Pollution throughout the territory

Chapter 454 The Hanged Spider

Although it is unknown who the monsters summoned by Alan Bart and others are, the people affected by them will be assimilated in a short period of time.

And assimilated aberrations also have the ability to infect other people.

Assuming that this infection is not limited to living people, but that all bodies can complete this horrific transformation, that means that all corpses in the reservoir will soon turn into disgusting slime.

The Hoover Dam is an important water conservancy hub in most of Arizona, connecting countless branch rivers downstream. Once it suddenly opens and releases water, countless aberrations soaked in it will spread along the river, which will inevitably bring disaster to the entire Arizona. Sang Dadu and even Xizhou have brought unimaginable disasters.

Moreover, unlike atypical entomophobia, these mucus have a long onset cycle. Once infected, people's bodies will begin to rapidly transform into mucus form within a very short period of time.

No matter how powerful the foundation is, it is impossible to block all rivers, let alone the hidden underground rivers...

All, countless drinking water sources will be contaminated, the reinforced concrete high-rise buildings in the city will be covered with slime, and those who witness all this will fall into madness. Such large-scale pollution cannot be stopped even if the Supreme Alliance Government tries its best to prevent it. people's perspective.

Pollution will be completely exposed to all humans overnight.

After roughly imagining the consequences, Xia Ren was already breaking out in a cold sweat.

Although things may not be that bad, and all slime monsters are afraid of sunlight and may not spread so fast, who can guarantee that the worst case scenario will not happen?

If you are not careful, the end will come in unexpected ways.

Now he faced two difficult choices: to look for Qin Yun and the others, or to run outside as quickly as possible, inform the foundation of the situation here, and ask for support.

Qin Yun and the others were also rushed into the reservoir, and their whereabouts are unknown. There must be minions of the Youth Society here to ensure that the ceremony goes smoothly and then open the gate to release the water.

Although Lily's true form is a Shoggoth, she is still young after all. She can face normal aberrations, but if she wants to defeat more powerful enemies, she will be unable to do so.

If they are caught by the Elderless, the consequences are unpredictable.

Almost everyone in the city died in the explosion, and the only person who knew the whole truth was Xia Ren himself. If he chose to save Qin Yun and the others first, he would definitely not be able to pass the news to the foundation in time.

Once the dam opens, disaster will sweep across the entire Xizhou continent unstoppably.

In front of me, it seems that there are only two options.

Fortunately, Xia Ren was still calm enough at this time and was not dazzled by the series of changes just now.

He took out his black mobile phone and the ID card representing the legendary investigator of the Foundation, and handed it to the ice servant.

"Immediately go to a nearby city and find people from the Foundation or the Superman Association. If you are attacked, don't resist, just dodge, show them your ID, and then tell them what happened here and ask them to come to support immediately. !”


The ice servant took the certificate, put on the black cloak again, turned around and disappeared into the woods.

Xia Ren looked at the direction in which he disappeared with a solemn expression.

Since gaining the ability of ice enslavement, he has never tried to let the servants leave his sight range, but now that the situation is urgent, he can't control so much.

Originally, he wanted to count on Dr. Liao and the others who were far away from the city center to inform the Foundation of the situation here, but the Elder Society was preparing such a big conspiracy and it was impossible to ignore this. Therefore, although the explosion did not affect the laboratory in the suburbs, the Elder Society definitely did. Use other means to restrict them and try to expose the situation here as slowly as possible.

Moreover, for such a big movement, even if the Elder Club wanted to cover it up, it would be impossible to cover it up. Within half an hour at most, the logistics department from the nearby city would come to investigate the situation.

However, this is not good news. It only confirms from the side that this extremely bloody sacrifice ceremony will be completed within half an hour.

There is not much time left for him.

"Damn it!"

the other side.

Over the ruins of the city, the researchers in the aircraft recovered from the shock and realized that this was most likely a crime committed by a cruel alien sect.

"We must inform others quickly!"

None of them had any fighting ability, so the first thing they thought of was to quickly report the situation here to the organization.

The aircraft turned around and accelerated toward the nearest city.

However, the next moment, the aircraft seemed to hit something in the empty night sky and suddenly stopped. The researchers inside were caught off guard and all crashed into the bulkhead.

"what happened?"

"What's wrong?"

The driver's face was full of anxiety: "I don't know either!"

He adjusted the thruster power to the maximum, and a bright tail flame suddenly erupted from the tail end of the aircraft. However, the entire fuselage remained motionless. Instead, several straight and fine cracks suddenly appeared on the outer shell of the aircraft.

"Warning! Warning! An attack from an unknown source has been detected! An attack from an unknown source has been detected!"

Suddenly the red light flashed in the cabin.

The cockpit screen showed the damage to the surface of the cabin. After seeing it, one of the researchers opened his eyes in horror.

"This shape, this shape is..."

The pilot immediately turned on the lights, and a bright light burst out from the front of the aircraft.

Everyone was surprised to see that in the illuminated night sky, closely arranged silk threads appeared, appearing and disappearing under the light, like... a spider web!

"It's the Immortal Society!"

another researcher shouted.

"Activate defense mode!"

The pilot clicked the red button, and the smart computer immediately responded. Two oblate gun barrels stretched out from the sides of the aircraft. Then, milky-white lasers about the thickness of a baby's arm shot out from the gun barrels hundreds of meters away, and followed by Waving in response to the rotation of the barrel.

The instantaneous temperature of these lasers can reach tens of thousands of degrees Celsius, and the spider silk in the surrounding space is cut off instantly.

The freed aircraft was about to accelerate away from the place, but the four laser cannon tubes seemed to be pulled by external forces and suddenly broke. Immediately afterwards, the entire aircraft began to fall rapidly towards the ground.

Through the glass, the researchers saw several vague figures standing among the ruins on the ground.

Before the driver could react, the smart computer automatically determined and locked onto the enemy and launched an attack.

The aircraft once again increased its power to resist the drag of the spider web. At the same time, it launched dozens of small missiles from the bottom, locked on the target and began bombing.

The air waves surged, the aircraft trembled, and several large craters were blown out of the ground. However, to everyone's despair, the figures seemed not to be harmed, and they were still falling downwards.

Finally, the propeller was overloaded and lost power, and the aircraft crashed on the ground. However, the researchers were not harmed because of the protection of the cabin.

However, not dying immediately is not necessarily a lucky thing.

Before the researchers could recover from the shock, the cabin was violently opened, and all of them, including Dr. Liao, were exposed to the ruins filled with gunpowder smoke.

It wasn't until this moment that everyone saw the appearance of the enemy.

They were several young and beautiful women. Due to the bombing just now, all their clothes were burned clean, and not a single hair was left on them.

However, even if they were hit head-on by powerful missiles, the women's smooth skin was not damaged at all. They looked like normal human women. Only beautiful purple lines appeared around their eyes, as if they were painted on Apply a layer of eye shadow.

Dr. Liao saw that these women all had similar scars on their lower abdomens.

The shape of those scars is like an... hanging upside down spider!

I'm a little piggy!

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