Remember in a second【】

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The barbarian camp became lively again, this time not because of the guard camp outside, but because of Yang Yuan who sneaked into the barbarian camp alone.

When he decided to embark on such a path, Yang Yuan began to ask people to make gunpowder. After a long period of research in space, he was basically able to make black gunpowder that could be used once.

After this actual combat use, Yang Yuan was basically satisfied with the power of black powder.


Fishing in troubled waters is definitely one of the most enjoyable things. During the chaos in the barbarian camp, he has dumped more than a dozen carts full of belongings into the space.

Slowly the camp returned to normal, and the panic caused by the explosion quickly subsided.

It's just that all the barbarians have to be more careful when they sleep, I don't know if they can still fall asleep.

But Yang Yuan's trouble at this time is that the barbarians guarding the property have returned to their original positions.

This brought great trouble to his actions,

"Why are you coming back?"

Yang Yuan looked at the barbarian guards who had just taken their positions not far away. Yang Yuan sighed in his heart, and wanted to do more murders.

He climbed under a cart and lit a black line on the ground.


"Did you hear something?"

"No, is it the wind?"

If there is anything in Shunguo that makes the barbarians most satisfied, it must be the weather, with very little wind!

It's just that after not hearing the news for a long time, it's normal to have an occasional illusion. At least the barbarian guard who just answered that it was the news had this kind of auditory hallucination.

"Wind sound? It doesn't look like it!"


Before he could figure out what it was, the familiar loud noise came to mind again.


It's just that this time there was more sound of soil clods hitting the car,

But these guards could no longer hear, their ears had been temporarily lost due to the huge explosion.

Yang Yuan was also taken aback by the explosion. "Wow, is there too much gunpowder, why is it so powerful?"

Yang Yuan felt that the amount of gunpowder he put was the same, why is it so much more powerful this time than last time!

However, great power has the advantage of great power, at least it can attract the attention of the barbarians for a longer period of time.

This gave him more time to steal these carts full of belongings.


A total of four explosions broke out in the barbarian camp in one night, and the Shenwei camp even harassed every half an hour outside the camp. All the barbarians almost didn't sleep all night.

Later, Terry even ordered the camp to be dismantled ahead of schedule and to be on the road before the sun rose.

Therefore, Yang Yuan could only hide in the portable space, calculating the time before coming out.

Gong Yi, Zhao Long and the others didn't hold on to the barbarians either, they just set off extremely gorgeous fireworks to see them off.

"What a beautiful firework, it's a pity they don't know how to appreciate it!"

Gong Yi looked at the barbarian army that was gradually going away, looked up at the fireworks, and felt that the fireworks were more colorful than any he had ever seen before.

After the sun rose, Yang Yuan appeared out of thin air at the place where the barbarians camped. There were no barbarians here, only the soldiers of the Divine Guard camp were waiting for their lord.

"My lord!"

Immediately after Yang Yuan came out, soldiers from the Divine Guard Battalion stepped forward to greet him, and then someone quickly went to notify Gong Yi and the others.

After all the commanders and captains under him got together, Yang Yuan gave the final instruction, the teacher should go home!

At the same time, Yang Yuan also made a decision in his heart to carry out reforms on the Shenwei Battalion, the Militia Corps, and the Qianlongwei Army.

He wanted to use a simpler system to reorganize the army. The military system in Zhongzhou was very chaotic. There were differences among the three major countries, and there were many small countries and other nationalities mixed in. This caused him a lot of headaches.

"It's still more familiar with the establishment of the previous life, why don't you give it a try?"

On the way back to Cangshui County, Yang Yuan thought about the reform methods of the Shenwei Camp and the development direction of Qianlongzhai.

Obviously, the strategy of encircling the cities from the countryside that he taught Guohuishu before was very successful, and he only needs to wait for him to promote advanced agricultural production technology after he goes back and win the hearts of the people in Cangshui County. For two years, the vast area of ​​Cangyang County will be Yang Yuan's supporters.

"You can also prepare for expansion in advance. The black wing must be launched as soon as possible, and the surrounding countries must not let it go."

Of course, the sooner intelligence work starts, the better.

The marching speed of the Divine Guard Battalion was not fast. They chose to march in the mountains, while the militiamen who were training while traveling took the official road outside the mountains.

They escorted 5,000 barbarian heads and swaggered through the market to publicize the power of the militia.

No matter how the outside world guesses, the real heads of five thousand barbarians cannot be faked.

And after hearing that the militia hadn't reported their military exploits, the county magistrates in various counties became active.

During the period when the barbarians ravaged Cangyang County, they were able to hold the county seat better than many of their colleagues.

But who doesn't want to perform better?

So Zhao Long, who was in charge of militia affairs outside the mountain, became a favorite in the eyes of some people.

"Head Zhao. If my lord wants to treat you to dinner, you must reward me!"

"Head Zhao, my lord heard the threat of the Cangshui County Militia

^0^ Remember in a second【】

After becoming famous, I have great admiration for Head Zhao, and it happens that there is a precious sword at home, and I hope to taste it with Head Zhao! "

"Captain Zhao..."

"Captain Zhao..."

Zhao Long's current identity is the deputy head of the Cangshui County Militia. After knowing that the Cangshui County Famous Group was formed by a hidden family of generals in Cangshui County, and the head of the group was a sixteen-year-old boy, everyone has already It was determined that Zhao Long was the commander of the militia.

Yang Yuan is a young master who wants to mix his qualifications.

So Zhao Long was not only invited to many banquets, but also got a precious sword, a precious sword comparable to Meteor Iron Hundred Refined Sword!

He even almost became the son-in-law of a county magistrate, and Lian Qiaoer of an adult.

So, no matter when or where, there will never be a shortage of people who will do whatever it takes to pursue power.

That is to say, Zhao Long's determination is strong, so he resisted all kinds of temptations.

"It's impossible to confuse me with these!"

Of course, he did not forget the master's entrustment. Facing the sugar-coated shells, he had to eat the sugar-coated shells and shoot them back.

Although Zhao Long didn't know what sugar-coated cannonballs were, he understood what the lord meant.

The advantage should be taken, but there is no promise.

Later, Yang Yuan asked the scouts of the Divine Guard Battalion to send him a souvenir, which stated that Zhao Long could properly sell some barbarian heads.

Because Yang Yuan thought that according to the rules of the Shun Kingdom, these five thousand barbarian heads were enough to make him a general,

He knew that this was impossible, so some of the five thousand heads would definitely be wasted, so if these heads could be exchanged for some materials needed for development, it would definitely be a very profitable business.

So Zhao Long had to play the role of a businessman again.

"Master Li, our team leader intends to sell some barbarian heads. I wonder if your lords are interested?"

"I'm interested, I'm so interested, you must keep it for me, I'll let my adults come here in person!"

"Master Zhang, I wonder if you are interested in the heads of the barbarians?"


"Master Wang..."

"Master Liu..."

Of course the adults didn't want to miss such a good thing, and soon there were more than a dozen carts in the militia team.

The barbarian leader is worth money!

Because it can save lives at critical times!

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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