Pool Squirt Party? I Backhanded A Tube Of Makeup Remover

109 Pairs Of Codes? Who Said That Those Who Stand In The Light Are Heroes!

After introducing himself, Hao Honest sat down across from the three of Lan Feng and took out the notebook in his pocket.

He opened the notebook, looked at it and said to himself: "Well... the first step is to praise."

Then Hao Chenggong sat up straight and stared at Lan Feng seriously:

"Brother, ever since I saw you for the first time, I've been astonished. I can't believe that such facial features actually exist. Compared with a little muddy idea like me, you are simply a masterpiece of Nuwa's skills. .”

"Ahem." Lan Feng stroked the three-day-old stubble on his face and said with a smile, "Please continue your performance.

The little assistant looked at Hao Chengcheng: "Ahem, I'm also here to rent a house."

Zhao Suhui on the side blushed, clenched her fists tightly, and although there was a trace of timidity in her eyes, she was eager to try again.

The audience in the live broadcast room burst into laughter.

"Hahahaha, I can't stop laughing, I'm going to find a real estate agent to praise me someday."

"Think too much upstairs, you can't afford a house."

"What's the matter if I can't afford it? I can't go and see it yet. Do you understand the joy of whoring for nothing?"

"As long as you have a thick skin, it's okay. I once ate all the lunches of car sales companies on the street."

"Upstairs is a ruthless person, and he is not afraid of being beaten."

"Hahaha, the sixth son and this honest little brother are a perfect match, one dares to listen and the other dares to boast.

"Tsk tsk tsk, the little assistant has been taken to pieces. I think he was so innocent and kind back then."

After hearing what Lan Feng and his little assistant said, Hao Honesty 603 thought that he had finally found the right direction. He turned his head and gave the manager a look that everything was going well, and continued to praise Lan Feng and the two without end.

The manager on the side listened to their conversation, and felt like ten thousand alpacas were running past in his heart: "This tm is outrageous!"

five minutes later,

Hao Chenggong took a sip from his water glass and said honestly: "Brother, I just used up all my 28 years of Kuaren savings, please wait for a few minutes, I will check online first.

. "Down

"Cough cough." Lan Feng coughed dryly and looked at Hao Honesty: "No need to check, there will be opportunities in the future, please help me introduce the house first."

"Okay, no problem." Hearing that Lan Feng took the initiative to change the topic to renting a house, Hao Honesty looked happy: "Brother, do you have any requirements for the house?"

"Three bedrooms and one living room, good environment, high security, preferably nearby."

After thinking about it, Lan Feng said what Zhao Suhui told her before.

"Okay, then I'll help you select a few qualified ones."

Hearing this, Hao Zhengzhi immediately looked through the listing in his hand.

While looking at it, he said:

"This is not good, although it is said to be three bedrooms and one living room, but the area is only more than 70 square meters, how crowded is this house.

This doesn't work either, and you can bid farewell to the hustle and bustle of the city and enjoy a quiet life all by yourself.

This is the same, and there is this, isn’t this false propaganda!”

As time went by, Hao Chengcheng had less and less house information, he couldn't help but look at the manager and complained: "Our houses here are too bad, there isn't even one that meets the requirements of the guests."

The manager wiped the sweat from his forehead, smiled awkwardly at Lan Feng and the three of them, and cursed in his heart: "Okay, Hao Honest, I seriously suspect that you got two salaries, and you were sent by the opposite company to mess with you." of."

"Can you take a look at this?"

In the end, Hao Honest still chose a house and put it in front of Lan Feng.

"This Shuxiang Yayuan is the house that best meets your requirements. It has three bedrooms and one living room. It has a good environment, and it is only about a kilometer away from here.

Lan Feng picked up the listing information and took a closer look, and found that this house was indeed more in line with his wishes.

So he looked at Hao Chenggong and continued to ask: "Is there anything in this house that doesn't meet my requirements?"

"Is there a problem with security?"


Lan Feng was a little hesitant when he heard the words. Safety is a big problem. If even the most basic safety cannot be guaranteed, no matter how good other aspects are, it is nonsense.

"It's not because of the property." Hao Chengcheng looked resentful: "When this real estate was first launched, the security guards inside were all young and strong guys." But now they are all replaced by old men in their 50s and 60s.

You said that if you really encounter thieves or something, can you expect these uncles to rush up. "

"Haha, it makes sense."

After Lan Feng heard Hao Chengcheng's words, he thought that this guy really lived up to his name.

In Longguo, except for a small number of high-end communities, it is a routine operation for other communities to use uncles as security guards.

After all, domestic security is not bad, and thieves and robberies are all low-probability events.

In the live room:

"Hahaha, this buddy is too honest, the manager's face is black."

"Conscience of the industry! This kind of honest real estate sales are needed now."


"Haha, is the upstairs okay now?"

"It's okay, I have made friends with them now, and ask them to greet the agent who rented my house every day."

"Grandma, please forgive me! I said why I have been having nightmares recently."

"Hahaha, that security guard is so real. When I just bought the house, I was full of cute little big brothers, but in less than half a month, they were replaced by old men."

"Uncle: What's wrong with me, your uncle will always be your uncle, you thief, do you dare to touch me?"

"Thief: I fell to the ground with a sliding shovel and "preemptive strike."

"I think this set is not bad, you can take me there to have a look."

After learning the truth of the matter, Lan Feng planned to go to the house to have a look at the house.

"Okay, I'm going to ride my little electric donkey.

Hao Honesty immediately agreed, and then looked at Lan Feng and the others with some embarrassment and said: "My little eDonkey can only take one person, I'll help you get a taxi, you go and wait for me first.

"No, it's not far anyway, just walk over there."

Lan Feng shook his head and rejected Brother Honest's suggestion.

"Okay, it's good to walk, green travel is low-carbon and environmentally friendly! You can see that you are a person who cares about the environment!"

"Hey! If you can praise others, you should praise more."

The manager at the side looked at the witty Hao Honesty, and thought that this guy might not be pretending before. Before he left, he did not forget to ask: "Honesty, you must maintain your current state and treat these guests well. what!"

Lan Feng then walked out of a reliable real estate agency.

Ten minutes later, the group of them arrived at the Scholarly Garden.

"Brother, there are so many children here."

Zhao Suhui felt uncomfortable looking at the chirping children around her.

Hao Chengcheng explained: "There is a school near this community, so there are many children in it, and now is the time to leave school."

Lan Feng watched the nervous Zhao Suhui walk to his side and whispered something.

"Big brother, are you sure about this?"

Zhao Suhui is deeply suspicious of Lan Feng's words.

"You'll know if you try it."

Hearing this, Zhao Suhui took a deep breath, closed her eyes and shouted: "I love you walking in a dark alley alone, I love the way you don't kneel.

The voice fell, and the noisy voices around suddenly quieted down.

But before Zhao Suhui was happy, the children all around looked at her in unison, and said in unison: "I love you, I have persisted in despair~ I won't cry~~

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!"

"Brother, I beg you to save me, hahahaha, the child really can't hold back anymore.

"Hahahahaha, I'm really laughing, I want to live in Bengbu for these kids."

"We sang against the war when we were young, but now they sing about the lonely brave man, one god in each era haha!"

"Brothers, I'm not bragging, you are among this group of children, if you don't know how to sing about the lonely brave, you will be isolated, haha!"

"For details, refer to when we sang against the war ten years ago, what was your reaction when there was a buddy next to you who couldn't sing against the war haha!"

"I'm laughing so hard, where's the password?"

"Sooner or later, I will die laughing in your live broadcast room, sixth son!"

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