Portable Space Can be Summoned

Chapter 724: Big Wedding, Eastern Expedition

In Cangyang City, the wedding of King Qian plunged the city into a sea of ​​joy.

Although they are not qualified to enter the palace to participate in King Qian's wedding, Yang Yuan's gift can fall on them.

Farmers outside the city were gifted with tax reductions, and citizens within the city were also rewarded in kind.

Especially the people in Cangyang City, each person can receive ten kilograms of rice noodles and two kilograms of oil.

The people of Cangyang County have made great contributions to Yang Yuan in recent years. Although their lives are better, they are all earned by the hard work of the people.

Now is Yang Yuan's reward and reward for them.

Yang Yuan didn't make any trouble at the wedding.

He was afraid that Zhang Yu would think too much. The protagonists of this wedding were two people, but in his heart Zhang Yu was the most important.

What he wanted to hold was the grandest and most desired wedding in her heart, and nothing else mattered.

So is Zhang Yu satisfied with this wedding?


I couldn't be more satisfied!

Nothing in the world could satisfy Zhang Yu more than this wedding.

In fact, as long as the groom is Yang Yuan, any wedding is the best wedding in the world in her heart.

As night fell, Yang Yuan drank for a while with his ministers, generals and brothers, and then returned to the harem.

The palace has been completely renovated at this time, and the palaces in the front and the palaces in the harem have been built.

There is no problem at all in housing hundreds or even thousands of people.

Yang Yuan now only has one queen, and the harem is very empty.

Originally, he thought it was enough to have Zhang Yu as his childhood sweetheart.

But when he became King Qian, he realized that his thoughts were still too simple.

Even if he doesn't want to provoke other women, Zhang Yu cannot be the only one in his harem.

In Yang Yuan's previous life, there were several emperors who had only one queen or very few concubines.

But there is always a prerequisite, which is the birth of an heir.

A qualified king must consider the issue of successors.

What's more, Yang Yuan's goal is far from passing.

But that's all for the future. Yang Yuan and Zhang Yu have just gotten married, so it's not time for him to worry.

On the contrary, the Eastern Expedition cannot be delayed.

So I started working seriously the day after the wedding.

Of course, he has nothing to do now.

The battlefields are thousands of miles away. Not to mention that he is not a soldier or a martial saint. Even if he is, he will not be able to command battles thousands of miles away.

Zhao Long and Ma Teng are not mediocre people, why should he intervene?

The important ministers in the DPRK are also responsible for the logistics and supply matters, so there will be no problems.

Now Yang Yuan is more like a mascot, sitting in the court,

How can that work?

I came to Zhongzhou just to change it. How can I be a mascot!

But it was not so easy for him to leave Cangyang City at this time.

It's not easy for him, the Qianwang, to leave the capital at will unless there's something major going on.

"That's bad! You made a mistake. You shouldn't have become king so early."

Being king can appease the hearts of all the ministers and generals under his command, and can also allow the people under his command to live with peace of mind.

However, it puts a lot more constraints on Yang Yuan. He can also act arbitrarily like some monarchs and do whatever he wants, but that is not his pursuit.

If you want to wear a crown, you must first bear its weight.

Yang Yuan considers himself not a person who is greedy for pleasure, although he will not refuse.

So he won't act recklessly.

In order to find something to do for himself, Yang Yuan decided to open a second battlefield.

"We can't wait any longer, we must act as soon as possible."

The Eastern Expedition has not yet begun, but the king has begun planning the Southern Expedition again!

"This is a bit urgent!"

Upon hearing Yang Yuan's secret order, the Minister of War and the generals of the Fifth Army Governor's Mansion felt that he was somewhat summoned.

Of course, the generals supported the southern expedition, but they were afraid that the king would be too hasty and frighten the civil servants, which would lead to disadvantages in the expedition.

Gu\u0026lt;/span\u0026gt; "Your Majesty, there are so many things about the Eastern Expedition that have not been sorted out yet. Can the Southern Expedition be postponed a little until the war in the Eastern Expedition is almost over before we start the Southern Expedition?"

The ministers knew that since Yang Yuan had proposed the idea of ​​​​a southern expedition, it was impossible for them to stop him.

All they could do was to suggest that Yang Yuan postpone the Southern Expedition to give them more time to prepare.

All counties and counties within the territory of Qian Kingdom are gradually undergoing reforms. This year, they have begun to see an increase in food and business prosperity.

But the background is still somewhat lacking. After all, they were still fighting Shunguo in the first half of the year.

Although the Shun army retreated, they also consumed a lot of food and supplies, and some counties' food and supplies were taken away or destroyed by them.

The ability to recover so quickly was thanks to the support from other counties.

Yang Yuan also secretly took out a lot of food from his personal space to support the recovery and development of counties in Qian Kingdom.

So he, the king, is still very important.

Even the mascot is a robotic cat, able to take out artifacts and props from the white pocket in front of its belly at any time.

Although Yang Yuan didn't pull out as many artifacts as Doraemon, what he pulled out were all important.

Food, weapons and most importantly - people.

What kind of bike do you need when you have all this!

Yang Yuan understood the thoughts of his ministers and generals, but he also had his own considerations.

What's the point of me waiting until you're all ready?

I just have to launch the southern expedition before you are ready.

In this way, Yang Yuan had the opportunity to leave Cangyang City and go to the front line in person.

Of course, he could also directly order to go to the front line as the king, but he didn't want to do that.

He is now trying to find a way to put a rope on himself, how could he break his own rules so easily?

But he is still young and these ropes can be looser.

Yang Yuan mainly considers his old age and the next generation.

Don't let "them" act too wantonly!

Several ministers found that they had not given up the king's idea, and the southern expedition was a foregone conclusion.

Sure enough!

Several people looked at each other secretly. There is nothing the king wants to do that has not yet been accomplished.

It seems it will be the same this time.

However, they still try hard and it would be good to have one more day to prepare.

Yang Yuan did not press too hard. No matter how they delayed, he would definitely launch the southern expedition within half a month.

In any case, they could not prepare for the southern expedition within half a month.

In the end, it was up to him, the great king, to conquer in person to win.

I'm a fucking genius!

Yang Yuan gave him a big thumbs up for finding a way to lead the expedition in person.

No one can stop him.

Minister Qianguo, who just had some free time, started to be busy again.

Even busier than before.

Double the blessing!

Many ministers lamented that the king was worthy of being the son of destiny. If he advances so bravely, he will definitely be able to unify Zhongzhou.

But only they themselves know what they think in their hearts.

Looking at their increasingly thin bodies and tired faces, it is conceivable that they cannot be without resentment.

You can have resentment, but you can't let down your preparations for war.

The government's big moves still affected the people, and prices of food and labor increased slightly.

However, even wise people can only think that the king is using troops, but they do not expect that the king not only needs to use troops, but also uses troops against two big countries.

It's difficult first and easy later. After all, only a few countries can determine the general trend of Zhongzhou.

In Cangyang City, Qi Shi had a feeling that a storm was coming.

The Qian people want to use force!

East or South?

Yang Yuan said: I want them all!

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