Pollution throughout the territory

Chapter 463 How to break the situation

In the darkness, light appeared.

For a moment, Xia Ren seemed to have forgotten everything.

The situation in front of him no longer mattered. No matter what the black mist or the apostles were, his eyes were simply staring at the familiar face in front of him.


Why do you appear here.

The other party didn't speak, just smiled silently and released his clenched hands.

The two bodies separated, Xia Ren was still falling, while the other party stayed in place, his figure becoming more and more illusory.

Xia Ren didn't know if this was an illusion or the last revolving door in his life.

He just doesn't want to leave, just doesn't want to separate.

He stretched out his hand with difficulty, but as soon as his fingers touched the other person's body, they suddenly fell apart.

Not even the last trace of warmth was left.

At the same time, the darkness that permeated the surrounding space receded like a tide, and the dim moonlight lit up in the sky.

From the outside, the entire magic array is wrapped in a huge black viscous substance. It cuts off all light and has no brightness. From a distance, it looks like a dark abyss.

Suddenly, a trace of light appeared in the center of this black substance. Although it was very weak, it could not be ignored.

In an instant, the entire dark substance boiled, and then collapsed like a water-filled balloon punctured by a needle.

The screams of pain echoed throughout the valley, and the red light on the magic circle flickered on and off, almost extinguishing.

The failure of Devour actually caused unimaginable damage to the apostle.

Xia Ren opened his eyes wide and found that his whole body was completely covered in mucus, and some of the mucus even wanted to get into his nasal cavity and ear canals.

With trembling hands, he struggled against the tearing mucus and struggled to lift the earpick and insert it into his ear.

Suddenly, invisible power surged out of his body, forming a shield and barely pushing all the mucus away.

The tentacles behind his head waved, swimming in the mucus like a catfish, and quickly escaped from the apostle's control, which was outside the magic circle.

If you continue to stay here, the mucus will soon break through the defenses and engulf itself again.

"Just now, what was that?"

Xia Ren still has lingering fears when thinking back to that world without any light.

Moreover, he couldn't figure out why Yu Jingjing finally appeared in front of him.

"Is it my imagination?"

But it was indeed because of the only light that he was able to escape death. If it was an illusion, then what saved him?

Looking at the black mist and mucus surging in front of his eyes, Xia Ren frowned.

This apostle has the same weakness as the drowned spirit he encountered during the day, that is, light.

They are afraid of light.

Xia Ren looked upward. In mid-air, the red light of the magic circle and the moonlight competed with each other, like an independent barrier.

Perhaps it is for this reason that these drowned spirits can move on the bright side.

"So the root of the problem is still how to destroy the formation diagram..."

As long as the magic circle is destroyed, the barrier covering the Hoover Dam will disappear.

Under the moonlight, all slime monsters will be unable to move freely, including the apostles.

It's just that it's too difficult.

Now that the bartender has revealed his true form as the apostle, the entire magic circle is protected by him. If he still wants to enter, he will be falling into a trap.

Just as he was calmly considering countermeasures, a cicada-like vibration suddenly came from behind him.

Xia Ren turned around and saw a gap in the dam, blocking all the drowning spirits on the other side.

Tang Tangtang jumped up and charged into the center of the enemy, carrying a concrete pillar that was exaggerated compared to his size and killing all directions, like a god of war.

But from such a distance, Xia Ren could still see the blood mist surrounding Tang Tangtang, as well as the man's face that was so excited that he was crazy.

His heart suddenly sank.

"Could it be that he used the [Strong Heart Stimulus] like his master?"

Xia Ren had read the records of the battle between Liang Wan and Yi Zhiyu against Liu Fusheng, so he naturally knew something about [Strengthening Needle].

Unless you have good luck like Yi Zhiyu, once others use it, there is almost no way to survive.

On one side are teammates who are fighting desperately, and on the other side are the sacrifice ceremonies that are about to be completed.

Xia Ren was caught in the middle, as if he was trapped in a narrow rock crack, unable to move, feeling extremely depressed and heavy.

He closed his eyes and took a long breath.

When he opened his eyes again, his eyes had become firmer than ever.

Although it is more difficult, but

"First, kill this apostle."

Xia Ren clenched the crowbar in his hand.

Now is the best opportunity.

The apostle had just suffered a heavy blow and had not yet had time to recover. The move he had used to devour himself would probably not be used a second time in a short period of time.

Although I don't know what other moves the other party has, it is definitely not that easy to kill yourself.

However, Xia Ren still had one doubt.

He didn't know why, but he always felt that this apostle was a little too weak.

Even Liu Fusheng, who was seriously injured and on the verge of death, could bring a strong sense of oppression to Xia Ren, but the apostle in front of him did not bring him too much shock or psychological pressure.

"Did you become stronger, or did the ceremony consume too much of the apostle's energy?"

When Xia Ren was thinking about where to launch the attack, a sudden change occurred.

The ground beneath his feet suddenly shook violently, and the entire dam, including the reservoir and the mountains on both sides, seemed to be shaking, as if a powerful earthquake had occurred.

"Oh, damn it——"

The black mist stirred up, and the apostle roared, as if he was trying his best to suppress something.

A terrifying and oppressive aura suddenly descended on the earth, and a deep chill rushed from the soles of Xia Ren's feet to his forehead, and his heart could not stop beating crazily.

He turned to look at the reservoir at his feet, which was the source of fear.

The mud-like mucus surged in the reservoir, becoming more and more intense, as if there was a whale stirring inside.

Xia Ren suddenly realized that the object in the reservoir was his real enemy.

The magic circle is just an appearance, or just an illusory "door", and the truly important sacrifices of this ceremony are the endless drowned souls transformed from the millions of creatures in Esela City.

"This terrifying momentum, could it be that their 'god' has responded to the call?"

Xia Ren's hands and feet were cold, like a death row prisoner waiting to be shot, and his eyes were fixed on the churning "water surface".

Time seemed to become extremely long, and it seemed that it was just a blink of an eye. The "lake" composed of countless drowned soul bodies surged tens of meters high, forming a huge deformed bubble, which also looked like a hateful rotten egg.

The huge amorphous creature rushed left and right inside, seeming to break the shackles of the follicles.

Next, the follicle was torn open with a tragic gash.

As if an ancient creature came from the distant past, it let out a soul-shaking roar:


Thanks to Ah Si44 for the thousand points! Thanks to Jueyu Dongfeng for the 500 points! Thanks to the strange nickname for adding 213 points to the reward! Thank you also to the dozens of friends who have subscribed here!

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