Pollution throughout the territory

Chapter 448 Hell on Earth

"What's going on here……"

Xia Ren couldn't help but open his mouth, his pupils tightened, and he looked at the city in front of him.

Huge building fragments were flying in the air, and the dazzling firelight illuminated the entire night sky, as if day had fallen.

Thousands of little suns exploded on the ground, and as far as the eye could see, there was an extremely crazy scene.

Time seemed to stand still, and his mind was running rapidly, imagining all the possibilities, but no matter how much he thought, he could not find any reason to explain what was happening in front of him.



The church beneath his feet instantly shattered, and the huge force of the explosion pushed him instantly to a height of 100 meters.

The wind roared loudly, and was immediately covered by an even louder explosion.

Like a big drum beating between heaven and earth, the dense explosions repeatedly impacted his eardrums, giving him a splitting headache.

Without time to think, Xia Ren's body was thrown away by the continuous shock waves and sent higher into the sky.

In the chaos, he looked down at the earth. All the buildings were swallowed up by the flames. The thick smoke was blown away by the strong wind just as it had time to emerge.

There was a layer of dark clouds covering the earth, but the terrifying clouds were all made up of exploded building fragments and human limbs. It was like the sky was covered with a shell made of reinforced concrete and flesh and blood.

The residents in the city had no time to scream. Tens of thousands of explosions occurred at the same time. They were so powerful that no creature active on the surface could survive.

They didn't even know what happened before they died and became one of millions of wronged souls.

Fire! explode!

Xia Ren is almost deaf, and all he can hear is humming.

His facial features were shaken with blood, and all he could see in his blurred vision was a miserable scene like hell on earth.


With a roar, Xia Ren's eyes were bloodshot, his muscles all over his body bulged, and huge tentacles sprang out from the back of his head, like a struggling python.

Tentacles with a diameter of more than two meters swung around and wrapped around his body, forming a huge mass of flesh.

Against the scorching air and violent shock waves, the meat ball smashed towards the ground with unstoppable momentum and the sound of howling wind.

The moment it touched the ground, the tentacles spread out, fanning the surrounding flames and building debris flying from all directions.

Xia Ren stepped on the hot and soft ground caused by the explosion, and his feet sank in. His shoes and trousers instantly began to burn due to the high temperature.

Not only that, the hair all over his body was curled up into a ball, and his whole body seemed to have been thrown into a furnace, and his skin was red with heat.

All the oxygen in the air has been burned out, making it impossible to breathe.

If it were an ordinary person, he might go into shock in an instant, but Xia Ren's body was different from before. Even if the center of the explosion was right under his feet, it would only cause him skin trauma.

He tried calling to his companions, but found that his voice could not be heard at all.

When he reached out and touched it, his ears were covered with blood.

His hearing system had already been completely destroyed by the close-range explosion.

Although the rootless water was quickly repairing all the damage on his body, it still inevitably made him more irritable.

His hearing was restored within a few seconds. The explosion just now made him far away from the original church. Now he was surrounded by unrecognizable ruins. The sky was also obscured by endless ashes, making it impossible to find his direction.

Xia Ren was about to take action, trying to find Qin Yun and the others, when he heard a vague voice that seemed to be calling him.

He looked in that direction and saw Qin Yun's figure rushing out from the thick dust and smoke like a sharp arrow.

The two hugged each other, turned around a few times, stopped, and asked each other in unison:

"Are you OK?"

"Are you OK?"

The two bodies separated, Xia Ren held her shoulders and looked up and down.

Although the clothes on Qin Yun's body showed signs of being burned and scratched, they were generally still intact. However, her arms and face were covered with black dust and dirt, as if she had just crawled out of a fire.

Her hair had turned bright green, and her emerald green eyes seemed to be radiating light. She looked at Xia Ren with fear and relief.


After confirming that she was okay, Xia Ren remembered: "Where are Lily and Lu Yi? Are they okay?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the little guy ran over with two short legs from the direction where Qin Yun had just appeared.

She also held a huge balloon in her fleshy little hand, but if you look closely, you can see that the rope-like thing grew out of the back of the little guy's hand and was also her body tissue.

Lu Yi was in the balloon, with a face full of panic.

"Pot pot pot pot pot!"

The little guy made a sound similar to a hen laying eggs, crawled over and hugged Xia Ren's thigh, rubbed his face on his pants, then raised his head and said in a tone of taking credit: "It was Lily who protected these two people." Sister~"

Xia Ren touched her head and praised, "Well done."

Compared to Qin Yun's embarrassment, Lily's body was still as clean as before, not to mention dirty. Even her hairstyle was not messy at all, her green curly hair was still fluffy, and there wasn't a speck of dust on her skirt.

There was no shortage of people around him. Xia Ren looked around and said, "Anyway, let's find a safe place first."

His expression was solemn as never before.

If what I just saw in the sky was not an illusion, then the entire city of Esera has disappeared now. Of the millions of residents in the city, I am afraid that less than one in a thousand can survive the intensive explosion.

But unfortunately, what he just saw couldn't be an illusion.

Something big has happened.

What a big deal!

Two minutes later.

The explosions have stopped.

In the sky, Xia Ren looked down at the earth. Gray and black smoke covered the entire city, making it impossible to see what was happening on the ground. The smell of fire filled his nose, and he could still smell it clearly even from such a high distance.

The momentum of the body quickly disappeared, and then it was pulled back to the ground by gravity.

Xia Ren fell into the smoke again, as small as a grain of dust, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

A shallow pit was made on the ground. Xia Ren patted the dust on his body as a habit and saw Qin Yun walking over with a worried look on her face.

"I'm afraid the entire city has been razed to the ground. We just walked so far, and not even the crumbling road surface can be preserved on the ground. Such a powerful destruction, I don't know how many explosives will be used..."

Just thinking about it is an astronomical number.

What's more, to transport such an amount of explosives to the city without the Foundation and the Supreme Alliance Government being aware of it, then installing them and waiting to be detonated together, the problems involved are beyond the capabilities of ordinary alien organizations. Arrived.

Xia Ren sighed: "I'm afraid the Youth Club started planning a few months ago, but we are still late after all."

Looking back, I can't help but feel a little desperate. No matter what they did, they couldn't stop the explosion.

Although the investigation yielded so much information, in the end, it was all in vain.

He took out his cell phone, and as expected, there was no signal at all.

"The signal was cut off, and everyone in the city was killed in the explosion. The members of the Logistics Department are just a little stronger than ordinary people, so they will not survive. In other words, in the entire city, maybe we are the only ones who are still alive. Already."

Xia Ren thought that he had experienced many big scenes, and even in Huang Qiuyuan's dream, his hands were stained with the blood of half the city, but such a large-scale human death was unprecedented.

Qin Yun grabbed a handful of loose soil under her feet, and there was still a small pool of uncoagulated sticky blood in it.

She bit her lip and said, "We have to leave here quickly and tell the Foundation and the Superman Association about the situation!"

Xia Ren nodded. Just as he was about to comfort him, his feet suddenly shook violently.

The earth is trembling.

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