Portable Space Can be Summoned

Chapter 1040 Chu Guo Er is ready to make a move

Although Chu State has helped Qian State a lot, he will never be Qian State's friend, and the kings and ministers of Chu State are not good people. curtain

Even if they are good people, they are good people to the people of Chu.

And they are not all good people to the Chu people!

The nobles of Chu State exploited the common people of Chu State more severely than those of Shun State and Qi State. If it were not for the powerful strength of Chu State's royal family and nobles, they would have been overthrown by the angry poor people of Chu State long ago.

Seeing that the three powerful countries in the north had temporarily calmed down, the kings and ministers of Chu State felt unhappy!

How can you stop?


If you don't fight us, how can we find opportunities to catch you all in one fell swoop! curtain

The opportunity for Chu to unify Zhongzhou finally came again.

The kings and ministers of the Chu State did not know what mathematics was, and they did not understand why the triangle was the most stable figure, but they knew that it would be difficult for the Chu State to unify Zhongzhou when the Three Kingdoms stood at the same time.

Especially when the three countries of Qi, Chu, and Shun are about the same strength, Chu will be blocked by the other two countries no matter which direction it attacks.

Now the dawn of unification has finally appeared. The smelly and hard Shun State has become Qian State and Nanshun State. Qi State is also overwhelmed by the rebellion of Qian State in the north and the south.

It was a good time for Chu State to flex its muscles.

No one has the energy to manage the expansion of Chu State.

Chu State has been on the move. curtain

Although it suspended support for the Tian clan of Qi and harassed Shun, Chu continued to conduct military operations in the south.

Mainly to attack the foreign races in the southwest and southeast.

These two directions have always been troublesome areas for Chu State, just like the barbarians in the north of Shun State and Qi State, which have involved a lot of Chu State's energy.

If Chu wants to make a northern expedition, it must solve the problems in the south.

They are on their way to solving the problem.

In the past, there were threats from Qi and Shun in the north, but Chu was always unable to do its best when fighting in the south.

This time they were not only able to fully mobilize the southern troops and horses, but also mobilized troops from other directions for support. curtain

Of course, we will definitely not mobilize troops from the north. The journey is too far. By the time the troops from the north feel the presence of the south, the battle in the south will be almost over!

They have to run back to the north again.

When Ma Teng returned to Zhenman City, the war in the south of Chu State was basically over.

When a hegemonic country wants to deal with one or two alien races without external obstruction, there really isn't much difficulty.

At most it's a matter of time.

The two foreign tribes of the Chu State were no match for the Chu State's troops and horses, and could only fight guerrillas in the mountains against the soldiers and horses who went abroad.

Although their guerrilla tactics were rudimentary, they caused a lot of damage. curtain

Because the soldiers and horses of Chu State were at a disadvantage when fighting them in the mountains and forests, the terrain, environment, beasts, insects and ants were all their helpers.

In the past, when they retreated to the deep mountains, the Chu soldiers and horses would usually have no choice but to retreat, because continuing to entangle would only be a waste of food and damage to the soldiers and horses.

But this time the Chu State was extremely resolute in annihilating them. Even with heavy casualties and heavy losses, the Chu State continued to advance deep into the mountains.

Now the aliens from both directions can't stand it!

Their population is incomparable to that of the Chu State. The Chu army can suffer casualties of 12,000 and it doesn't matter, but their 12,000 casualties will only break their bones.

Their warriors were all young men from various tribes, and if they were all killed, the women and children in the tribe would not be able to survive.

The deep mountains and old forests are unfriendly to everyone living here. Even the Nanyi clan, who claim to be the sons of the mountains, can only survive in the mountains with difficulty. curtain

If the mountains are really so good, why do Nanyi keep harassing Chu?

Isn't it just to find a more suitable place for the tribesmen to survive?

But they were no match for the Chu State after all. When the King of Chu made up his mind to deal with them, Nanyi couldn't even keep their original place of survival and could only continue to retreat into the mountains!

Dongyi was in almost the same situation. When the Chu army began to target them seriously and persistently, their only choice was to retreat deeper into the mountains.

It's not that no tribes from both tribes chose to surrender, but the Chu State treated the surrendered Yi tribes very poorly.

The main reason is that the hatred between the two tribes and the Chu State is too great.

In the past, most of the Chu State's energy was in the north, and they were somewhat gentle towards them, but now! curtain



The Chu State will soon end the war in the south, and then they will turn their attention to the north again.

Qi and Shun also had to face the pressure of Chu State again.

I wonder if Shun Guo can handle it?


It was a very wise decision for the corrupt officials of Qian State to set the destination as Chu State. curtain

But whether they can leave Qian Country depends on whether Yang Yuan lets them leave.

After all the petty officials from the four counties were arrested, Yang Yuan immediately ordered: "Arrest them all!"

"Those who did not surrender voluntarily, and those who secretly transferred their property were all taken to Qianyang City, and they will all be together this fall!"

Yang Yuan's kindness will not favor them. If they don't cooperate, then all of them will die!

The arrest operation was so grand that it shook the entire officialdom of the Qian Kingdom.

"Your Majesty is serious!"

"This inspection is not a simple tour, His Majesty really wants to rectify the officialdom!" Wei Wei

"Please be careful and put away your dirty tricks. If anyone is caught by His Majesty's people, don't blame me for not warning you in advance!"

"Spit me out all the money you embezzled, and use the same amount of money as fine money. I'll go and beg Your Majesty to give you a chance!"

"Don't want to pay? Then wait until next life to pay!"

The corrupt officials in Qian Kingdom must not only be found in Luoyang County and other four counties. Are they all He Qing Haiyan in other counties?


It's just that the four counties of Luoyang are more serious, otherwise Yang Yuan wouldn't do it himself.

And there are some reasons that make it inconvenient for him to vigorously clean up corrupt officials throughout the Qian Kingdom, otherwise the turmoil will be too great. curtain

Yang Yuan did have such a plan before. As the saying goes, cleaning up these corrupt officials is worth it even if it causes some turmoil. Without them, the country will develop faster.

But many people actually wanted to dissuade him after knowing his thoughts.

"Your Majesty, many of those people have outstanding abilities and outstanding merits. Wouldn't it be better to give them a chance to make meritorious service and let them continue to contribute to the development of Daqian?"

"Your Majesty, the development of Daqian is the most important thing. You can ask people to investigate. If there are adulterers and serious crimes, they will be dismissed from their posts and investigated, and their homes will be confiscated and imprisoned. If it is just pure corruption, can you postpone the investigation and order? He will atone for his sins!"

Yang Yuan might not care too much if one important minister persuades him, and he still won't care too much if two important ministers persuade him, but when a third important minister persuades him, he will have to think more about this matter.

After Baili Xi and Han Lian met with him and made the same suggestions, Yan Yang Yuan had to change his mind.

It's not impossible to have your own way, but what's the benefit of doing that? curtain

This will only make more Daqian local officials alienated.

So Yang Yuan just selected the four key targets of Luoyang County to scare the monkeys.

The chicken has been killed, so it depends on whether the monkey understands or not?

If they were ignorant, the knife in Yang Yuan's hand would not be confiscated yet!

Do you want to try to see if this knife is sharp?

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