Pollution throughout the territory

Chapter 443 Characteristics of Mucus

If they didn't know it in advance, most people would never associate this building with the laboratory.

As soon as they arrived, the door to the first floor was pushed open, and two men in their twenties, wearing black uniforms, came out and welcomed them in with a straight face.

These people exude an aura that makes Xia Ren feel a little disgusted. They are very similar to the old seals. They should be carrying some kind of props that can dispel pollution.

Qin Yun held Lily's hand and got closer to Xia Ren. The aura of these two people made her feel uncomfortable.

Lu Yi reluctantly followed at the end, trying to keep a distance from them.

The first floor of the building is relatively neat, and can even be said to be a bit shabby. There is nothing in the lobby, the floor is smooth and clean, there is not even a slogan posted on the white walls, and part of the pipes are directly exposed in the corridor, like protruding blood vessels on a person's arm. Except for a few overhead lamps that were on during the day, they could see no furniture or superfluous items.

Led by two staff members, Xia Ren and the others turned into an inconspicuous room next to them and entered the basement.

This place is obviously different from the above. The most intuitive feeling is that the air is fresher. It seems that the ventilation system is well done, and the field of vision is brighter.

However, what appeared in front of everyone was still a corridor similar to a hospital ward. The doors on both sides were closed tightly, and the scene inside could not be seen.


The door nearest to them opened, and Dr. Liao stretched out his head and said hello to them.

The two young men who came over just now had smiles on their serious faces and said eagerly, "Doctor Liao!"

"You guys are great, let's go in first."

Dr. Liao praised them, opened the door and let them in. As he passed by, he patted their butts with an ambiguous smile on his face.

Xia Ren immediately recalled what he had experienced when he first woke up in the foundation, and his buttocks subconsciously tightened a little.

Doctor Liao then turned around and saw Qin Yun and Lu Yi behind Xia Ren. He clicked his tongue a few times: "Are you taking your wives on a trip?"

"Don't talk nonsense."

Xia Ren interrupted him unceremoniously: "Why did you call me here?"

"We've known each other for a long time, so don't be so outspoken in front of me."

Dr. Liao naturally reached out and patted Xia Ren on the shoulder and said, "I was quite surprised when I heard you were here at first, but..."

Halfway through his words, he looked Xia Ren up and down: "You are really unlucky. You can encounter accidents wherever you go."

His tone seemed to be stating a fact, but also seemed to have a little regret.

The air seemed to freeze for a second.

"Come in, your luck is not too bad this time, I may be able to help you a little."

Before Xia Ren could answer, Dr. Liao had already turned around and left the research room.

Xia Ren followed and walked in while trying to figure out the meaning of what he just said.

The environment inside the research room is different from that outside. The biggest difference is that it is no longer empty.

This research room covers an area of ​​about two hundred square meters. Several large experimental tables are arranged like desks in a classroom. Various small instruments with no specific functions are placed on them. There are two files against the wall in the innermost part. Cabinet, but there is nothing in it, it is just like a decoration to set off the environment.

When Xia Ren and the others entered, there were about seven or eight people standing next to the experimental table. Among them were the two young men in black uniforms who led the way. The rest were all wearing white long coats, ranging in age from sixty to thirty. There are many of them, most of them wear glasses and look like university professors.

They all gathered around the sealed device used to hold aberrations. When Xia Ren was curious about how they moved this big guy in through the narrow door, he saw a large metal door on the wall on one side of the research room. It should be something like an elevator.

Doctor Liao clapped his hands, attracted everyone's attention, and then introduced: "This is Xia Ren, the legendary investigator of our foundation."

Then he introduced to Xia Ren: "These are people from the Disaster Research Institute of the Superman Association. Although we may not be able to meet again in the future, it is always good to get to know a few more."

All the research institutes nodded expressionlessly. The identity of the legendary investigator could not arouse their slightest interest.

Dr. Liao patted Xia Ren on the back: "Don't mind, that's just their character. You'll know it later. Come on, let me show you something."

He pulled Xia Ren to a huge equipment that looked like an incubator.

This device is also sealed. The lower part is made of metal parts, and the upper part is a transparent cover that seems to be made of glass. On the side closest to them, there are two circular openings, and inside are a pair of gloves, so that Make sure researchers use both hands to manipulate objects inside while maintaining a seal.

Xia Ren also saw two highly anthropomorphic mechanical arms on the top of the inside of the glass cover.

He looked closer and saw a petri dish placed on the platform in the sealed equipment. Inside was a small ball of viscous liquid that looked like snot.

"This is part of the tissue I removed from that monster, and then, I discovered an interesting phenomenon."

As Dr. Liao explained, he put his hands into the two gloves on the glass cover and began to operate.

He took a syringe, removed part of the mucus on Petri dish A, and placed it on Petri dish B next to it.

Immediately, the mucus on Petri dish B began to squirm towards Petri dish A, trying to gather together, while Petri dish A squirmed towards the sealed tank outside, where the main body of the aberration was imprisoned.

The mucus on the two petri dishes moved in different directions.

Xia Ren frowned.

There was no need for the other party to tell him, he already knew that the aberrations had the ability to reorganize.

It would really be a waste of time to call yourself in just because of this useless discovery.

Qin Yun stared at the changes in the two petri dishes, and said with thinking in her eyes: "Please take a little more and take a look."

Dr. Liao glanced at Qin Yun with an interesting expression: "Have you done any research?"

Qin Yun smiled politely: "It happened a long time ago."

Dr. Liao nodded without any nonsense. He extracted a portion of the mucus from Petri dish A again and pooled it with the mucus on Petri dish B.

At this time, the total amount of mucus on Petri dish B has exceeded that of Petri dish A.

An interesting phenomenon occurred. Different from the last time, this time the mucus on Petri dish A began to wriggle toward Petri dish B, while the mucus on Petri dish B began to wriggle toward the main body outside.

The direction of the mucus squirming on the two petri dishes was reversed.

"This is……"

Xia Ren realized the difference, but his thinking was not clear yet.

Qin Yun said: "I probably understand."

There have been a lot of things recently, but I am finally back. The updates will be stable in the future (probably). I hope to finish writing the replacement chapters before this month passes!

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