Poor Little Guy is the Top Guy

Chapter 194: 194 The note is... an old rascal?

   Chapter 194 The 194 note is. Old rascal?

   "It's done, I'm sure."

   Mu Qingcheng nodded affirmatively, then stood up and walked to the stage.

   Qin Beichu was left alone on the podium, looking at the test paper, but he didn't touch it for a long time.

   "What happened to Senior Qin?"

   "Did something happen?"

  As more and more discussions sounded, Qin Beichu could only frown and picked up the test paper that was completely different from what he had imagined.

   Because this time, Mu Qingcheng didn't finish writing it all.

   Not only that, but even many of the answers are falsified, seemingly uncertain.

   Obviously, the last time was not like this.

   I still remember that time, Qin Beichu was the only one who witnessed Mu Qingcheng's exam.

   Naturally, he knew clearly that Mu Qingcheng was not suspected of cheating.

  Although he did not succeed in preventing the fermentation in the end, he now has absolute confidence in Mu Qingcheng.

   Even at the beginning, he subconsciously felt that Mu Qingcheng got the perfect exam paper because of cheating.

   But after calming down for the past few days, he was very sure that Mu Qingcheng completed those exam papers by himself.

   Qin Beichu even wanted to explain this matter to Mu Qingcheng, explaining that he just didn't believe her because of a subconscious reaction.

   But now he has believed, and will continue to believe in the future.

   He wanted to gain a good impression in front of Mu Qingcheng, but he never got this chance.

   And now, Qin Beichu took the test paper, hesitantly walked to Director Zhu, and handed it over,

   "Director, here it is."

   Facing Qin Beichu's strange expression, Director Zhu also involuntarily frowned.

   But the moment he got the test paper, his eyes changed slightly.

   The same complicated and incomprehensible look appeared on her body.

  The two looked at each other with the same doubts on their faces.

   Everyone looked at everything in front of them because they didn't know it.

   But there was only one Si Da Shao, who was sitting on one side, and his expression was clear and clear, and he never had any doubts.

  ‘What a ghost. ’

  Si Qingchen understood the purpose of Mu Qingcheng after seeing Qin Beichu's ghostly expression.

   At this moment, he suddenly stood up again, straightened his suit jacket, and at the same time, gave a slight gesture behind him.

  Si Bei immediately understood, walked up to Director Zhu and said,

   "The boss has something to do, so let's go first."

   "The next thing."

   "Just follow the school's rules."

"alright, I understand."

   Director Zhu bowed slightly to Si Qingchen and watched him leave.

   But at the moment when Si Qingchen turned around, he glanced at Mu Qingcheng as if nothing.

   Mu Qingcheng narrowed his eyes, secretly releasing a hint of fierce milk.

   The man turned his back and twitched the corners of his lips, and suddenly took out his phone from his pocket.

   After a while, Mu Qingcheng, who was sitting in the room, received a text message,

   "See you at night, little ancestor."


   Mu Qingcheng replied quickly, and put the phone back in his pocket.

   However, a classmate who was sitting behind accidentally saw that Mu Qingcheng’s remarks on the person’s name in replying to the text message seemed to be called

  Old rascal!


   In the end, because Mu Qingcheng's exam results were not satisfactory, the class assigned to him was also relatively low.

   But by coincidence, he got together with Ran Siya.

   is the sixth class, and it is also the worst class in the grade.

   Mu Qingcheng's "Scholarly Scum" hat was steadily worn on his head ever since.

   And the expressions of many students that had gradually subsided, but also because of the end of this incident, they became rampant again.

   All kinds of rumors about Mu Qingcheng are still flying all over the sky.

   The most exciting thing in this is nothing more than what will happen after she and Miss Ran are in the same class.

   This kind of situation naturally made Ran Siya terrified, and she couldn't understand what Mu Qingcheng wanted to do.

   But Mu Qingcheng knew in his heart that he made such a decision this time.

   is just for Xia Wan alone.


   That's just a pretense!

   You can try to recall that from the very beginning, all of Miss Ran's plans were seen through by Mu Qingcheng and Young Master Si.

   Hardly any lethality.

   And the reason why she has never been dealt with is that one is not enough to watch.

   There is another one, that is, you can use Ran Siya to complete various actions that cannot be done directly.

   It is a spoiler, the real enemy is not Ran Siya.





   (end of this chapter)

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