Portable Space Can be Summoned

Chapter 721 Founding Ceremony

If the people of Qi knew what Yang Yuan was thinking, they would be very glad that they did not take action against the people of Chu.

Damn it, there are bad guys!

If he really took action, he would probably get a beating, and if he was unlucky, he might even be left disabled.

Forbearance a moment, calm, take a step back, a brighter future.

The Chu people did not dare to be overly provocative.

Compared with others' territory, it's not good to be too arrogant.

It's better to be in Qi. It doesn't matter if the people of Chu are a bit arrogant in Qi. As long as the bottom line is not touched, the people of Qi will not do anything to them.

That's not necessarily the case for people from the Qian country. Both of them are guests. Fighting in their own homes is enough to give them no face. Even if there are really casualties, how can you have the nerve to question me?

Of course, if you seek protection from your master, I will definitely give it to you, but are you embarrassed?

Are the two mighty hegemons of Central China seeking the protection of a yet-to-be-established regional power?


I'm so sorry for you!

Yang Yuan's arrival did not cause much disturbance. None of these envoys had ever seen Yang Yuan. Even if they had seen Yang Yuan's portrait through various channels, they could not recognize him at this time.

Yang Yuan has a great reputation as the separatist of Shun Kingdom and the leader of Qian Kingdom, but few people have actually seen him.

However, he was still very active before, and it was normal for intelligence personnel to pay attention to him.

But none of these envoys thought that Yang Yuan would appear at the exchange meeting.

The founding ceremony of the country is just around the corner, but the leader of a country still has time to attend such a banquet?

When no one recognized him, Yang Yuan happily chatted with envoys from many small countries.

He has traveled to many places, especially several countries in the northern part of Zhongzhou. Although he does not know much about them, it is quite easy to pretend to be an envoy from a small country.

Under Yang Yuan's confident performance, no one doubted his identity.

Although he had no impression of the Yang country he was talking about, he did not doubt that Yang Yuan was making it up.

How could it be fake if they could be certified as genuine envoys by the Qian Country and allowed to participate in the exchange meeting?

They don't believe in Yang Yuan, but in Qian Guo.

How could they have imagined that this was Yang Yuan's home court? It was useless not to believe it.

Envoys from various countries are willing to chat with newly arrived envoys from other countries.

It would be best for these newcomers to seek information.

I think they were the same at the beginning, too ignorant!

Yang Yuan became famous at the exchange meeting by using his identity as a new envoy.

Even the Chu and Qi envoys paid attention to Yang Yuan, the Yang envoy.

"Hey, do you know where this Yang country is?"

One of the Qi envoys was asking his colleagues.

Colleagues also looked confused, "Never heard of Yang Country? It must be a small, remote country somewhere!"

The faces of the two people were full of doubts. As Qi officials who had been on mission to other countries many times, they had a deep understanding of the countries in Zhongzhou. There couldn't be a country they hadn't heard of!


It is newly established.

Maybe it didn't have this name before, or maybe it split from a certain country during the chaos.

No matter which one it is, the people of Qi are willing to see it.

The more small countries there are in Zhongzhou, the happier they are.

Presumably the people of Chu had similar thoughts.

The person who was communicating with Yang Yuan at this time was a person from the Chu State mission.

Xiong Nan has an order to find out everything about the exchange meeting as soon as possible. It will definitely not work without communicating with others.

As a result, this fool from Chu State met Yang Yuan, who was also participating in the exchange meeting for the first time.

Although Yang Yuan did have a deep understanding of the exchange meeting, how could he possibly tell the people of Chu?

"I don't know where your country is. If I have the opportunity, my country, Chu, is willing to establish friendship with your country."

Where can Yang Yuan find Yang Guo for him? He can only fool him first by making a haha.

"The State of Yang is located in a remote place and the country is small and the people are weak. It is a dream to have good relations with the State of Chu. It's just that my official position is low. When I return to the country, I will report it to the king and send an envoy to visit the State of Chu in person."

The Chu people were very satisfied with Yang Yuan's answer and had no doubt that Yang Yuan was just perfunctory.

As far as the envoys from Qi and Chu were concerned, no one dared to lie to them easily, because doing so would mean war.

A war between a strong country and a weak country only requires a crude excuse, and face is perfect for it.

If you don't give me face, I'll beat you!

Nothing wrong!

After there are too many real "face" wars, no one wants to give powerful countries an excuse to launch wars.

This also fosters the arrogance of the envoys of the hegemonic country.

They come to believe that no one would dare to lie to them.

Especially envoys from other weak countries.

Yang Yuan's activity range was in the north of Zhongzhou. Although the envoys from Chu State did not learn the location of Yang State from him, they judged from their conversations that Yang State should be located in the north.

This location is very good!

The southern part of Zhongzhou has become the possession of the Chu State, and it is more in the interests of the Chu State to have more younger brothers in the north.

I don’t know if the Chu people’s enthusiasm moved Yang Yuan, but the Qi people noticed it.

The purpose of the Qi people at the exchange meeting is very simple. They will destroy what the Chu people want to do, and they will promote what the Chu people don't want to do.


I just can’t make you feel comfortable, are you angry?

Anyway, I don’t have the energy to be an alliance leader now. The purpose of joining forces with other small countries is just to prevent them from turning to Chu.

Yang Yuan looked at the envoys from Qi and Chu who were secretly confronting each other in front of him. He showed no emotion on the surface, but he was smiling in his heart.


So interesting!

He had the idea to instigate people from the two missions to fight, and the security guards from the exchange meeting promised to come when they were about to fight.


The envoys of the two missions still retained their sense and did not fight on the spot.

It was no honor to fight in front of so many envoys.

We are all decent people, how can we fight in public?

Yang Yuan watched with regret as the tense atmosphere between the two missions gradually eased, and he really wanted to go up and help them.

It's a pity that he is just an envoy from a small country now, and his words are not as important as a waiter at an exchange meeting.

When the waiter at the exchange meeting said something, the envoys from each mission would also wonder if it was a hint from Qian Guo.

The envoy of Yang State said a word, which is not important.

It doesn't matter whether you listen or not.

Yang Yuan could not reveal his identity, which meant that it was even less likely that the envoys from Qi and Chu would fight in the future.

Fighting in front of the Lord of the Qian Country is not a matter of losing face. If not, you may lose your life.

Of course, they didn't know that Yang Yuan wanted them to fight.

They will definitely not be held accountable for their rudeness.

Yang Yuan gave a lot of suggestions to the officials of the Ministry of Rites, but at the exchange meeting, he did not do as well as the officials of the Ministry of Rites.

Apparently he wasn't cut out to be a diplomat yet.

This means he still needs more learning.

Because a good monarch should be a good diplomat.

At least he must be a qualified diplomat.

Of course, Yang Yuan is different from other outstanding monarchs. He is fully capable of being a perfect diplomat.

The most successful diplomat is of course the one who subdues all his opponents.

The exchange meeting is over, and the founding ceremony of Qian Country is about to be held.

Yang Yuan didn't have time to attend any interesting exchange meetings.


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