
Not only Tang Tangtang, but everyone present heard this voice.

In an instant, the flashlight beams in the hands of the logistics team members all focused on the corner where the sound came from. However, the scene that appeared next far exceeded the limit of what they could bear mentally.

Almost as soon as they saw its appearance, the logistics team members felt a heavy blow to their heads. The strong dizziness and the terrifying sight in front of them made them scream and throw away the flashlights. In an instant, the beam of light emitted by the flashlights Like sharp, straight knives, they slashed aimlessly across the room, then rolled to the floor.

The logistics team members who were holding flashlights drooled from their mouths, their eyes looked crazy, and they fell to the ground with their heads covered. If the uniforms with old stamps on their bodies hadn't suppressed some of the contamination, their sanity would have collapsed on the spot.

Lu Yi's station was relatively far back, so he didn't see what happened at the first time.

Qin Yun held Lily in her arms and vaguely saw something in the corner, but because the time was too short, she had no time to see it clearly.

Only Tang Tangtang and Xia Ren truly saw the true face of that thing.

A vague-looking creature huddled in the corner. Its body was made of a translucent, greasy substance like dirty gel, mixed with all kinds of dirt. The whole body was like the sludge in the sewer.

And its shape is not fixed, not even solid, but a semi-fluid existence. When Xia Ren looked over, some of the sticky tissue continued to slip from its body and drip on the floor. .

Under the brief light, Xia Ren saw that the creature was somewhat similar to a human being. It had limbs and a head-like existence, but the head did not have any human facial features, and there were no details such as fingers at the end of the limbs. structure.

It seemed to be afraid of light. The moment the flashlight shone on it, it raised its sticky arms to cover its body, but it was of no use.

In all the places on the monster's body that were illuminated by the beam, the mucus that had been flowing continuously seemed to boil instantly. A large number of bubbles emerged from the surface of the swamp-like sticky and soft body, which festered the moment they appeared, leaving a foul-smelling white liquid. Smoke was released from the festering wound and quickly filled the surrounding area.

In just an instant, its body completely collapsed and turned into a puddle of mucus, scattered on the floor. At the same time, the logistics team members who witnessed this scene were close to mental collapse and began to have severe reactions.

However, less than two seconds after the flashlight beam moved away, the mucus quickly began to squirm and re-condensed to its original appearance two meters away.

"It seems to be a more difficult type."

In a short period of time, Xia Ren had already thought of a countermeasure.

"Move them out first!"

He turned around, and together with Tang Tangtang, without caring about anything else, he directly threw all the incapacitated support team members out of the door.

Although this action is a bit simple and crude, it is better to be thrown out and get broken bones than to stay here and die accidentally.

Captain John was standing at the back just now. Like Lu Yi, he didn't see anything, so he wasn't affected.

He only knew that a monster appeared in the room, and then all his men fell to the ground as if they were suddenly hit by a huge impact. By the time he reacted, Xia Ren and Tang Tangtang had already started throwing people outside.

"You get out too! Close the door!"

John heard Xia Ren shouting to him.

As a logistics captain, he naturally has the ability to judge when faced with danger. He knew that staying here would only cause chaos, so he decisively pulled Lu Yi, who was dazed next to him, to withdraw, and at the same time closed the door tightly from the outside.

"I will find someone for support immediately!"

John shouted something inside, then quickly took out his mobile phone from his pocket and contacted the logistics team downstairs: "Seal down the entire apartment, speed!"

the other side.

As the door closed, the entire living room fell into darkness again, with only a few flashlights on the floor emitting light, barely illuminating a small area.

At this time, Xia Ren, Tang Tangtang, Qin Yun and Lily were left in the room, and none of them felt too nervous.

Qin Yun is an infected body and has some tissues of Shoggoths. Even when facing aberrations, she has a certain ability to protect herself. Even weaker aberrations are no match for her. As for Lily, there is no need to worry.

Although the monster opposite that seemed to be made of thick phlegm looked scary, it didn't seem to have any desire to attack, otherwise it would have made a sneak attack when everyone entered the room.

Of course, there may be other reasons why it doesn't take the initiative.

"It seems to be afraid of light."

Although Tang Tangtang was also startled by the opponent, his reason was slightly affected, and he was a little dazed, but he could still think calmly.

He picked up a flashlight from the ground and shined it towards the location where the monster appeared again in his memory, but this time he only found a blurry black shadow.

"This monster was indeed hiding from the light. No wonder it didn't go out. It turned out to be trapped in the room."

This is no longer a thousand years ago, and the city is not completely dark at night. There are even lights in the corridor at the door. Judging from the damage caused by the light just now, the monster cannot get out of this door even at night.

"But what on earth is this?"

Xia Ren was not careless, took out the crowbar and walked towards the monster.

Probably sensing the danger, the monster made a "gurgling" sound like bubbles bursting, and the pus in its legs squirmed and moved to the side.

"Want to hide?"

A breeze blew through the room, and Xia Ren crossed the distance of several meters with one lunge. The crowbar in his hand tore through the air, let out a sharp roar, and swept into the lower half of the monster's body.

He wanted to destroy the monster's ability to move first, and then consider how to deal with it.

But what I didn't expect was that this monster was much more fragile than what I wanted. The moment the crowbar came into contact with it, the latter shattered like a punctured balloon.

Suddenly, large amounts of mucus began to splash in all directions. Xia Ren had no time to react and was splashed all over from the front.

Tang Tangtang took a flashlight and quickly hid in the kitchen next to him, pulling Qin Yun in as well.

Although he escaped the mucus, the stench in the room became stronger. Tang Tangtang already felt a little uncomfortable in his stomach, so he quickly took out the mask and put it on.

Qin Yun's body mainly relies on Shoggoth tissue, so she can turn off her sense of smell whenever she wants. No matter how unpleasant the smell of the outside world is, it will not affect her. Lily seemed to have expected this outcome. She snorted unhappily, then lay down in Qin Yun's arms and buried her head deeper.

In the living room, Xia Ren's body was covered with fishy-smelling viscous liquid. He cursed secretly for his bad luck, then thought about it, and held an old seal from the system exchange office in his hand.

The fact was just as he thought, the mucus did not seem to be dead, but was alive, showing the fear of the old mark, and began to flow away from his body quickly.

"It's really not that simple."

The rest of the mucus is also gathering rapidly, and is about to coalesce together again.

Xia Ren walked to the balcony of the living room in two or three steps and opened the thick curtains.

In an instant, the scorching sun's rays shone into the house, making it bright.

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