Portable Space Can be Summoned

Chapter 301 Changes in Cangyang County

Remember in a second【】

King Qin didn't want to see the rivers and lakes in Cangwu County calm down, and the chaotic Cangwu County was in line with his plan.

"Can you make them mess up again?"

Li Guo asked the counselor beside him.

It was they who discussed the strategy of sitting on the sidelines at the beginning, so that the Qin Palace would not participate in the struggles in the Jianghu, and just sit back and watch those Jianghu forces fight life and death, in order to reap the benefits of the fisherman.

This strategy is very much in line with King Qin's wishes. He waited with great anticipation for the turmoil in the rivers and lakes, and when the people in Cangwu County were filled with resentment, it was time for him to come forward to clean up the mess.

Unexpectedly, several people who claimed to be the leaders of the righteous way stood up and spoke righteous words, Shan Xionghai actually agreed to their proposal and came forward to stop the dispute.

Those who conspired to seize power had already won enough benefits in this dispute. Seeing that Shan Xionghai came forward and several other heads of big factions participated, these people had to stop.

No matter what, the situation in Cangwu County has temporarily stabilized. Even if King Qin wants to do something, he still needs some time to plan.

Every extra day will make the four forces of the Tianxiahui stronger. In the future, even if King Qin wants to do something wrong, Duan Lang and the others are not afraid of any challenge.

After talking about Cangwu County, let's take a look at Cangde County after Yang Yuan left. Unlike Cangwu County, the turmoil in Cangde County stopped at the interference of the government.

The government in Cangwu County and the Jianghu are more antagonistic than cooperative, while the relationship between the brewing family in Cangde County and the government is more cooperative than confrontational.

In many cases, the biggest role of the governor of Cangde County is to escort the wine making industry in Cangde County. The officials of Qi State are less and less tolerant of the wine making industry in Cangde County. Confucian ministers in the court have expressed their opinions several times. , indicating that the winemaking industry in Cangde County consumed a large amount of grain, which was of no benefit to the people. It caused the price of grain in Cangde County to be inflated, and caused neighboring counties to transport grain to Cangde County for sale, increasing the living cost of the people.

Basically in line with the facts, but somewhat one-sided.

They only talked about the bad effects of the winemaking industry in Cangde County, but not the good effects.

Cangde County consumed a lot of food, but it also earned a lot of other goods, many of which were grassland specialties and specialties from other countries.

If there is no good wine from Cangde County, Qi State may need more food and silver to buy it back.

Moreover, the brewing industry in Cangde County supports at least 30% of the people in Cangde County.

Doesn't that say enough about the importance of a winemaking family?

But the ministers in the DPRK couldn't see this, maybe they saw it but didn't want to admit it.

Therefore, the position of Sheriff in Cangde County is very important. In the past ten years, the winemaking families in Cangde County have held this position, and the Sheriff has been escorting them.

So when the county guard stopped them from continuing to fight, Zhao Shanhe and Zhang's family quickly stopped fighting.

However, the battle on the surface is over, but the undercurrent in Cangde County is even more turbulent than Cangwu County. Zhao Shanhe is not a loser, and his struggle with the Zhang family is far from over.

Yang Yuan has already arranged many supporters in Cangde County. Once the struggle between winemaking families breaks out again in Cangde County, his people will be able to appear as quickly as possible, and it will be another harvest season.

After talking about Cangwu and Cangde counties, our protagonist will also return to his real territory, Cangyang County.

When Yang Yuan left, the snow in Cangyang County hadn't melted yet, and when he came back, the wheat seedlings in the field had grown to knee height.

Seeing the green wheat seedlings grow very strong, Yang Yuan immediately felt relieved.

"Okay! The wheat is growing well, the governor and Mr. Yuxi have worked hard!"

As a county lieutenant, Yang Yuan did not supervise Nongsang in his duties, but who told him that he had already regarded Cangyang County as his own territory, and of course he was very concerned about agriculture.

The county guard's mansion also cooperated very much and helped the county lieutenant's mansion to promote good seeds and good fertilizers, which made the farmland around Cangyang City grow such good crops.

After returning to the Commandant's Mansion, Yang Yuan gave Mr. Yuxi a short vacation, "Mr. Yuxi, you have worked hard during this time, go back and have a good rest for a few days, and come back to the mansion after resting."

Mr. Yuxi didn't refuse either, he threw Yang Yuan a stack of official documents that needed his signature, and then ran back home.

It is said that he went out of the city overnight to another courtyard outside the city, presumably because he was afraid that Yang Yuan would call him back temporarily.

After Yang Yuan came back, he immediately became a diligent county lieutenant, signing official documents and reading documents every day.

Through the official documents reported by his subordinates and the information handed over by Black Wing, Yang Yuan had a relatively complete understanding of the situation in Cangyang County.

However, no matter how many words he read, Yang Yuan's understanding of Cangyang County was only on paper. If he wanted to understand it more thoroughly, he would not be able to stay in the county captain's mansion, or even stay in Cangyang City.

So the county lieutenant, who has just been back for a few days, is leaving the county again this time.

"YangMeng, come out with me."

Yang Yuan only called a guard for this trip. Most of the bandits in Cangyang City have been wiped out by the guards. The scout battalion has already withdrawn from the ranks of encircling and suppressing bandits. Only Huo Qing often takes the cavalry battalion to clean up. In all counties, ordinary people can now walk safely on the road in Cangyang County.

This has greatly increased the commercial exchanges among counties in Cangyang County, and the restoration of the former prosperity is just around the corner.

Moreover, Yang Yuan also revised the business tax, which reduced the burden on small and medium-sized businesses and greatly increased the number of businesses.

The original business tax in Shun Country was very high, and the tax rate for many goods reached ten to one, because Shun Country did not support the common people to do business, and 80% of the companies had aristocratic or famous families behind them.

^0^ Remember in a second【】

government support.

It's not that these people can pay as much as they want, and the taxes that those few private firms have to bear are simply scary.

What's more, every county that passes through may be taxed once, so these companies can't continue to expand at all. Except for the local area, they have no support, and just collecting taxes can make them bankrupt.

After Yang Yuan's revision, the tax rate has been greatly reduced, from the highest tax of 10 to the lowest of 30, which has already made those companies ecstatic.

And Yang Yuan also emphasized that no matter where these goods come from, as long as they pass through Cangyang City or are sold in Cangyang City, they are only allowed to collect taxes once, and the tax officials sent by the county government will collect them.

That's right, our venerable magistrate Liu Zhi took the blame for Yang Yuan again.

No way, who made Yang Yuan just a county lieutenant, and collecting taxes is not within his power at all.

But it's not completely irrelevant. Under the "strong" request of the county governor, the county captain's mansion set up a tax protection team.

Whoever dares not to water, or violates the tax law of Cangyang County, the tax guard team will let them know what is called autocratic power.

Yang Yuan didn't target those firms with people behind them, it was enough to treat them equally.

Even so, Cangyang County collected more commercial taxes in the first quarter than in the past year.

From this we can see how much tax these firms evaded.

But Yang Yuan thinks this is a good thing, he has already sent Black Wing to collect evidence secretly, these are all reasons to settle accounts after autumn.

What a lovely business name!

It is simply a treasure trove of moving, you make money quickly!

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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