is about fifty years old, and he just moved to Esela City a few years ago. He is tall, and his appearance does not seem to be aging at all. Instead, he looks like a strong middle-aged man. However, his temper He is very irritable and often declares himself an atheist. Those who believe in gods are a bunch of extremely stupid baboons. In a city where nearly all residents are religious, such a person would obviously not be well received by his neighbors.

Nuttall naturally knew Miller Wright. There had been some unpleasantness between the two and the relationship was very bad. However, the day before the disappearance, someone had seen the two of them walking hurriedly on the street together, like Something happened, and no one saw them again after that. "

Captain John slowed down and collected his thoughts, then Fang Zai continued: "If that's the case, even if both of them are famous, I wouldn't care too much. This aspect should be handled by the police station, but during the investigation During the course of the case, the superintendents found several books recording strange knowledge in Miller Wright's house, as well as some strange-looking jewelry-like objects with unknown functions, which attracted the attention of the logistics department."

He swallowed and said: "Based on the description of those items, I suspected that Miller Wright's identity was unusual. Just when I wanted to confirm with my own eyes the items found from his house, those items had already been snatched by someone. It was taken away and disappeared.”

"What's so unusual about it?" Xia Ren asked.

Captain John hesitated and said: "I doubt Miller Wright's identity is a wizard."


Xia Ren instantly remembered an organization.

"Yes, I suspect Miller Wright is a member of the Wizards' Union."

Captain John took a bottle of water from his subordinates, drank it in a few sips, then crumpled the empty bottle and handed it back to his subordinates, saying: "I later read the book he wrote and found that many of the contents in it were suspected to be related to pollutants. , which even records the existence of "ghosts", that is, infected bodies, coupled with his appearance that does not match his age, and the items in his home... But now that he has disappeared, and the evidence has also disappeared, these suspicions can only be fantasy.

But one thing that makes me uneasy is that wizards usually have their minds distorted due to long-term exposure to pollution, and their personalities are difficult to understand, so they usually stay alone. Miller Wright was well hidden and lived here for several years without any obvious flaws. So who took his belongings away afterwards? Why did he disappear? I care about it all. "

Xia Ren thought for a while and said, "Maybe it was the criminal investigation expert Brooke who did it."

Captain John was surprised: "Why do you say that?"

Xia Ren then told him the information he had previously investigated at the police station.

"It turns out to be the Immortal Society..."

After listening, John lowered his head and fell into deep thought.

He seemed to have made some decision. He looked at Xia Ren and said, "May I ask, what level of investigators are you?"


Tang Tangtang frowned on the side: "Don't you know? According to normal procedures, once an investigator takes over the task of a certain area, the logistics department of the area will get the information of the upcoming investigator as soon as possible in order to make a decision. Prepare accordingly, you should be the first to know our information."

John also had some doubts on his fat face, and said: "After I reported Miller Wright's matter, I never got a specific reply. I thought it would take a while before the superiors would appoint an investigator, but I didn't expect it today. I met you."

He thought of something next and said in surprise: "Aren't you here to deal with the Miller Wright incident?"

"Something's wrong."

Tang Tangtang's frown deepened and he asked: "Did you know that Esela City has also issued an investigation mission, and the target of the mission is Liu Zunrong?"

John was a little confused and didn't know what he was talking about: "No, there is some task in Esela City that requires investigators to come. As the leader of the logistics force, I must know the specific information first, but Liu Zunrong you mentioned, I Never heard of it.”

"Okay, it's nothing serious. There may be a slight error in the system."

Xia Ren didn't intend to go into details.

This mission is inherently full of anomalies, and it is normal for others not to know about it.

"By the way, you just asked us what level we are?"


John nodded and changed his handkerchief to wipe his sweat: "It is related to the Youth League. There may be another conspiracy in Miller Wright's disappearance, and this is obviously not an ordinary incident. Lower-level investigators will definitely not be able to participate, so I want to confirm Check your level to determine whether you need to apply to the higher authorities to send another investigator."

Xia Ren asked: "What level of investigators do you think is needed?"

John hesitated for a few seconds: "Probably B level, at least two C levels."

High-level investigators are rare in number and usually have no spare time. For cases like this where there have been no large-scale casualties and the specific circumstances are unknown, it is actually a waste to send B-level investigators.

"I'm Class B, but I don't have enough experience."

Tang Tangtang said honestly.

John suddenly looked at Tang Tangtang with a surprised expression. He didn't expect that he looked so young and was already a B-level investigator: "It doesn't matter, as long as he is B-level."

After all, the Foundation is very strict about investigator ratings and will not give ratings that are not in line with the investigator's strength.

However, although Tang Tangtang had a very strong figure, his face looked too young and his skin was thin and tender. He was only in his early twenties at most. John asked one more question: "How long have you been a member of the Foundation?"

Tang Tangtang answered honestly: "More than two months, excluding the initial training time, it is less than a month to actually become an investigator."


What amazing talents this kid has!

The starting point is B level? So as long as you survive, isn't it a stable A-level?

Captain John's expression was very exciting: "More than two months is indeed a little too short. To be on the safe side, I think it's better to apply for another support from the higher ups."

Such a talented newcomer must not die young.

John looked at Tang Tangtang now as if he were looking at his biological son who had not yet grown up.

"I don't think so."

Tang Tangtang shook his head and pointed at Xia Ren: "There is another A-level here."

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